Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2022: .camping

Tang Moran twisted her ankle, her ankle was a little swollen, and she couldn't get up while sitting on the ground.

Li Sheng looked anxious: "Why don't I carry you, I will carry you down the mountain to the hospital."

"There is a hospital down the mountain, go now."

"It's okay, I just twisted it, it doesn't matter." She felt a little pain in her ankle, so she couldn't bear it.

Kind of, she doesn't want to sweep everyone's sex.

"It's all swollen." Li Sheng squatted beside her with a look of concern: "Is it really okay?"

"There is Yunnan Baiyao in the first aid kit of my backpack. You can call Fan Yingying for me and let her help me take it." Tang

Mo Ran hugged her leg to prevent another ankle injury.

Li Sheng nodded, trot two steps, then turned back: "This is a slope, I'm not worried about leaving you here alone."

"Then I will go back with you." She didn't feel the pain in her feet.

It's just that the injured foot touches the ground and it hurts again.

"Hiss." Tang Moran quickly raised his foot again.

"How? It hurts? Let me hold you over." Li Sheng was anxious, opening his hands to hold.

"No need, no need, really." Tang Moran was afraid that he would really hold himself, and kept waving his hands.

"Then... what should I do?"

"You can give me a hand, I feel that I can walk by myself, but I can't use this foot." Tang Moran looked up at him.

Li Sheng nodded and helped her stand up.

The road back to the tent is a slope.

Li Sheng helped her to walk up slowly, just in time to run into Fan Yingying who came out to look for Tang Moran.

"Tangtang, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Tang Moran being supported by Li Sheng, Fan Yingying hurried over to check: "What's the matter?

injured? "

"I just walked without paying attention and twisted my foot."

"Is it serious?"

Tang Moran asked Fan Yingying to support herself and walked to the tent with her injured foot, shook her head: "Yes

Is it serious? I don't feel very painful or I can't touch the ground. "

"Why don't we go down the mountain in advance, anyway, we have to go tomorrow, go to the hospital to see your feet first." Fan Yingying suggested.

Although her foot doesn't look serious now, the sprain may become more serious in a while.

"I have the potion. I spray it first. I don't want it. Don't disturb everyone. It's hard to come and play once."

It makes everyone unhappy because of their own business.

Fan Yingying nodded, helped her go outside the tent, found a place for her to sit, and went in to find the medicine.

Tang Moran raised his feet cautiously, took off his shoes and socks, his ankles were already swollen and red.

Li Sheng kept following, seeing her ankle like this, still worried: "Otherwise, I will call you an ambulance?"

Tang Moran's eyes widened and shook his head again and again: "It's too exaggerated, isn't it? It's just twisted to the feet, and there is no danger to his life."

I took the potion and sprayed it twice. After a while, the redness and swelling subsided, and it was not as painful as before. It looked OK.

Li Sheng left after seeing that she was okay.

Fan Yingying approached gossiping: "Look at how nervous you are. If your uncle Fu finds out, I don’t know.

What does Tao become jealous? "

Tang Moran stared at her immediately: "You can shut your mouth, don't talk nonsense, if Uncle Fu finds out, he will definitely say

Will not let me out again later. "

"I think your Uncle Fu is too possessive. You are so beautiful and so young. It is not normal for a man to like it.

Is it? Why is he upset? "

"Shut up, you." Tang Moran tried to touch the ground with his feet, and found that it didn't hurt too much, so he limped into the tent.

Fan Yingying followed in: "What are you doing? Lying in the tent so early?"

"What else can I do? With my feet like this, can I go out and jump around? I lie down and rest."

"Well, I was thinking of calling you to help me set up a tent." Fan Yingying looked depressed.

"Why do you think of setting up a tent? You will leave tomorrow, don't you squeeze one with me anymore?" Tang Moran sat down as soon as he lay down.


"It's not because of you. I'm afraid of squeezing you out. Your uncle Fu will ask me to settle the accounts. I can't afford to pay for it then.

A flower-like Tang Moran for him. "Fan Yingying joked.

Tang Moran turned around and took one of his coats and threw it at her: "Fuck you."

Fan Yingying laughed and left the tent.

Tang Moran lay in the tent and played another video to Fu Tingye, but no one answered him for a long time.

Thinking he was busy, she hung up, looked at the phone for a while, she was really bored, and fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already dark, and when I glanced at the time, it turned out that it was seven o’clock in the evening. She couldn’t believe she was asleep.

so long.

She shouted twice: "Yingying, Yingying?"

"What are you doing? I'm right next to your tent, don't call me if it's okay, set up a tent and you're exhausted." Fan Yingying's voice fell from her

Sounded beside the canopy.

Tang Moran got up, opened the curtains of the tent on his knees and headed out. It was already dark outside, and he could see through the moonlight.

A big and heavy tent was added next to her tent.

You don't need to look closely to know that it is the one that Fan Yingying brought.

Did she build this by herself? It's really amazing, no wonder it's so tired.

"What about the others?" Everyone sat around and chatted at this time last night.

"They, got up so early this morning, and spent another day climbing the mountain to see the scenery, climbing the heights, more than me

Tired, I went back to sleep in the tent early, if you have nothing to do, go to bed quickly, oh, no, you just woke up, then you go

Talk to your Uncle Fu to relieve your boredom. Anyway, I'm dying, I'm going to sleep. "Fan Yingying yawned and turned over

After that, there was a shallow breathing.

It seems to be asleep.

Tang Moran wanted to go out, but the classmates fell asleep in the tent, it was dark outside, and then the moonlight

You can see the gurgling stream slowly flowing by, and the shadows of the trees in the distance become dark and dark, especially scary.

The breeze blew, with the sound of treetops blowing, and the sky was about to change.

Tang Moran swallowed, then retracted his head in fear, and lay back in a hurry, forgetting to close the zipper of the tent.

Covered with a thin layer of quilt, hypnotize yourself to go to bed quickly, and when she wakes up tomorrow morning, she can sit with her classmates.

Ba went back.

After a while, Tang Moran finally hinted at success psychologically. He was not so scared anymore. He heard outside the tent again.

there's noise.

This is the case when people are afraid. The more afraid they are, the more they want to find out.

She pricked her ears and listened carefully. It was the sound of shoes stepping on the grass outside.

The voice was getting closer, she was a little bit confused, hoping which classmate would come out to go to the bathroom.

At this moment, she suddenly missed Fu Tingye. If he was by her side, she wouldn't be afraid.

Suddenly, when the tent moved, Tang Moran hurriedly held his breath. Isn't it a brown bear?

Or a gangster?

When it's over, I hope that the tent that Fu Tingye has prepared for her is strong enough, and she can only pray for the rest.

Then, there was the sound of coming in.

Tang Moran suddenly lifted the quilt, and the next second, someone covered her mouth.

"Hmm..." Tang Moran wanted to yell, but couldn't scream, and was crushed by the shadow.

"Shhh..." The visitor was very close to her.

Huh? Why is the smell on him so familiar?

"Don't call it, it's me." It's not Fu Tingye.

"Hmm..." Tang Moran moved restlessly twice.

Fu Tingye took off the hand that was blocking her mouth. What is this? It seems like a thief when she comes to find her little girl.

It seems.

"Fu Tingye." Tang Moran immediately turned over and hugged him, replacing him under her.

Fu Tingye curled his lips and smiled: "Is this a new posture?"

When Tang Moran heard it, the roots of his ears turned red: "You almost scared me to death, and you are still in the mood to joke with me."

"That said, it was my fault for me to come to you?" Fu Tingye raised an eyebrow and heard the complaint in her words.

"No." She really needed him by her side at the moment. Tang Moran leaned his head on his chest and found a suitable one.

Position: "I really missed you just now, so I missed you by my side, you suddenly appeared next to me, this feeling

I feel so good. "

Fu Tingye hugged her back and patted her back to comfort her.

"No." Tang Moran bounced from his arms: "How do you know I'm here?"

"Didn't you say you came to camp here?"

"How do you know that I am in this tent?"

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