Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2108: Wronged

The others have already started to go to the security check, Song Yao is still dragging the box hard.

Ye Zhixia kindly walked over, "May I help you?"

Seeing that the camera was recording the person in front, Song Yao directly said to Ye Zhixia coldly, "No, thank you."

Ye Zhixia was in distress.

Seeing Song Yao moving the box with difficulty, Nunu said.

Why is this, even if you hate yourself, then there must be a reason, no reason is enough to make people speechless

Ye Zhixia almost suspected that Song Yao had a bad brain.

I bumped into a cold nail at Song Yao twice in a row, and Ye Zhixia would naturally not be stupid anymore.


At this time, two young male stars in the team saw Song Yao and stepped forward to help.

"Sister Song Yao, let's help you."

Song Yao's eyes lit up and her smile was like a spring breeze, "Okay, thank you."

The speed of this face change was so fast that Ye Zhixia was almost dumbfounded by the side, and couldn't help but smile, feeling the entertainment circle in her heart.

The depth of water.

After getting on the plane, Ye Zhixia asked the stewardess for a blanket, and soon fell asleep.

Wake up again, the plane is already preparing to land.

Half an hour later, Ye Zhixia dragged her luggage out of the airport.

When they recorded the program this time, the mobile phone was not turned in. Ye Zhixia just took out the mobile phone and saw it in her hand.

Two more text messages.

It was sent by Feng Liting.

[To record a variety show? 】

[Is there something to ask me. 】

Ye Zhixia blinked. If she had seen Feng Liting's greeting message before, she might have been annoyed.

After divorcing Feng Liting, she felt much calmer. Looking at these two text messages across the ocean, Ye Zhixia’s heart

Zi couldn't help getting hot.

What is he doing, so caring about himself...

Ye Zhixia was startled by her own thoughts, and shook her head quickly to get rid of this vain thought.

How does he care about himself!

See him if you have anything...

Feng Liting is hoping that something will happen to him, right?

Ye Zhixia angrily replied, "I won't have an accident."

Although there was a time difference of nearly seven hours with China, Feng Liting immediately responded to the text message.

[I hope you won’t cry and come to me for help. 】

Knowing that this man likes to speak harshly, Ye Zhixia didn’t pay attention either, just because other celebrities called herself, she quickly closed

I got the phone and ran over.

It turned out that Song Yao had one missing suitcase, so she didn't know what to do.

Song Yao was obviously impatient when he encountered such a trouble just after getting off the plane because of language barrier and communication.

"There are very important things in the suitcase, I don't want to go if I lose it."

"How can I lose it? What does this staff member do?"

In front of the camera, Song Yao's words have become more and more ugly.

Others are also helpless.

Ye Zhixia walked over and said, "Don’t worry, I’ll go to the staff and ask.

There are so many people, everyone is busy carrying luggage, maybe it is wrong. "

Ye Zhixia found the staff at the airport and told them about the missing luggage in fluent French.

Soon, the staff retrieved Song Yao's suitcase.

The others in the team were shocked.

"Wow, Zhixia, you can speak French."

"You're too good? Are you hiding deeply?"

Ye Zhixia was blushing with the praise of the two little boys, and said embarrassedly: "No, no, just when I was in school, I was idle.

Bored to learn for a few years, but not very proficient. "

"Speaking so fluently and saying that you are not proficient, Zhixia, you are too humble."

"Now it's fine, with Zhixia here, we will have a tour guide in France."

Ye Zhixia's complimented face was even redder.

Among the crowd, only Song Yao's eyes were stained a little bit of displeasure. She grabbed the handrail of the suitcase and gave a soft "hum".

Ye Zhixia can speak French, and it is much more convenient for a group of people in France.

Ye Zhixia helped find a special car and asked the driver to take herself to the hotel.

After arriving at the hotel, they began to allocate rooms. There are two men and four women in the team.

Because the funding provided by the director group is limited, everyone discussed it and decided to reserve only three rooms to save money.

Two boys live in one, two older females live in one, and Ye Zhixia and Song Yao live in the same room.

No one else had any opinions, but when it came to Song Yao's side, the trouble came again.

Song Yao sat on her suitcase, looking embarrassed, "Um, I... I am not used to living with other people.

There is no privacy anymore. "

Seeing that Ye Zhixia was busy with the female senior, Song Yao didn’t do anything, and she’s still giving advice here, and she’s a bit low in an instant.


But in the end she still took the camera into consideration and gave Song Yao a lot of face. She just said euphemistically: "We are a team.

If you want to live in a single room, we will pay for an extra room. Tomorrow’s budget will be tight

Up. "

Song Yao didn’t appreciate it at all, and said, “But I’m really not used to sharing a room with others and living with others.

I can't sleep. "

Yes, the negotiation froze at this point.

The female senior has no patience: "Song Yao, there are six of us. You are not traveling alone. I have never

Share a room with someone else? The rooms are all two beds, and there is no room for you to sleep with someone else. "

Song Yao is not good at refuting the female senior, but she doesn’t say yes. She just sits on the suitcase and plays with her mobile phone.

What a waste.

A group of them have been on the plane for so long, and now they just want to go back to the room and have a good rest. Song Yao’s operation,

Everyone is a little unhappy.

It's just for the last face, and didn't say it clearly.

In the end, Ye Zhixia stood up and smiled at the two female seniors, "Well, let me squeeze with you tonight.

If there are not enough beds, I will sleep on the ground. "

The female senior shook her head repeatedly, "It's okay, it's okay, the bed is enough for two people to sleep, how can I make you sleep on the ground."

The female senior glanced at Song Yao upset.

Ye Zhixia asked Song Yao: "Is it all right now?"

Song Yao was finally satisfied.

Back in the room, the camera turned off, and the two female seniors began to complain.

Zhang Meiyi: "That Song Yao is too much, right? Who, will cause trouble along the way, we two

The young man carried his luggage all the way! "

Gu Mengtian: "Yeah, I don't know. How did she have that face to agree to let the room be allocated like this? Let me know

Xia and us squeezed the floor and occupied the entire bed by herself. She was really embarrassed. "

Zhang Meiyi looked at Ye Zhixia who was cleaning her heart, and smiled, "Zhixia, have you wronged you? You care about other people like that."

Ye Zhixia has never been a troublemaker, not to mention that Warmth gave her a vaccination in advance, and she didn’t want to provoke her.

Song Yao.

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