Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1983: Something is wrong

Tang Moran was uneasy, really irritable, and played drums in his heart all afternoon.

Just staying up to get off work, Fu Tingye texted her and said

Wait for her downstairs.

Tang Moran packed up her things and got off work. As soon as she walked out of the company door, she saw Fu Tingye’s car, and she paused.

Go down, and then walked quickly to get into the car.

Fu Tingye remembered the red eyes when she left at noon, and smiled: "Are you in a better mood?"

Tang Moran bit his lip gently in silence, and said nothing.

Fu Tingye didn't force her to speak, but stretched out his hand and gently trimmed Tang Moran's hair.

"I know you may be in a mess. I will give you time to sort out your mood. When we get home, we will have a good talk."

After speaking, Fu Tingye retracted his hand and drove the car intently.

As soon as the car arrived at the door of the villa, Tang Moran quickly pushed open the door, moving so fast that Fu Tingye did not expect.

But he got out of the car quickly, and then ran after him: "Mo'er."

He called her, but she didn't seem to have heard it before, and she still walked forward quickly.

Until Fu Tingye quickly caught up to her footsteps, grabbed her wrist, frowned and asked in a deep voice, "Go so fast..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Tang Moran with red eyes and head down, tears falling from the big ones.

The anger he had originally carried disappeared like that. Seeing Tang Moran's red eyes, he sighed helplessly.

Voice: "What are you crying for?"

Tang Moran wiped his eyes stubbornly, and then said coldly, "It's nothing, it's just sand in the eyes.

That's it. "

Fu Tingye stretched out his hand, pulled her wrist in, and said clearly; "Did you get into the sand or cry? Do you think I

Can't tell? "

Tang Moran bit her lip but didn't say a word or speak.

Seeing Tang Moran who did not speak no matter what he asked, Fu Tingye could only sigh slightly, and then pulled her in.

In the study, let her sit on the sofa, and the two people sat face to face before he continued to explain: "Annie

It's my ex-girlfriend, we talked for a while in college. "

At that moment, Tang Moran's heart seemed to be torn apart fiercely. She thought about the worst plan, but

But I have never thought that between the two people, it turned out to be the relationship between boy and girl friends.

It turns out that the legendary girlfriend is Annie.

The perfect Annie made her unable to pick out any bad things.

Tang Moran's tears instantly fell even more fierce.

Fu Tingye originally thought that after she finished speaking, Tang Moran should not cry anymore, but she never expected that she would cry

I cried even harder.

This made him panic for a moment. He pulled a few tissues to wipe the tears for her, wiping and comforting: "Okay.

Stop crying, my heart hurts when you cry. "

When he saw Tang Moran crying, he felt a little irritable and distressed inexplicably. He would rather Tang Moran scold him than he wanted.

Hope to see Tang Moran's tears.

However, Tang Moran sobbed while crying, "So she is back now, is she wanting to get back with you, right? You

If you like her, I won't stop you. Anyway, I know that she is better than me in everything, so we can get together and get together. "

With a strong nasal voice in her voice, she gasped while crying, and she was very distressed.

Fu Tingye had no choice but to hug the person in his arms and coaxed lightly: "What nonsense, there is no such thing as a compound.

Between us, it's just a normal partnership, nothing else, be obedient, don't think too much. "

But Tang Moran didn't believe it, and still questioned suspiciously: "But if she doesn't want to get back with you, why would she

Choose our company to cooperate? And why did she come to find you to cooperate? "

Fu Tingye patiently continued to explain in a warm voice: "Because Andel Group is internationally renowned, our Fu Group

Being anxious to open up overseas markets, it would be better to use Andel Group as a springboard. "

Tang Moran saw Fu Tingye explain to her solemnly, without the slightest deception or dodge between his eyebrows, his heart

The qi inside also disappeared little by little.

Could it be... really that I made a fuss too much?

Maybe people are really just here to talk about work, but it's me, acting like there is something between others.

Seeing that Tang Moran stopped talking, Fu Tingye could only promise her: "Otherwise, you will follow me at any time.

By the way, whenever the two of us talk about cooperation, you will be there to supervise the whole process. Is this okay? "

He asked, helpless and spoiled.

Tang Molan pouted and reluctantly responded: "I don't understand, what am I doing here?"

Fu Tingye stretched out her hand and flicked her head, and chuckled lightly: "Of course it is to supervise whether your boyfriend will be affected by other women.

Abduct it! "

"It's not unusual for me to be abducted." She said, still angry, but her tone of voice has improved significantly.

I heard it was angry.

Fu Tingye hugged her on her lap and sat down, kissed her forehead lightly and said, "You are not rare, but I am rare.

I am afraid that you will be abducted, so you will stay with me every day when you go to work, do you know? "

Tang Moran pressed her lips and said nothing, but the corners of her lips were obviously raised.

After that, the relationship between the two people eased and the cold war ended.

Since I came back early today, Fu Tingye personally made pasta for Tang Moran.

Tang Moran sat at the dining table and looked at the busy figure of Fu Tingye wearing an apron in the kitchen not far away.

Constantly shook his head.

I sighed why a man can wear an apron so beautifully? Obviously it’s a very ordinary apron.

People are just ordinary, but it happens to be **** good-looking when they are set on him.

She held her chin and looked at Fu Tingye with full eyes, until the other party brought pasta to her, she suddenly

Then he came back to his senses, and then he was taken aback for a moment and asked, "Is it done so soon?"

Fu Tingye curled her lips, did not speak, but put the fried steak and pasta in front of her, and poured a cup for her

The red wine was pushed in front of her: "Taste how it tastes."

When Tang Moran saw the steak, he instantly thought of the lunch at noon that was not pleasant.

At that moment, in front of Annie, she was like a little girl from the country who had never seen the market.


Tang Moran frowned.

Fu Tingye noticed: "Why, is it not to your appetite?"

Tang Moran originally wanted to refuse, but this time it was Fu Tingye’s dinner after all. She was not always disappointed, so she returned

He really picked up the glass and took a sip.

The taste was sour and not delicious, especially the noon incidents pressed into Tang Moran's heart, making her even more bored.

Seeing Tang Moran taking a sip of red wine and frowning, Fu Tingye smiled helplessly: "I just let you taste it.

The food does not make you drink. "

Suddenly, Tang Moran's face instantly flushed.

Really is! Say it early!

She muttered in her heart, but she didn't dare to say it, so she cut a piece of cow with a knife and fork and put it into her mouth.

The color, fragrance, and taste are all right. One bite, the beef's delicious flavor, instantly spreads out in the mouth.

She did not expect that a piece of steak would be fried so delicious by Fu Tingye, so she was taking a bite

After that, immediately nodded in praise.

"It's delicious!" She said, her eyes brightened.

Fu Tingye's eyes lit up when he saw the little girl's excitement, the corners of his lips kept curling up with a smile, and finally he nodded and said:

Okay, let's continue eating. "

Tang Moran was not polite. After waiting for so long, her five internal organs temple had already started clamoring for food, so

Unceremoniously began to feast on.

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