Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2007: .love you so much

"Then my homework..." Tang Moran still thought of this.

"Since he has accepted your bribe, he will naturally help you."

"Yeah, Fu Ershu is really good at painting. After he taught me for a long time today, I improved by leaps and bounds. Compared with the last time I painted,

I don’t know how much better, it seems I still have a talent for drawing. "Tang Moran was immersed in Fu Tingye and didn't find himself

Annoying joy.

I didn't see Fu Tingye's face that had just recovered a little, and his face instantly became cold again: "You still let him teach you painting?"

Tang Moran shrank his neck and spoke quickly. There was nothing he could do. He could only confess: "He took my butterfly specimen, and answered

I should be an apprentice now. "

Fu Tingye stood up suddenly and threw her on the sofa: "Didn't you tell me to stay away from him? It's better now.

Not only did you run to him for help, but also let him teach you painting? "

"Uncle Fu...I just want to complete the design work, besides, I don't think Ershu Fu is too bad, and he is not too bad.

Yeah. "Tang Moran stood up immediately, saying this more like an excuse for Fu Jingting.

An angry Fu Tingye couldn't suppress her anger: "You seem to know him well, do you know what he is?

Do you know how extreme and stubborn he is? You are so disobedient and disregarded your comfort, I was really in vain

So many lips and tongues on your body. "

This is a bit harsh for a girl.

Tang Moran stood there slumped, head pressed, shoulders shrugged up and down, and a small choke could be heard vaguely.

"Why are you crying again?" Fu Tingye barely suppressed his anger.

Her tears are his best fire extinguisher.

No matter how angry he was, as long as she shed tears, it was better than a fire extinguisher, and he dared not get angry right away.

"I know it's wrong, can't I stop looking for him in the future? Why are you being so aggressive to me? Second Uncle Fu didn't treat me

What are you doing, I can't just hate him so much, right? "The little girl looked up at herself with tears in her eyes.

Tears kept rolling around in the eye sockets, but didn't fall, which made it even more disturbing to watch.

Fu Tingye is naturally the one who is very worried.

For a while, I really felt that I was wrong.

Yes, although Fu Jingting is gloomy and paranoid, he has never hurt Mo'er, but is now helping Mo.

Son, Mo'er seems to think that Fu Jingting is a good person.

I was furious at her without thinking of this, it was indeed his fault.

Fu Tingye hugged her into her arms, comforted her softly, and patted her on the back with a big palm, "Okay, good

I shouldn’t get angry, but I hope you can think of me as soon as possible if you have any difficulties in the future.

Come to me to help you. "

"I will, I will in the future, I will ask you to help me in the future, but will you help me?" She raised her head and looked at him.

Ba, always ask the question clearly, otherwise it will be cheating next time, and what should he do if he refuses to help?

Fu Tingye lowered her head, knowing what she was thinking too much, and laughed blankly: "Yes, I will definitely, or you will run away again.

What can I do to find someone to help you? "

Tang Moran raised his head and smiled, with curvy eyebrows set against the moon-like eyes, beautiful and moving.

Pure beauty penetrated into his heart.

Fu Tingye was moved by watching her, and she put her arms around her and used two points unconsciously: "Mo'er, I admit that I was wrong."

"Huh?" Tang Moran didn't understand.

"Should you give me a reward?" He leaned in her ear, and the ambiguous words blew into her ears with the warm wind.


Tang Moran was afraid of itching and was ashamed to hear him, so she had to hide in his arms.

Fu Tingye assumed she had agreed, and immediately picked her up and walked upstairs.


Fu Jingting appeared in front of Tang Moran with a look of scrutiny: "If you say yes, come to me for class, why did you miss class?

Such a student is really bad. "

Tang Moran looked around. Fortunately, Fu Tingye went to work early in the morning, otherwise he would see Fu Jingting come to see him.

How much fire does Tao have to make.

"Recently, I ran out of time, so I stopped going to class." Tang Moran was very embarrassed. In order not to offend Fu Tingye, he had to stop.

Go to Fu Jingting's place.

"Is there no time or someone doesn't let you go?" Fu Jingting hit the nail on the head.

"Now that you know, you still ask." Tang Moran's boss was unhappy, the homework is about to be handed in, she hasn't prepared yet.

What can I do now?

Tang Moran rested his chin in a daze.

Fu Jingting knocked on the desktop in front of her: "Don't be slouched, doesn't he let you go to my small building?"

"Almost." His original words were not to let himself and Fu Jingting get too close.

"That's fine, I won't take you to the small building."

"Where to go then?"

"Go to collect the wind and show you the beauty of nature. Go."

These words were very attractive to Tang Moran, but thinking about Fu Tingye, Tang Moran was discouraged: "Forget it, I still won’t go.

Yes, you should go. "

"Tang Moran, Tang Moran, how old are you, so afraid of him? You have to make him nod even when you go out.

Really useless. "Fu Jingting saw that she really didn't plan to go out with her, so she had to use the aggressive method.

Unexpectedly, this trick didn't work for her: "No matter what you say, I won't go."

"If you don’t go, don’t go. I’m not the one who didn’t do the homework. I want to see if you finish because of this.

What kind of expression is my brother's face if he can't stop his career "

Fu Jingting left after speaking.

"Wait a minute." Tang Moran couldn't sit still: "Then, then you take me to gather the wind, can you before Ah Ye comes back

Send me back? "

"How do I know when he will come back, but the collection is to take photos and bring them back as the subject matter.

Long-term. "


Two people climbed to the top of the mountain, Tang Moran leaned on his knees and panted: "This, this mountain climbing is really hard work, I will be tired.

died. "

"You, you just exercise too little." Fu Jingting didn't breathe well by himself, and came to teach Tang Moran: "To

Exercise more. "

"...So are you." Tang Moran panted well and went to get the SLR camera in Fu Jingting's bag.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Fu Jingting changed the direction of the backpack and didn't give it to her: "The beauty is to use your eyes first.

To see, take the soul of the beautiful scenery into your heart, and then use the camera to take a picture of the surface, so that you can feel it when you paint.

The painting that comes out has a soul. "

"What a soul is not a soul, give me the camera, so I can quickly finish the shooting and go home." She is now afraid that Fu Ting will return.

The family can't see themselves, and they will be furious.

"Look first, see in your head." Fu Jingting deliberately refused to give her a camera, she naturally couldn't get it.

Tang Moran was angry: "You give it to me quickly, or I will go back now."

"Then you go back, the car is down the mountain, and the car key is here. If you can drive, I can give the car key

you. "Fu Jingting took the car key out of his pocket and handed it to her.

It’s like thinking of something again: "Oh, I forgot, are you old enough to get a driver’s license? Even then, you

Did you take the driver’s license? "Fu Jingting teased her, jokingly happily.

"I can go down the mountain to take a taxi."

"Come on, here is the suburbs, there are very few cars, and you even take a taxi. You can go down the mountain and find a car, neither of you nor me.

Last name. "

"Huh." Tang Moran turned and walked to the other side.

"Why are you going?" Fu Jingting called to her, fearing that she would really go down the mountain.

"I'm going there to see the scenery of the soul, so I don't want to be with you. The flowers and plants you see have no soul." Tang

Mo Ran was full of anger.

Fu Jingting laughed loudly, his brother was really unique, and Tang Moran was so funny even to scold people.

He hasn't come out for a long time.

Looking at the scenery in front of me, I suddenly felt refreshed. I took out the drawing paper and paintbrush from the bag I carried, and painted

Sit down for a while.

"I'm going to buy water, what would you like to drink?" After a while, Tang Moran came over and asked him.

"Mineral water is good." He was drawing attentively.

Tang Moran leaned over and took a look. He had to say that professionalism is different, and the painting is really good.

She didn't bother anymore, but walked to the supermarket on the top of the mountain.


It was an hour after Fu Jingting finished painting that he suddenly realized what was wrong.

Tang Moran, who said he was going to buy water, has not returned yet.

Not many people enter or leave the supermarket that can be seen at a glance.

Fu Jingting rushed into the supermarket and gesticulated with the salesperson for a long time. The salesperson did not remember that someone like Tang Moran came.

After that, the monitoring was finally called.

After discovering that Tang Moran took two bottles of mineral water and paid for it, he left the supermarket.

There is no surveillance outside the supermarket.

He dialed Tang Moran's cell phone and it was turned off.

This is over. Did she really go down the mountain to find a car and go home?

No, she should have left if she gets angry. Why should she buy water for herself? She can't go by herself.

Fu Jingting ran down the mountain again, and the car stopped steadily, without Tang Moran around him.

The phone in my pocket vibrated, it was a strange number.

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