Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2084: . Relax

She took Ye Zhixia's hand, her voice softly: "You and Li Ting are both still young. You must be considerate of each other if you have anything.

Next, learn to give way,"

It's okay not to say that Su Yaxiang, Ye Zhixia feels even more uncomfortable.

Why didn't she give in?

Knowing that I had a bad attitude towards him the day before, I deliberately spent all my savings to buy him a birthday gift.

Even if he is not grateful, he actually threw the gift directly on the ground!

Ye Zhixia was thinking about it, tears rolled out at once.

Su Yaxiang was taken aback.

Ye Zhixia has been lively since she was a child, when did she live like this?

I thought it was their young couple quarreling and quarreling. It’s nothing serious, but what really happened to her daughter’s appearance?

What a big deal?

Su Yaxiang suddenly regretted her heart.

Was it really right to have her daughter marry Feng Liting?

"Zhi Xia, it's okay, take a good rest at home for a few days, my mother won't go to the company these days, play with you, go away

Is the heart good? "

Ye Zhixia let out a soft "um" uneasy.

After eating and drinking pork rib soup, Ye Zhixia's mood calmed down slightly.

Su Yaxiang drove back to the room to sleep.


Seal the home.

Feng Liting was not in a good mood all night, and even the books he liked to read on weekdays only felt irritable.

After sitting in the study for more than half an hour, he returned to the bedroom.

As a result, Ye Zhixia was not there.

There are no rooms either.

Feng Liting frowned involuntarily and went downstairs to ask the housekeeper.

"Did you see her?"

The housekeeper realized who Feng Li Ting was talking about, and said hurriedly, "My wife just packed her things and went back to her natal house."

Oh, it turned out to be back to Ye's house.

The butler tentatively asked, "Master, do you want to send someone to pick it up?"

Feng Liting frowned tighter: "If she goes home, let her go home. Let her be happy."

The housekeeper hesitated, "But the wife went home crying..."

Feng Liting was taken aback, and immediately said, "She still feels wronged, doesn't she?"

The steward dare not say much.

Feng Liting raised his foot to go back to the room, but after walking only two steps, he turned his toes and picked up the phone on the coffee table.

The butler moved his eyelids lightly, and walked away busy.

Feng Liting called the Ye family.

It was Su Yaxiang who answered the phone.

"Mom, Zhixia went back, right?"

"Yes, do you want to know Xia to listen to the phone?"

Knowing that she had arrived home safely, Feng Liting breathed a sigh of relief, "No, I just call and ask."

Su Yaxiang was a little angry with Feng Li Ting, and wronged her precious daughter like that, but now she sees Feng Li Ting return

I made a phone call and asked, but the anger in my heart disappeared slightly.

"Li Ting, did our Zhixia make you angry?"

Feng Liting said lightly: "Nothing."

"Then we know why Xia ran back with red eyes?" Su Yaxiang didn't want to say something too bad, she and Feng Liting's

My mother has been a good friend for decades, and Feng Liting also grew up watching her.

This man is young, handsome, and capable.

"Our family knows that Xia is young, and our temper is a little arrogant. If she doesn't do well, you can

To my parents, don't worry about her. "

Su Yaxiang sighed: "It's just that I can't get along, and if I can't go on, I can get together and relax. There is really no need to make trouble.

Into this. "

Feng Liting chuckled, "Mom, you are so worried, I just confided in Zhixia with a few words at night, it's nothing serious, obviously.

I'll go back to pick up Zhixia early. "

Su Yaxiang breathed a sigh of relief, "It's best if you can think like this. Then I will call Zhixia and you back tomorrow morning."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yaxiang smiled again. For Feng Liting, her son-in-law, she was naturally very satisfied.

She knew her daughter's temper very well, and it would be good if Feng Liting was suppressing her.

Su Yaxiang went to Ye Zhixia's bedroom with a glass of milk.

Ye Zhixia was leaning on the bed and flipping through the script.

"Come on, Zhixia, have a glass of milk and beautify your face."

"Thank you mom."

The warm milk made Ye Zhixia feel warm in her heart: "Mom, I want to stay at home for a few more days."

Su Yaxiang smiled, "Silly boy, your dad is right. When you get married, you will have your own family.

at home? "

Ye Zhixia's heart was cold again.

Su Yaxiang said, looking at Ye Zhixia's expression, she cautiously said, "Feng Li Ting just called."

Ye Zhixia froze and almost choked on the milk: "What is he doing on the phone?"

"Say to pick you up tomorrow."

Ye Zhixia's face turned black, "I won't go back with him."

"Do you think you are making a fool of yourself again?" Su Yaxiang touched Ye Zhixia's head, "You are all married.

What do you mean? "

Su Yaxiang chuckled, "Look at a person so proud of Feng Liting, hasn't he called him to take the initiative?

Men put them all down, you won't be sensible if you don't let him down the steps. "

Ye Zhixia drank the milk in the cup dullly.

"Okay, go to bed after drinking the milk, and go home with Feng Liting tomorrow morning. He will have his birthday tomorrow, so stay away.

Play tricks in the good days at home. "

Su Yaxiang is gone.

Ye Zhixia didn't sleep much all night, and only fell asleep in a daze when it was almost dawn.

After not sleeping for a while, I heard Su Yaxiang's voice.

"Zhi Xia, Zhi Xia, get up! Li Ting is here."

Ye Zhixia suffered from insomnia for a whole night, and now she finally fell asleep, how could she be willing to get up, and she was groped with two uncomfortable "hum"

Drill in.

Su Yaxiang is gone.

"This kid..."

She turned to Feng Li Ting and smiled embarrassedly.

"Or wait for her to wake up, I will let her go back by herself."

Feng Liting looked at the little ball in the quilt and couldn't help but smile, "That way she definitely won't go back."

After finishing speaking, he walked directly to the bed and hugged Ye Zhixia who was still asleep directly in his arms.

Ye Zhixia was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly woke up.

"Feng...Feng Liting?!"

She realized that it was still in her bedroom, and her mother was still watching, her cheeks flushed.

"Don't you want to sleep? Keep going."

Feng Liting's voice was deep and magnetic, very pleasant.

Ye Zhixia's face was burning fiercely.

"No...Feng Liting,"

Feng Liting nodded to Su Yaxiang: "Mom, then I will take Zhixia home."

"Hey, okay, be careful on the road!" Su Yaxiang smiled from ear to ear, and did not forget to tell Ye Zhixia: "Zhixia, be careful

Ting is fine. Stop arguing. "

Ye Zhixia had no face to meet people.

Feng Li Ting carried him into the car outside.

As soon as he sat in, Ye Zhixia hid far away in the corner.

He stared at Feng Liting with a red face.

Feng Liting threw his coat to her, "It's cold in the car, you just woke up, don't freeze."

"My mother can't see it now, you don't have to act anymore."

Feng Liting was taken aback for a moment, his eyes were obviously a little unhappy, he didn't say anything, and put his coat on Ye Zhixia directly.

Ye Zhixia kept resisting.

"I said no, didn't you hear me?! Feng Liting, you..."

Feng Liting's face turned black and severely interrupted Ye Zhixia: "I don't want to fight with you today."

Ye Zhixia was frightened by his face, opened her mouth, subconsciously wanted to say something, but became dumb again, she could only silently

He lowered his head silently, letting Feng Liting wrap her tightly in his warm suit jacket.

Back to Fengjia.

Ye Zhixia shut herself in the bedroom, she was too sleepy, and she had no intention of quarreling with Feng Liting and going to bed

As soon as I fell, I started to sleep.

It wasn't until noon that someone knocked on Ye Zhixia's door.

"Madam, the old lady is telling you to go down."

Ye Zhixia was shocked: "Mom is back?"

"Well, I'm back, and I brought some gifts. I told you and Master to go down to get them.

"Oh, I'm coming right away."

Ye Zhixia hurriedly changed her clothes and ran downstairs.

Lu Yunshang traveled for more than a month, and he was full of vigor, and he didn’t know that he was wearing the traditional clothes of that country.

Acting, talking to Feng Liting happily.

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