Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2020: .He is my boyfriend

When the male teachers were middle-aged, they were naturally weak. They suggested not to go up the mountain with them.

The cadres of the student union led a group of dozens of people to the mountain.

"Why are so many people here today? When the teacher in class that day proposed to camp, I didn't see how emotional the students were.

Soaring. "Tang Moran pulled the suitcase, although effortlessly, he walked at the back of the line.

She didn't want to lose the scenery along the way, so she stopped and went with Fan Yingying, which was pretty good.

"In terms of camping, there are certainly not a few people who want to come up with it, but you like a canary who is kept in a villa every day want to come out.

Come to participate, but if everyone wants to use this camp as a sorority, develop and develop men and women

Friendship, so many people want to come. "

"There is still such a saying." Tang Moran glanced at the small stall set up on the roadside, it was her favorite oden, and ran over to buy it.

I took two copies, and one was handed to Fan Yingying. She bit a large bite of fish **** and chewed it in her mouth.

Seeing that there are so few girls, most of them are boys. What about this sorority? "

"Actually, we started with a small group to discuss how many people came to camp. First, some were timid.

Girls wanted to come for an adventure, and then I said you would come too, so a few male students said they wanted to come, and then everyone

There are more than a dozen people in twos and threes, but I really didn’t expect you to be so charming and there are so many gays.

Learning is for you. "

Tang Moran just swallowed a ball and almost choked to death by her words: "What nonsense, camping is always fun.

Ah, everyone is just a classmate out for fun, take care of your mouth. "If this reaches Fu Tingye's ears,

I am afraid he will be jealous and crazy again and will not let himself go out.

"Look, that tree looks good, I want to take a photo and hold it for me." Tang Moran handed the oden in his hand to Fan Ying

Ying, took out the phone and took a few photos. The angles are all pretty good, but the light is a bit poor.

"Uncle Fu said he brought me a small camera, probably in the backpack. When we got to the top of the mountain, we set up a tent and took it.

Camera to take pictures. "

"Okay, it's not bad to just go out and travel. The scenery here is better than I thought."

The two of them walked for half an hour to reach the top of the mountain. Everyone had rested on the top of the mountain, and some bought them at the canteen nearby.

Some food, some even brought a lot of fruits and snacks, spread the tablecloth under the tree and started the picnic.

The two were not very hungry because they ate oden on the way up.

I am more interested in setting up a tent.

Although Fan Yingying only took a backpack, it was huge and she waited until she opened it to see that there was a foldable inside.


Fan Yingying looked back at her small backpack: "Huh? Tangtang, didn't you bring a tent? Why are you a small one?

backpack? "

"I don't know, it was Uncle Fu who packed it up for me, saying it was packed for me." Tang Moran knelt down and opened the backpack.

Although the backpack is not very big, the things inside are neatly arranged, with a blue tent on top

The bag is not too big, it looks very light.

"It's this. I saw it on the Internet. It's quite expensive. I didn't want to buy it. So I bought an ordinary one. I knew you would buy it.

Once it's so good, I won't buy such a heavy one, and even carry it on my back. "Fan Yingying took out to look.

Tang Moran didn’t understand, “Well, let’s just sleep in one tent. It saves the trouble of setting up two tents. Let’s go.

Find a place to pitch a tent. "

The two followed the mountain to find a circle, and finally found a place by the river on one side of the flat ground. There were already two girls.

Put up a tent not far away so that everyone can take care of it.

The two decided to set up a tent here.

"Oh, it hurts." A girl next to her was injured by a wooden thorn while cleaning the weeds around the tent.

"What's the matter?" The female classmate who went with her hurriedly went over to check: "It's all bleeding, do you wear band-aids?"

"I don't seem to have it, I forgot. I don't want to bring band-aids when I come out to play. It's really unlucky."

Tang Moran flipped through his luggage and found a small box underneath, which was a first aid kit, and opened it.

There was a band-aid inside, and she took it over: "I have it here. You can use it first. This is a sterile alcohol cotton ball." She

He took two at hand.

"Thank you, you are so careful, you are prepared for these things." Tang Moran smiled embarrassedly, how is she careful,

It was her uncle Fu's thoughtful thoughts.

Not only did she prepare these emergency medicines, but she also brought two pieces of antipyretic stickers to prevent high fever.

Be careful.

The tent prepared by Fu Tingye is light and easy to set up.

The two clueless people quickly got it right.

It was almost in the afternoon, and the cadres of the student union came over to call everyone to gather and order the number of people. They just happened to recognize each other.

Recognize it.

A few girls and a few boys were sitting together in a circle, with a tablecloth in the middle, and some food on it.

Then start to introduce yourself.

Because they are classmates, some of them are acquaintances, just like her and Fan Yingying, so the introduction is very brief and useless

Xin, after the introduction, Tang Moran almost forgot.

She remembered that the boy sitting next to her opened a box of pineapples for her to eat. The boy said his name was Li Sheng.

The pear was so delicious, and then she remembered his name.


In the evening, everyone went to the restaurant at the foot of the mountain for a meal, and then returned to the tent.

Because the mountain is dark, only some stars are bright in the sky and need flashlights. Then I found out that there are not many

Individuals bring flashlights.

Including Tang Moran, there were also two other boys who brought them, and the girls basically didn't bring them.

There are a few girls who are particularly afraid of the dark and dare not squat in the tent, so everyone has to have flashlights and those without flashlights.

Get together and chat with each other to relieve boredom.

One of the boys couldn’t help being curious, and asked Tang Moran, “You’re so careful. You think many things we didn’t expect.

When it arrives, I think you also brought a backpack. You brought so many things, surely they are all necessary? "

"Well, besides that, I also brought serum, first aid medicine, umbrella, and some cans and biscuits.

If necessary, you can come to me to get it. "Fu Tingye explained to her that she and her classmates should help each other out. This

In this way, other students will not sit back and watch when they are in difficulties.

She just has so many, you can also share it with everyone,

The girl who was helped to use band-aids said in an extremely admiring tone: "It's amazing, listen to you saying that you brought it

They are all necessities, which is like me. I took a half-pack of snacks and came up to find that there is not only a supermarket at the foot of the mountain, but also on the top

There is also a small shop, you can buy anything you want. "

Another girl echoed: "I'm worse than you, I also took several skirts, but here, where to wear skirts."

Then the boy named Dasheng also sat with them: "You are so careful, you can think of all of these, it must be

Do you go camping often? "

After being praised in turn for a while, Tang Moran was a little fluttering, the night color cleverly covered the blush on her face, she

With a light smile, he explained: "Actually, it is not. I didn't prepare it by myself. It was me..." Tang Moran turned.

After thinking about it, I looked at the girls sitting around again, all of them looked at her with wide eyes and embarrassment.

No, you can't tell these women that her boyfriend helped prepare.

Yingying said, these people are all single, what if you pay attention to Ah Ye?

"My uncle prepared it for me."

"Your uncle?"

"Do you have an uncle?"

"Well, my uncle is very good to me, he loves me very much, and loves me very much." Although I can't tell that Ah Ye is her boyfriend

Friends, but she still couldn't help but insinuate.

It attracted the envy of those present.

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