Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2049: .See my husband to make an appointment

"Fang Ai, don't say that." Jiang Yuan tugged at her clothes.

Fang Ai snorted coldly, raised his head, and looked down at Ye Zhixia: "Jiang Yuan, you are too kind to these women.

Such shameless women have to come several times a day, so why can't you learn to show them a face? actually

Of course he was so polite to them. "

"What are you talking about? Who do you mean to be shameless?" Ye Zhixia was the first time she was said to be shameless in front of her when she grew up.

At any rate, she was also a young lady from the dignified Ye family, she still had some backbone, and she immediately became angry.

Fang Ai was even more ironic when she was furious and desperate: "Am I wrong? I'm all chasing to the office door.

What do you call shameless? I think you look good and you are young, so don’t do such despising things.

That's good. "

"Fang Ai, don’t say that. I don’t think she is a little girl like that. Besides, our duty is just not

The person who made the appointment is just going in to see the president, so why bother to say such a thing. "Jiang Yuan looked at Ye Zhixiayi with a slight embarrassment.

Eyes, persuade colleagues.

"Doesn't she look like? Isn't there a self-proclaimed celebrity downstairs who insists on chasing after the president? It can be seen that the little girl now

Ah, no matter how beautiful she is, she still can't learn to be a face. "Fang Ai's words are mean and ironic.

Ye Zhixia's head was hot and angry: "Why do you talk like this? You are a secretary and you are not a shrew.

To figure it out, which sentence of mine said I should stick to Feng Liting? There is something wrong with your brain, what do I say is running towards Feng Liting

Here? "

If it weren’t for the whole family to let her come, she wouldn’t be rare to come, and her family wouldn’t be without a company. She was kicked by a donkey too.

The company that came to seal Li Ting was unhappy.

Fang Ai didn’t expect that she would scold herself again. After all, who didn’t know that she was the secretary next to Feng Zong.

The team gave her gifts and wanted her to help say two good things in front of Mr. Feng. There are so many people who don’t even know.

Anyhow, his face turned black and his forehead turned blue: "Who do you say is a shrew? I think you are a woman who is not good enough.

Yes, you women just think that our president is handsome and rich, and you want to post it upside down. I

Tell you, a woman like you still wants to see Mr. Feng, so dream. "

"Feng Liting actually has a female secretary like you." Ye Zhixia shook her head repeatedly as she watched her angrily jump her feet: "You remember you

What I just said was that you didn't let me in, not that I didn't want to go in. "

She didn't even bother to let her in. Fang Ai just gave herself a reason to sneak home first.

Is it bad to go out shopping? Isn't it fragrant to have a hot pot? She insisted on entangled with the secretary here to get in.

She won't go in yet.

Fang Ai put his hands around his chest, stood in front of Ye Zhixia, raised his chin, and looked superior: "I won't let you

How about going in? "

"It's not very good, I'm leaving, bye bye you."

"What are you arguing about?" Feng Liting's cold voice sounded.

Everyone turned their heads, Feng Liting stood at the door of the office, frowning, his deep eyes full of impatient.

Fang Ai rolled his eyes and immediately walked to Feng Liting. She, who was still domineering just now, immediately became pitiful.

The face is faster than flipping a book: "President Feng, you have to be the master for me. This is this woman.

You still have to see you, and I refused to let her scold me. "

Fang Ai pointed to Ye Zhixia with a dazed expression. Ye Zhixia looked at the woman in front of her. Was it the woman just now? she was

Suspected that she was exchanged souls just now.

Feng Liting shifted his gaze to Ye Zhixia: "Did you scold her?"

"I'm scolded." Ye Zhixia struck her neck, looking like a hero doing things.

"What are you scolding?" He suddenly wanted to know what kind of words the Ye family's eldest could scold.

Ye Zhixia looked at Fang Ai earnestly, her eyes narrowed slightly, her Zhu lips lightly opened, and she said, "Old and ugly old witch."

"You..." Fang Ai wanted to have an attack, but Feng Li Ting was beside him, so he had to suppress his anger.

Anyway, Feng Zong hated this kind of woman who took the initiative to post, she just watched Feng Zong clean up this woman. Fang Aixin

Inside thinking fiercely.

Feng Liting stepped towards Ye Zhixia, but Ye Zhixia didn't know what he was going to do.

A little frightened, he took two steps back.

Wouldn't he have to do to himself because he said his secretary was an old and ugly old witch?

Feng Liting walked to her and raised his hand.

Ye Zhixia hurriedly raised her hand to block her in fright: "What are you doing."

Feng Liting reached out and grabbed her wrist and walked to the office: "Come in with me, don't be embarrassed outside."

In the surprised eyes of the two secretaries, Ye Zhixia was pulled into the office by Feng Li Ting.

Fang Ai's face was shocked and incredulous.

Jiang Yuan looked anxious: "When it's over, I told you not to talk like that. This girl really agreed with the president.

Awareness, I think our jobs are not guaranteed. "

Fang Ai suppressed the fear in his heart, thought of the president's usual behavior, and smiled disdainfully: "The president is just a momentary feeling.

It's fresh. With so many girls crowded around Feng Zong, which one do you think he has seen? President Feng still has

Counting, how could it be possible to fire his capable secretary for such a woman? Let's just wait and see, it's her

If I get bored by the president first, or I will be fired. "


In the office, Ye Zhixia didn’t make it, so she stayed and planned to talk about business. Just about to speak, Feng Liting stretched out her index finger.

Pressed on his lips, motioning for her to silence first.

I dialed the number of the management department: “It’s me, Feng Liting. There’s a secretary on my side called Fang Ai. Let her know.

I have handed in his resignation. "

Then hung up the phone.

There can't be anyone with other minds around him.

It is his secretary who can only do his part.

Ye Zhixia misunderstood that he expelled Fang Ai because he was wronged, and his eyes lit up.

It shouldn't be difficult for him to help warm up.

"Okay, what's the matter? When I just came up, I didn't follow you without seeing you. Are you an idiot?

It won't. Feng Liting sat back behind his desk and began to look through the contract.

According to Ye Zhixia's temperament, he would definitely retort, but who would ask others for it today.

Ye Zhixia took a few deep breaths, suppressed her efforts, and smiled flatteringly: "I know, I will never

Now, next time you ask me to follow you, I will follow your heels, and I will never slow down. "

Feng Liting felt something was wrong, closed the contract, looked up at her, eyes full of inquiry: "You took the wrong medicine?"

"It's too much, and you can't agree with you." Isn't she too difficult? Feng Liting was a tyrant, so he couldn't do anything.

"It's not that you agree, it's unreasonable." When he said this, he was still thinking about it:

"You should analyze your fault wisely, rather than just follow my words."

"What's wrong with me?" Ye Zhixia looked confused.

Feng Liting gave an affirmative answer: "No brains."

Unbearable no need to endure: "I am your wife, is it really good for you to say that your wife is like this? Is there any light on your face?"

"The light on my face has never increased because of you."

I can’t continue talking, otherwise Ye Zhixia thinks she will definitely take up the bonsai at hand and move towards Feng Liting’s handsome one.

The angry face was smashed over.

Sure enough, people have reached a certain level of poisonous tongue, even if they are handsome, it is useless.

"I'll tell you the business." Ye Zhixia secretly told herself that the overall situation should be the most important thing.

"Can you have business?"

"Why do I... Of course there is, that's the warm thing just now."

"Who?" Feng Liting looked amnesiaous.

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