Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1936: .Tonight, you are beautiful

Her body was already much shorter than Fu Tingye’s height. When pinched by him, she was forced to stand on tiptoe.

Hold the body barely.

Fu Tingye sneered and looked at her: "However, there is one thing you said wrong."


"I've seen a lot of big stars, now I want to try your yellow-haired girl."

Tang Moran's cheeks flushed immediately after "rubbing".

His head kept shaking, trying to escape from Fu Tingye's hands.

Fu Tingye's strength tightened by three points.

Tang Moran almost fell on him.

"Ah." yelled.

"Uncle Fu!"

"So, don't think about running away from me, you can't get away... Also, starting today, you are not allowed to call

My uncle. Did you hear it? "

Xiao Ming was pinched in his hands by this man, Tang Moran had no head that didn’t nod, and his little head nodded desperately, "I heard

Yes, I heard, Uncle Fu..."

"What do you call me?"

Tang Moran's face was again, "Fu...Fu Ting...Mr. Fu."

She didn't dare to call Fu Tingye's name directly, she thought about it and chose a proper name.

Fu Tingye smiled and let go of Tang Moran: "If you want to be called Fu Tingye, it's not impossible."

Tang Moran rubbed his painful chin, immediately jumped far away, and lowered his head: "I still call you... call you... Fu Xian

Give birth. "

She didn't dare to give her a hundred courage.

Tang Moran followed Fu Tingye back home.

Thoughtful along the way.

Although she is younger than Fu Tingye, she is not a fool.

Fu Tingye forbids her to call her uncle. In his eyes, perhaps she really regards herself as his backup woman.


The more Tang Moran thought about it, the more afraid he became. He didn't even want to eat breakfast the next day.

Immediately after Fu Tingye went out.

I went downstairs leisurely.

The weather outside is fine, but Tang Moran's mood is not at all relaxed, watching his coming-of-age gift become more and more dependent

Nearly, the dark cloud covering her heart is even bigger.

Sitting on the edge of the pool in the garden, Tang Moran sighed softly, watching the fish swimming around.

The housekeeper was holding a box of fish feed, standing behind Tang Moran, and seeing the girl sigh, he smiled and enlightened: "Tang Xiao

Is there something unhappy about Sister? "

Tang Moran shook his shoulder. Everyone in this room was Fu Tingye’s minion. She didn’t dare to talk nonsense, so she laughed quickly.

Laughing, "It's nothing unhappy. I just think these fish are a bit pitiful."

The housekeeper looked at the koi swimming in the clear water, grabbed a handful of fish feed and spilled it in.

The beautiful koi immediately rushed over to compete for food, and a splash of water was stirred up.

"What's so pitiful about this koi? Some eat and some play."

Tang Moran's eyes were heavy, and his chest was frustrated, "But they didn't belong here originally, they should go to Dajiang

In the big river. \"

What's the point of being trapped here, even if there is something delicious?

For people to watch, how sad,

Tang Moran sat down by the pool in a gloomy mood. The next second, he only heard "Boom——".

A splash of water exploded in front of him, and Tang Moran couldn't dodge, and was splashed with water.

Looking back angrily, she saw Fu Jingting standing not far away, with a fist-sized stone still in her hand.

Obviously, the splash just now is his masterpiece.

Tang Moran's chest hurts, and he is about to go forward to theory, and remembering Fu Tingye's warning before, he turns to go back to the room.

Fu Jingting chased him quickly.

"Second Young Master..." The butler tried to stop, but Fu Jingting glared back again, shrank his head and stepped aside.

Fu Jingting followed Tang Moran in a low voice, "I heard everything you just said. You don't want to be affected by my brother.

Is it locked here? You see, the last time was such a good opportunity, you didn't go..."

Tang Moran was upset, and worried that Fu Tingye would blame himself when he knew it. He moved faster and faster until he reached the end.

After that, he ran all the way back to the room and closed the door with a "bang".


When Fu Tingye came back, she saw Fu Tingye sitting on the sofa, teasing a cat leisurely.

"Don't take this kind of beast to me casually."

Fu Tingye frowned and looked around subconsciously.

Fu Jingting let go of his hand, and Black Mao quickly ran out of the door. Fu Jingting smiled softly: "Brother, don't look for it, then

The little thing saw me coming, but it didn't come down for a day. "

Fu Tingye's expression was obviously a little cheerful.

Fu Jingting got up and seemed to be leaving.

"Brother, if you push people too much, it may be counterproductive."

"Mind your own business."

Fu Jingting smiled again and left.

Fu Tingye asked the housekeeper on the side, "What is he telling the truth?"

The butler nodded: "Yes, Miss Tang really never came out of the room. Lunch was delivered."

Fu Tingye finally smiled, "Count her obedient."

The steward said again: "It's just that Miss Tang said some strange things today."

"tell me the story."

The butler told Fu Tingye about the koi pond.

The smile at the corner of Fu Tingye's mouth suddenly became cold by three points.


Tang Moran was painting in the room until the butler knocked on the door and invited her down for dinner.

She went downstairs and Fu Tingye was already sitting at the dining table.

Tang Moran wanted to sit opposite him, but he hesitated, but slowly sat beside Fu Tingye.

Fu Tingye narrowed the corner of her eyes slightly, and put a piece of chicken wings on the plate in front of Tang Moran.

"Thank you Uncle Fu...Mr. Fu."

Tang Moran put his chopsticks to his mouth, biting in small mouths.

Fu Ting ate slowly at night.

The voice was cool, "Great rivers and rivers are good, but things like koi are artificially cultivated, and there is no wild.

The ability to survive is to let them die. "

Tang Moran didn't expect Fu Tingye to say such a thing, his face paled in fright, and he coughed desperately.

What did he know? !

Fu Tingye stretched out his hand and patted Tang Moran on the back, and continued, "There are some gadgets that cannot be released.

Being kept honestly and respectfully, do you understand? "

Tang Moran's face was terribly ugly, and he tightened his water glass without saying a word.

"Let's eat."

Fu Tingye put another piece of fish for Tang Moran.

Tang Moran lost his appetite for a moment and ate a few chopsticks in a hurry. Just an excuse to be full.

"Don't rush back to the house, I have something to tell you."

"Mr. Fu, you say."

Tang Moran stood still obediently.

"The day after tomorrow, there is a charity dinner. I need a female companion. You accompany me."

He was neither asking nor discussing. Tang Moran knew that he was not qualified to refuse, so he lightly nodded.

Head, obediently said: "I listen to your arrangements."

Fu Tingye frowned, "I am no more than 20 or 30 years old than you. When I talk to me in the future, I don't need to mention you."

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

That afternoon, Fu Ting came back early in the evening and picked Tang Moran out for styling.

Fu Tingye handed Tang Moran to the stylist, "Just get her something natural."

The stylist’s mouth was very sweet, and he immediately responded: "Mr. Fu, don’t worry, this lady is young and beautiful, with a natural beauty.

Everything looks good. "

Fu Tingye went out and waited. Tang Moran was pressed on the chair and fiddled with him like a well-behaved doll.

This stylist knew Fu Tingye at first glance, and he was chatting with Tang Moran while working.

"Little girl, are you an adult this year?"

"Um... coming soon."

The stylist said "Ah", "That means he is still underage. Mr. Fu's taste is getting more and more fresh. But

The vision is as high as ever. "

Tang Moran sensitively caught another meaning in his words, and turned his head: "Were there any other women around him?"

"Hey, don't move." The stylist held down Tang Moran's head before repliing: "Yes, he has a relationship

I’ve been a girlfriend for many years, and I have helped with styling a few times before. "

Tang Moran's heart beat wildly, his eyes lit up, "Then, where is that girlfriend now?"

"Who knows, it seems to have disappeared three years ago." The stylist's voice intermittently: "Maybe... broke up

Right? I think that these two people will be divided sooner or later. "

"How to say?"

"That girl is too strong and ambitious, always thinking about where to go to do a career. But for Mr. Fu,

I like a more stable relationship...Look at you, so behaved, I must like Mr. Fu. "

Tang Moran's heart solidified slightly.

In the past two years with Fu Tingye, the most words Fu Tingye said to her were "obedient" and "good".

Maybe, in his heart, he considered himself his ex-girlfriend, right?

Tang Moran's heart was heavy, and he couldn't breathe instantly.

Soon, the styling was finished, and Tang Moran changed to a green improved cheongsam, and he pushed it out of the door.

Fu Tingye was on the phone with someone outside the door, and when his eyes collided, he was obviously startled, and his whole body froze.

Then he quickly said a few words, hung up the phone, and walked directly in front of Tang Moran.

His eyes were too hot.

Tang Moran's hot face seemed to burn with him.

The girl with a clear and lovely cheongsam set off is Bing Qing Yujie, and the design with slits to the thighs adds a bit to her as a woman


Fu Tingye's Adam's apple couldn't help but rolled gently twice.

Tang Moran lowered his head in embarrassment, not daring to look at him.

"Don't hide."

Fu Tingye lifted her chin, and her voice was deep, "You are very beautiful tonight."

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