Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2080: .Three hundred rounds of war

Feng Liting stood aside, his eyes fired a little, and he observed that there was a shower switch that could be turned on on the wall beside him.

He reached out and pressed it open.

A stream of cold water poured through Ye Zhixia's side from her body.

"Ah." Ye Zhixia stood up cleverly, her face and hair were inevitably wet.

A: "Quickly turn it off, Feng Liting."

Feng Liting leaned on the wall, turned off the switch, and looked at her weakly: "Sorry, I didn't stand still."

"I think you did it deliberately." Ye Zhixia stamped her feet in breath. She was originally dressed in thin clothes at home and was soaked in water.

Posted on the body.

The white cotton fabric fits the body, and the exquisiteness inside is looming.

Feng Liting's eyes were bright and dark, and the hand holding the wall faintly revealed blue veins, and his voice was hoarse after suppression, like a knife.

The piece was scratched on the strings of the guitar: "No, I was dizzy, holding on to the wall, unexpectedly hit the switch."

Ye Zhixia couldn’t find any words to scold him, and there was no air-conditioning in the bathroom, and cold clothes stuck to her.

She was a little uncomfortable on her, she waved her hand and walked out: "I won't let you water, let it go by yourself."

When he passed by, a scent that seemed to be like nothing came to his face.

Feng Liting grabbed her wrist subconsciously, and when she turned her head, he pulled her whole body forcefully into his arms.

Ye Zhixia hadn't recovered, his lips were already pressed against hers.

"Um..." Ye Zhixia wanted to resist, but found that the manpower that had just said that she was dizzy was too big to be freed.

He firmly fastened her in his arms, held her tightly, and kissed her hard, as if he didn't stop.

Ye Zhixia was stunned and couldn't figure out what was going on.

She broke free twice, but felt his body slowly change.

It's so bloody, and it's so blushing.

A long kiss ended by Feng Liting after a long time. He withdrew, breathing quickly and heavy, but did not let go of his hand.

Ye Zhixia had already been kissed, blushing, and pressing her head: "Can you let me go?"

"No." He replied, deep and clear: "The fire you light must be extinguished by you."

"What the fire that I lit...ah." In Ye Zhixia's screams, this was the man who said he could not sleep without a bath.

This kind of carried her on his shoulders.

Also deliberately made a bad push.

Ye Zhixia was even more panicked and didn't know where to catch.

Feng Liting grinned wickedly, and threw her directly onto the bed, and said fiercely, "Did you just like this?

Throw mine? "

"You are revenge." Ye Zhixia rubbed her waist that had just been hurt by him.

"So what? I have more ruthless ones." Feng Liting bullied her up, crushing her to death.

Ye Zhixia was shocked, she used all her strength to resist, but she couldn't push him away, and she didn't know it was because of excessive force.

What's the matter? Her face flushed: "Get up quickly, I have to go to school tomorrow."

"Ye Zhixia, do you still remember your identity?" Feng Liting suddenly asked.

Ye Zhixia raised her eyes, met his serious eyes, and couldn't help but follow seriously: "I have already gone to school, and I

Did not cause trouble outside, did not bully others everywhere as Mrs. Feng Jia. "

Hearing her explanation together, Feng Liting couldn’t help but say, “I didn’t say this, but you are very good, the Feng family’s wife, no

Wrong, you are the wife of Feng Jia..."

When he said this, his eyes were like a wild beast, as if he was going to swallow her little white rabbit alive.

He stretched out his hand and stroked her hair over and over again: "Mrs. Feng, do you want to fulfill your obligations?"

"Obligations? What obligations?"

"That's..." Feng Liting lowered her head, blowing a hot and humid breath in her ears: "The obligation to be a wife."

Ye Zhixia reacted, it was too late to struggle, Feng Liting was not as strong as a drinker, so she shut it down.

Turn off the light, the bedroom plunged into darkness.

The momentary darkness made Ye Zhixia's eyes pitch black, and she couldn't tell the direction.

When she saw clearly, the loud voice threw her down.

"Don't... Feng Liting..."

"Call my husband..."

The gasps overlap, and the moon slowly rises and falls.


Ye Zhixia was woken up by the phone the next day, she touched the phone on the bedside table for a long time, took it and took a look.

Eyes are warm calls.

"Hello?" Ye Zhixia closed her eyes again with a strong sleeping cavity.

"Zhixia, are you still awake? Didn't you say that you accompany me to choose clothes to celebrate today? Why are you still sleeping late?" Warm asked.

"What time is this..." Ye Zhixia raised her mobile phone to check the time. When she saw ten o'clock, she suddenly sat up from the bed.

She turned her head and glanced at the bed next to her, no one was gone.

Breathing out, she sank back into the soft bed again: "I was so tired last night, I won't be with you today.

I want to make up for sleep. "

"Too tired? What's the situation?" Warm and keenly aware of the unusual breath.

"No." Ye Zhixia turned over and found that her face was a little hot.

"You and your husband won't fight three hundred rounds last night, right? Ye Zhixia, you are too good."

"How is it possible? Just because of the needs between men and women. I can't help it." She also couldn't say what it was like last night.

Then he obeyed in a daze.

Can't you say that Feng Liting forced him?

"Let’s come, I can’t help it. You are a husband and wife, and you live together under the same roof.

It's a normal thing, maybe you fall asleep when you fall asleep. "Warm wit.

Ye Zhixia paled, "You don’t know how it is possible. He and I are married in business, absolutely

Without that kind of affection, we are bored with two things, and we are too early for the relationship you mentioned. "

"Can two people without feelings do that kind of thing? I don't believe it..."

Ye Zhixia felt more and more embarrassed, "Oh, really not, he actually drank too much last night, you know,

How can the strength of a girl of mine be compared to that of a big man..."

With a warm "hehe" smile, "Okay, no need to explain, even if you don’t take care of your heart. It sounds like Feng Liting still

It's amazing. "

Ye Zhixia's ear roots burned.

Can't help but think of the blushing scene last night.

In fact, it does not feel too bad.

Warmth said: \"Maybe you and Feng Liting part ways, you can develop into a bed relationship."

Ye Zhixia hugged her head and squatted: "Don't talk nonsense. Anyway, such a thing is absolutely impossible.

Yeah, it won't happen again. \"

If by any chance, as the warmth said, feelings fall asleep, then it will be over.

After Ye Zhixia hung up the phone, she got up to wash.

Who knows, as soon as she raised her foot, she couldn't help but call her "Ouch".


Ye Zhixia's face was red, and she gnashed her teeth and cursed.

She slowly changed her clothes, finished washing, and then went downstairs.

Who knew that Feng Liting hadn't left yet, sitting at the table and eating breakfast slowly.

Seeing her coming, he gently raised his head and glanced over.

At this glance, Ye Zhixia felt that her face was burning again.

But she stood here, but she seemed to care too much, Ye Zhixia didn’t want to be despised by him, deeply

After taking a breath, he walked over.

The butler brought Ye Zhixia's breakfast.

Feng Liting watched her lower her head, biting the bread bite by bite like a little bunny, and suddenly coughed, "What happened last night

Sorry. "

He got up this morning and saw the dense traces of the people in his arms. No matter how stupid he was, he knew what happened last night.

"I am drunk."

It’s okay that he didn’t mention it, but the mention of Ye Zhixia made him even more embarrassed, his throat and heart tightened together, and a bite of bread went straight

The pick-up card is there.

Ye Zhixia quickly picked up the cup and took a big sip, her face flushed and flushed, she raised her head and glanced not far away.

The butler at the office stared back at Feng Liting.

"It's just an accident... Let's assume it never happened."

Feng Liting's expression was rather serious: "It was my responsibility last night, and I can compensate you."

Ye Zhixia waved her hands again and again, "No need..."

Feng Liting frowned, "If I ask you to mention it, you can."

Ye Zhixia is gone. What is Feng Liting thinking about?

I said I didn't care anymore, where is he still entangled?

Ye Zhixia didn't want to quarrel with him because of this kind of thing, and was heard by the family, and he still didn't know what to say behind his back.

She couldn't think of what she wanted for a while, and said casually: "Then otherwise, would you help Warmth bring a few more endorsements?"

"this one?"

Feng Liting seemed to be a little unhappy: "The person I want to make up for is you."

"But warmth is my good friend, and you can compensate me by helping her."

Feng Liting pondered for a moment, then raised the cup at hand, drank it all, got up and left.

It seems to have agreed.

For the next month, Feng Liting and Ye Zhixia both spent peace and quiet.

Ye Zhixia's university has also started summer vacation.

Once school is not in school, Ye Zhixia has enough legitimate reasons and time to accompany the warmth to the crew.

She looks good, the director and screenwriter love her, and sometimes Ye Zhixia is asked to play several small roles in the play.

Feng Liting knew about it, but only mocked Ye Zhixia's acting skills, and didn't stop it.

On this day, Ye Zhixia had just gone to the crew to accompany the warmth and put on makeup, and she was stopped by the director.

"Zhi Xia, Zhi Xia, I want to ask you a favor."

Ye Zhixia smiled: "Director, you can just tell me something."

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