Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2029: .Pregnancy test, really!

Tang Moran finally broke down completely at this moment.

Pulling free from Fu Tingye’s hand, hit Fu Tingye’s body, tears falling down one by one, no matter what.

Can't help.

"Blame you, you have promised me that I won't let me get a baby at this time, why are you lying to me..."

Fu Tingye had mixed feelings for a time.

He agreed to this little girl. After she graduated and had enough fun, he would consider the child's affairs.

The beloved woman gave birth to a child belonging to them, and Fu Tingye, who was a new father, was not happy.

"Okay, okay, stop crying, Mo'er."

Fu Tingye comforted softly.

It's okay if it's not comforting, and the tears of comforting Tang Moran can't stop.

"What you said is lightness, it's not that you are pregnant, it's not that you're still in school, you don't have a backache while talking..."

Fu Tingye frowned, knowing that she must be terribly scared now, so she stopped speaking, just pressed Tang Moran’s head to make her

Buried in his arms.

Tang Moran cried happily.

After Tang Moran cried enough, Fu Tingye gently let go of Tang Moran and gently wiped her tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Have you finished venting?"

Fu Tingye's voice was soft.

Tang Moran sobbed twice.

Fu Tingye frowned: "When we are done venting, let's just say business."

Tang Moran wiped his eyes: "What did you say?"

Fu Tingye said word by word, "Mo'er, I know you are panicking now, and I don't know where this happened.


"That's the day you were drunk!" Tang Moran became even more angry.

Fu Tingye helpless: "Well, let's not talk about this now, I will ask you, what do you think of this child?"

Tang Moran frowned and looked at Fu Tingye.

"Does my thought matter?"

All the major events in the family are decided by Fu Tingye alone. I am afraid this child is the same. She thinks

Law, what's important,

"Of course." Fu Tingye held Tang Moran's hand and clenched it firmly: "You said."

Tang Moran's eyes turned red again.

"Fu Tingye, I didn't want to have children with you, but...I'm still in school, I don't want to be a mother so early...


As Tang Moran was talking, tears rolled down again.

Seeing her crying like this, Fu Tingye's heart softened, so he wiped her clean, with a gentle voice: "Okay, why cry

What? Hasn't this child been born yet? "

"But they are all pregnant..."

"We can wait until later."

Fu Tingye gently scratched Tang Moran’s nose. They were so young. Fu Tingye always likes to use this formula.

Method to comfort Tang Moran’s emotions.

Tang Moran choked, and realized what he meant.

"You mean, you want to shed this kid?"

"It depends on what you mean."

Fu Tingye smiled gently.

Tang Moran couldn't cry just now, but when he thought of shedding the child, his face became even more ugly.

"What's the matter?" Fu Tingye rubbed her face gently.

Tang Moran gritted his teeth: "Let me think about it, can you?"

She lowered her head and glanced lightly at her flat stomach. It was... after all, a life.

And it is the life created by her and Fu Tingye.

Fu Tingye didn't say much, just let Tang Moran rest, don't think too much.

But how can Tang Moran calm down.

When she told Fan Yingying about the incident, Fan Yingying who was sitting across from her was about to squirt out of water.

Fan Yingying's eyes widened, "Really pregnant?!"

The people in the restaurant were noisy by Fan Yingying's voice, and turned their heads to look at them.

Tang Moran hurriedly covered her mouth in fright, and twisted his eyebrows: "Oh, keep your voice down!"

Fan Yingying nodded again and again, her face was full of gossip, "Tang Tang, although I know you and your uncle Fu are so sweet

Oil, but your speed is too fast..."

Tang Moran was very depressed, "I don't want to, we have always taken measures..."

Except that night when Fu Tingye was drunk.

"Who knew there would be accidents."

"That can only mean that your boss is too good."

"Hey!" Tang Moran glared at her, lowered his head biting the straw bitterly.

Fan Yingying's expression became serious now, "So you mean, you don't plan to keep this child?"

"I didn't plan to...I..." Tang Moran's heart was blocked again and said: "Yingying, you know, I'm in school."

"But you don't usually come to school, even if you are waiting for a child at home, no one will know..."

Tang Moran's face was a bit unpleasant, and he called out annoyedly, and hugged his head.

Fan Yingying patted her on the shoulder, "Okay, I don’t want to have a baby, I don’t want to give birth. Anyway, your uncle Fu didn’t mean to respect you

Any idea? What are you still struggling with here? "

Tang Moran raised his eyes and stared at her: "If it were you, would you have a baby?"

"Of course not, because Li Yan and I have nothing, and we can't afford it when we are born, but you and Fu Tingye are not the same.

That way, Fu Tingye is so rich, has a house, a car, and a company, so it's more than enough to raise a child. "

Tang Moran's head dropped again.

"Okay, go for surgery if you don't want it, you are still young anyway."

Tang Moran was unhappy all day, and when he returned home, he realized that Fu Tingye had actually returned.

"Why did you come back so early today?"

Fu Tingye put down the book in his hand and smiled, "The company has nothing important to do, so I came back. Go find a friend

Are you friends? "

"Well, I went shopping with Yingying."

Tang Moran walked over.

Fu Tingye grabbed her wrist and took the person into his arms.

"Are you feeling better?"

Tang Moran nodded: "It's much better."

"Don't think too much, eat first."

The servant at home had known that Tang Moran was pregnant now, and thoughtfully changed all of Tang Moran's dishes.

Tang Moran looked at the contents of the bowl, then glanced at Fu Tingye's bowl, frowning: "Why are ours different."

"Mo'er, you are pregnant right now, and you can't eat anything cold."

Tang Moran stopped talking.

Fu Tingye stared at her for a while, and then ordered the servant to change his dinner to the same as Tang Moran's.

"I didn't want you to be with me."

Fu Tingye smiled: "I know, but I am the culprit, so I will stay with you..."

Tang Moran really didn’t have any appetite. It took a long time to bite a piece of chicken and swallow it into her stomach.

Heart Wing asked Fu Tingye.

"A Ye..."

Fu Tingye looked up: "Huh?"

"If I don't want this child, will you be sad?"

As soon as Fu Tingye was about to answer, Tang Moran hurriedly spoke up: "Don't lie to me! I want to listen to your heart.

What's wrong! "

Fu Tingye paused, then put down his chopsticks and frowned. After a long time, he said, "Yes."

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