Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2062: .The perfect husband

Ye Zhixia went in with Warmth for a trial, saying it was a trial, but the process was very simple, so there was no physical performance.

Said that this is only the primary election, so it will not be too harsh.

Ye Zhixia was waiting outside.

When the warmth came out, her face was not ugly, but she was not happy. Ye Zhixia was more excited: "How is it?

kind? Have you chosen? "

"Yeah." Warm nodded, but there was still no smiling face.

"Then why are you upset? Did the people embarrass you?" Ye Zhixia asked.

"No, but I just received a call from Sister Zhao inside, and the agency wants to terminate the contract with me."

"It's that Sister Zhao? She's avenging her private revenge." Ye Zhixia used her toes to think that it was the good thing that Sister Zhao did just now.

"This is also normal. I don't want to follow their arrangements. For them, I am an opportunity that will not make money.

The best way to stop loss is to cancel the contract with me. Besides, Sister Zhao’s meaning just now couldn’t be more obvious. "

Warmth took a breath, "I thought I would die in the brokerage company. After all, I didn’t even have the money to terminate the contract.

I thought that they couldn't stand me first. "

She pretended to be relaxed, but Ye Zhixia could see how difficult the corners of her mouth were trying to raise.

It’s a good thing for a popular artist that an artist loses his agency company, and he doesn’t need to be **** by the agency.

Artists hype, or are forced to take jobs they don’t want to take.

But for the small artists who are not well-known and rely on the resources provided by the agency, without the backing of the agency, they will only end up

There is misery.

"Warm, do you want to continue working hard in the entertainment circle?" Ye Zhixia wanted to know her determination.

"Of course it will. This little difficulty is nothing. I am more free without a brokerage company. I can also go to other brokers.

The company signed until the day I became famous. "Warmth is high-spirited, and doesn't mean to be hit.

"Why are you still signing a brokerage company? The crows in the world are generally dark, and you won’t be wasting your capital after signing it.

Yuan, advise you to go to the unspoken rules, it is better to set up a studio, and I will be your agent. "Ye Zhixia patted herself


"You? You have a mine at home, why do you join me in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry?"

"Why do you say that? I actually like the entertainment industry. My family has a company. Because of this, my university

I can only learn the finance that my parents told me to study. What I face every day is digital analysis. It depends on rote memorization. There are many entertainment circles.

It's not the same. There are all kinds of people and all kinds of dramas can be watched. It's so cool. "

Warmly observed Ye Zhixia, and seeing her looking serious, not like joking, she nodded: "Okay, then we

In the future, we will enter the entertainment circle together. "

She is envious of Ye Zhixia, because of the family's economic conditions, she can be allowed to do what she likes, but the same

Shi was also very fortunate that she could meet Ye Zhixia and let her, a noble person, help herself.

Because of Ye Zhixia’s joining, the two of them felt that the future was brilliant, and they immediately found a western restaurant to have a meal.

Hou has been chattering about some detailed issues.

Ye Zhixia is still a novice to the entertainment industry, but he is no stranger to warmth.

Warmth has been telling Ye Zhixia about the entertainment industry.

Ye Zhixia chose a good western restaurant. The two of them ate well, and they didn’t finish talking, so the two women went shopping again.

The mall.

After shopping for an afternoon, the two of them realized that it was already eight o'clock in the evening after shopping.

"I, I have to go home." Ye Zhixia picked up her large and small shopping bags and left.

Warm and mercilessly laughed at her: "Everyone is strict with their wives, why are you the other way around, the tutor is so strict?"

"Don't talk coldly. By the way, I can't tell Feng Liting about my cooperation with you to open a studio.

Of course, he would definitely not allow it. "She doesn’t allow Li Ting to help warmth, not to mention that she has become warm now.


Warm and puzzled: "Then do you plan to keep hiding from him?"

"It's been a while to hide it for a while. Okay, I won't tell you. I really have to go. I will make an appointment next time." Ye Zhixia waved.

I drove home by myself.


Seal the home.

Ye Zhixia's push to open the door was much smaller than usual. She first took a look inside. It was very good, no sound, very

It is possible that Feng Li Ting did not come back from working overtime today.

With her hands full of shopping bags, she didn't even stay in the hallway, but walked into the house with her shoes on.

Out of his eyes, he glanced at the figure sitting casually on the sofa in the living room, so scared that he did not dare to pant, he walked upstairs on tiptoe.

"Stop. Feng Liting threw the magazine in his hand on the coffee table, and made a muffled noise with a few minutes.

Ye Zhixia couldn't help but tremble when he heard it. When it was over, he must be reprimanding himself with a gloomy face.

Think about it again, huh? Why are you afraid of him? She didn’t stay home overnight, nor did she go out to steal people. It’s normal late.

Come back, what are you afraid of him doing?

Thinking about it, Ye Zhixia turned around and went down the stairs again: "What?" The tone sounded a bit horizontal.

Feng Liting stood up from the sofa and instantly covered her aura from her height, staring at her with a pair of cold eyes:

"What are you talking about?"

"How do I know what you are going to do? I came back well and wanted to go back to the room. You called me to stop, and you asked me why."

Knowing that Xia Heng couldn't do it, he was panicked to death.

"What time is it?" Feng Liting still asked indifferently.

"It's less than nine o'clock, what's the matter?"

"Do you think it's early?" Feng Liting's brow wrung slightly.

"It's not too late, do I still have to watch the time when I go shopping?" Ye Zhixia put out his theory.

"Ye Zhixia, you are Feng Jia's young grandmother."

"I know, you don't need to use your face every day." Ye Zhixia was full of herself as soon as he heard that he was using the identity of Feng Jia's young grandmother.

Angrily: "And three years later, we will not be in the water, you are you, I am me."

As soon as the words landed, Ling Li's wind brushed her face, Feng Liting reached out and shackled her chin, exerting force, painful Ye Zhixia

He tightened his brows, spoke with difficulty, and couldn't speak clearly: "What are you doing."

Feng Liting leaned close to her, his breath was sprayed on her face, his eyes gloomy: "You are my wife now,

Don't talk about the future, you know, three years is a long time. "He suddenly leaned to her ear: "What if you are pregnant with a baby

Well, maybe she'll be Fengjia's young grandma all her life. "

"Do you dare." Ye Zhixia trembled in her heart and was even more angry, with fear revealed in it.

"If you don't want to, just be honest, like the words just now, you can't say it anymore." He lowered his head,

On his lips, he kissed like a dragonfly.

Ye Zhixia felt like she was suffocating, what was he doing? Did you kiss her?

"Otherwise, I can’t say that it’s not good. An adult man has a legal wife and he can’t do anything. You say it’s possible

? "Feng Liting's beautiful eyebrows were slightly lowered, and he looked at her with a smile, and the strength in his hands was also loose.

Ye Zhixia was attracted by his good-looking eyes, as if she had fallen into the galaxy, until his smile reached the bottom of her eyes, she was fierce.

After returning to his senses, he waved his hand and took a step back, but forgot that she was standing at the top of the stairs, her heel touched the steps, a

The center of gravity was unstable and fell backward.

She subconsciously grabbed it casually, and suddenly grabbed the button on the chest of Feng Liting's shirt.

The buttons of ‘Cracking’ broke completely, revealing a perfect six-pack figure and wheat-colored skin.

Ye Zhixia sat down on the steps.

The postures of the two looked very ambiguous, Feng Liting's clothes were torn apart, and Ye Zhixia bent slightly.

Ye Zhixia sat on the steps, holding on to the steps with one hand, still holding Feng Liting's clothes with the other hand, her eyes touched

He straightened his eyes when he was in perfect shape.

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