Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2034: .What happened last night...

At the beginning of the twist, she silently pulled the sheet over her chest, and then moved her **** down.

"Are you sure you can still walk?" Feng Liting admired her beautiful swan neck, and her lower abdomen was inexplicably hot.

Ye Zhixia seemed to feel something. At the same time she was frightened, she couldn't help but annoyed back to him, "Why can't you leave

Road, my leg is not broken again! "

She said loudly, her legs stepped on the ground forcefully, and when she got up, she walked forward without reaching two steps.

Pounced and fell a dog to chew on mud.

The entire beautiful back is exposed.

Feng Liting smiled, stepped out of the bed generously and walked to the bathroom. When passing by her, he squatted towards her.

A shot on the cleverly round buttocks, "Your leg is unbroken, it's just broken!"

After speaking, he laughed more and more mockingly, got up and went straight.

Looking at the strong and slender figure, Ye Zhixia almost bit her tongue and killed herself in shame.


Outside the door, there was a maid sneaking around at this moment.

From time to time, I put my ear on the door.

After a while, she took out her mobile phone and walked to the side to make a call, "Madam, it seems to be done, and the two of them will not get up until this time."

"That's good!"

Mrs. Feng Lu Yunchang, who was drinking tea in the garden, smiled. After hanging up the phone, he immediately called the Ye family, "Dear

Mother, it's done, don't worry. "

"Great." Su Xiangya was very happy, and at the same time worried, "You said if they knew we were in Lianzi Geng

Put that kind of thing in it, will you be angry? "

"What are you angry about? We didn't force them to eat."

"That's right!"

"You can rest assured, with that relationship, I don't think Xia will resist."

"My mother said yes, what he said yes."

The two women were talking on the phone, but they didn't know that the two bowls of lotus soup had entered Ye Zhixia's stomach alone.


When Feng Li Ting came out, he was already in a straight suit and refreshed.

Ye Zhixia was still sitting on the sofa wrapped in sheets, looking sad and wronged.

Feng Liting really couldn't stand it anymore, walked up to her and said quietly: "Go wash, change clothes and go out with me?"

"I'm not going, you bastard!" Ye Zhixia glared at him, glanced at Luo Hong on the bed, and grief came from it again.

"... Ye Zhixia, do you have a brain problem? Last night, it was you who took the initiative to ask for pleasure, and I needed to sort it out for you

Do you remember? "Feng Li Ting looked at her, wondering where she was singing.

"I take the initiative?" Ye Zhixia pointed at herself and almost jumped up, "Am I crazy, I take the initiative to sleep with you? Feng Liting

Let me tell you that I have no interest in you at all. "

"Then tell me, you slept on the sofa last night, why did you get on my bed?"

"You must have secretly carried me up in the middle of the night, and then that..."

"Oh, I took you up, and did it all night, you didn't wake up?"


Yeah, why didn't she wake up?

Feng Liting sneered, "The brain is really a good thing!"

Ye Zhixia also died down. She carefully recalled yesterday. She ate lotus soup and then slept on the sofa.

After...then it seemed to be very hot yesterday, she couldn't sleep, and finally she became so hot and confused, as if she had a fever.

It suddenly occurred to her mind that she got up and went to his bedside.

Then she still... hugged him...

No way!

She really took the initiative?

She bit her finger, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened.

"Remember it?" Feng Liting leaned over, propping his arms on both sides of the sofa.

The man’s strong hormonal aura strongly occupied the air around her, Ye Zhixia swallowed with a guilty heart, and did not dare

Look at his eyes, "Well, I might have eaten too much yesterday, and people are not sober, forget it, forget it, I

Let's forget it, don't mention it again. "

"You will be sloppy!" Feng Liting sneered.

Seeing her flushing face, there was an inexplicable urge to take a bite.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly tasteless little thing, he only ate it once and it became edible.

Straightening up, he said lightly, "Okay, I am not a stingy person. Since I married you, you have physical needs.

Yes, I naturally want to satisfy you, this is nothing to pretend. "

Ye Zhixia took a deep breath, trying to say something, but the words got stuck in her throat, and finally she said nothing.

Stand up with his head down and go to the bathroom.

She has now lost her face to her grandmother's house.

Standing under the shower, she rubbed her sore thighs, feeling depressed and confused. What happened to her last night?

Thinking left and right, she couldn't understand.

Could it be that... She had a spring dream and mistakenly regarded him as the object of her crush?

In the end, she was persuaded by her own conjecture, as if only in this way could she face Feng Liting confidently.


She washed in the bathroom for half an hour, and when she came out wrapped in bath towels, she put a beautiful red dress and a

Pair of high heels.

"Your belongings have already been purchased. One third of the locker room will be allocated for you to use. Now, change this one.

on. "Feng Li Ting said coldly.

This is actually more like an order than an arrangement and a notice.

Ye Zhixia also couldn't twist her thighs with her arms right now, and she could only endure the resentment of her stomach, and obediently picked up her clothes to change.

The two came out of the room and went downstairs.

Along the way, the people in the family respectfully called her young lady, and she could only smile reluctantly.

"Master, grandma, madam and master are waiting for you in the living room." The butler came over and whispered.

"Let's go over." Feng Liting responded lightly, and walked towards the restaurant.

Ye Zhixia followed him and couldn't help complaining, seeing the elders or something, it was the most annoying!

The two walked in one after another.

I thought it was just my father-in-law and mother-in-law, but I didn't want to be full of people sitting inside. She was surprised and couldn't help her high heels.

He leaned forward, and hit Feng Liting's back, causing him to stagger forward.

Unhappy jumped out of the cold eyes.

"Yes... right, I didn't mean to—"

Ye Zhixia apologized awkwardly, pressing his palm with his back and trying to stand firm first, but he turned around abruptly and stretched out his long arms.

Hooked over her thin waist, "I should have known that your legs are sore, you should be supported!"


Ye Zhixia was stunned, and immediately understood what he meant to express.

Her face flushed instantly.

I really want to hit someone.

Some of the elders in the hall covered their mouths and smiled, some were slightly embarrassed.

Feng Liting still maintained his usual noble and cold appearance, and came to his parents with his arms around Ye Zhixia's waist.

The servant on the side came to Ye Zhixia with tea.

What is this for? !

Ye Zhixia was a little ignorant, but the butler winked at her, and he probably understood a cup of tea and handed it to her father.

Gong, "You drink tea!"

Feng Bonian accepted it with a smile.

Ye Zhixia brought another cup to Lu Yunshang, "You drink tea too!"

"Okay!" Lu Yunshang smiled and took a sip of tea, and then said, "Sit down!"

Feng Liting took Ye Zhixia and sat down on the sofa next to him.

Ye Zhixia only breathed a sigh of relief until his buttocks touched the soft sofa.

In the rest of the time, her mother-in-law introduced her to the elders of the Feng family, and she cooperated very well throughout the whole process.

"And your sister-in-law and nephew, they won't be home until night, you'll see it then," Lu Yunshang said.


Ye Zhixia nodded.

Sister-in-law and nephew? Huh, does Feng Liting have an older brother?

Since there is an older brother, why is he the president of the Fengshi Group?

"After you return home tomorrow, you can go to your honeymoon. I have arranged everything for you. How about going to Venice!" Lu Yun

Chang changed the front.


Talk to Feng Li Ting! !

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