Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2026: .I want to marry you

"I went to see the client, because it was raining to pick you up and your classmates. I left after making arrangements. The client must punish me.

Wine, do you think it is because of you. "

Tang Moran thought about it carefully, saying that it seemed to be because of her.

"Thanks for your hard work, come to the sofa and sit down, I will make you honey water." Today he did a lot for himself

Things, because she drank so much wine, she had to take good care of him.

Fu Tingye sat on the sofa obediently, half-closed his eyes, watching her enter the kitchen, and then took out another one from the kitchen.

Bowl of honey water.

"Yes, drink it quickly, it's warm, I've tasted it, and it's a hangover after drinking it." Tang Moran handed the honey water forward.

He is at hand.

"You feed me." Fu Tingye did not move, still sitting on the sofa.

Tang Moran obediently fed water to his mouth.

He took two sips. The not-sweet honey water had a unique honey taste, and Fu Tingye took two more sips.

"How about? Are you feeling better?" Tang Moran approached him and asked him.

Fu Tingye nodded, sat up straight, and patted the empty seat next to him: "Sit here."

She did.

"do you happy today?"

"Very happy, thank you, Ah Ye."

"How do you plan to thank me?"

"I plan to take good care of you. Don't worry. I will take care of you when you are drunk.

I’m getting older and I’m struggling to support you upstairs. I’ll help you go up in the future. When you come back, I will pour honey for you.

Water, guarantee that you will hangover after drinking. "Tang Moran vowed to the side.

Fu Tingye got a headache again, what does he need? He can do all these things with any servant.

Rubbing her swollen temples, Fu Tingye stared at her, and continued to ask, "What else?"

"And..." Tang Moran thought about it seriously, "I will give you bath water."

"This can be considered." He pursed his lips and smiled, then put her in his arms, and pressed her ambiguously in her ear:

"Are there any other things? For example... things that can only be done by you, not others."

Tang Moran blushed instantly and pushed him: "What are you talking about, you really are..."

Fu Tingye hugged her and stood up abruptly. She was a little drunk, causing her to exclaim.

"You can, I have confidence in you." He couldn't help but hugged Tang Moran upstairs.

Throwing Tang Moran onto the big bed, he cheated on him and pressed her to death: "Mo'er, why are you so good-looking?"

Tang Moran looked at him with his head raised, not knowing whether he was really drunk or fake.

He was talking drunk, but he did not look drunk.

"Fu Tingye, are you drunk?" She raised her hand and held his face to confirm.

Fu Tingye held her hand: "No, I'm serious, Mo'er, I want to marry you."

Tang Moran looked at him uncertainly. She seemed to have heard the most beautiful love words in the world.

"A Ye..."


Don't know how long it took, Tang Moran looked at Fu Tingye who was asleep and sighed helplessly.

"Idiot Fu Tingye, I'm still in school, how can I marry you."

Early the next morning, Fu Tingye woke up, and the place beside him was already empty.

The headache from the hangover made him feel sick and pale.

Fu Tingye went downstairs and saw Tang Moran gathered around the dining table.

Tang Moran smiled sweetly when he saw him come down.

Fu Tingye felt that the tiredness of his body had disappeared a bit.

He walked over and glanced at the hearty breakfast on the table, his voice was hoarse and magnetic: "You did it?"

Tang Moran shook his head: "No. I just helped Auntie put on the table..."

Fu Tingye smiled and shaved her nose, lazily: "I guess you don’t have this kind of craftsmanship. I think I’m fine.

The kind of man who took it orally, can eat the meal made by his own woman. "

Tang Moran blinked: "Actually I can go and learn. I can do it tomorrow..."

Fu Tingye laughed out loud, "Fool, I'm joking. How can I ask you to do something like cooking."

Fu Tingye took Tang Moran's hand as he spoke.

The girl's hands are very beautiful, white and slender, with a lush white color, as if water can drip out with a pinch.

Fu Tingye likes perfect things, the more perfect things are, the more he is reluctant to look at the dust on it.

Tang Moran was a little embarrassed by his gaze, twisted twice, trying to get his hand back.

"Mo'er, your hands are beautiful."

"Don't do this, there are still people watching..."

"Where is it?"

Fu Ting night smiled.

Tang Moran turned his head, only to realize that the servants who were still cleaning in the living room just now disappeared.

Fu Tingye took Tang Moran into his arms generously.

"These hands should be well maintained."

"I know..." Tang Moran's face was red, and he quickly pushed Fu Tingye away and picked up a bowl on the table. "Although

Although I don't know how to cook, but this bowl of hangover soup is something I asked my aunt to learn to cook for you. "

Fu Tingye took it and took a sip.

Tang Moran asked anxiously: "How is it? Is it more comfortable?"

Fu Tingye couldn't laugh or cry.

This is not a panacea, and it will work immediately if you drink it.

But in the end he didn't want to brush the girl's expectations, the corners of his lips raised, and he said, "Mrs. Fu's hand-cooked sober soup and fruit

If it works, my head doesn't hurt anymore. "

Tang Moran could see that he was lying and hammered him angrily.

The two of them sat down to eat breakfast.

Fu Tingye’s face was really not very good, and his appetite was not good. Tang Moran hesitated and said: "You can

Don’t you drink so much wine? "

"It's business." Fu Tingye explained lightly.

"I know..." Tang Moran frowned, his eyes full of worry, "I have an uncle who was paralyzed by drinking."

"Mo'er, I am a man. I want to make money to support my family and support you."

Tang Moran was anxious, "It’s easy to raise me! I don’t spend my money spontaneously. I don’t care about famous brands or cosmetics.

Need..." Tang Moran's head hung down a little bit, and his voice was weak: "I will spend less in the future, so don't drink anymore.

Is that much wine okay? "

Fu Tingye was startled slightly, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly smiled.

"Fool, I am teasing you."


Fu Tingye put down his chopsticks and waved at her: "Come here."

Tang Moran hesitated, walked up to Fu Tingye obediently, and was pulled into his arms to sit.

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