Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 869: .Find the child's biological father

Li Beixun gently opened the gift Li Yunxiu put on the table. Compared with the gift of Li Yunjin and Xiaoxiao, Li Yunxiu's gift

Things seem a lot simpler, but they are also more attentive.

In that small box, there are a total of six handmade dolls, each of which is different and sewn by hand

Yes, every doll has a date marked next to it. Li Beixun gently picked up one and looked at it. You found

It was actually three years ago.

It turned out that the six dolls in it were birthday gifts that Li Yunxiu gave him every year.

Li Beixun's heart tightened fiercely, holding the doll, countless emotions surged to the top of his heart.

Li Yun laughed and said that he was partial. He didn't refute just now. In his opinion, Xiaoxiao was right. He smiled at Little Hydrangea and Xiaoxiao.

It's really different.

When Xiaoxiao was born, his relationship with Shi Qing had stabilized. Xiaoxiao was in a warm and normal family.

Growing up, he and Shi Qing will do everything they can to satisfy her, and even play with millions of crystals.

I also asked Mu Qianli to spend a lot of money to find a relationship.

But for the daughter of Xiao Xiuqiu, Li Beixun always had guilt that could not be erased.

Since he was a child, there was no mother by his side. He was away from home for a few months because of his busy work.

Because of Jin Nanfeng's affairs, he forcibly sent the small hydrangea out of the country.

Little Hydrangea has been very obedient since she was a child, and he always thought she would stay with him and be a little princess for a lifetime.

However, the reality gave him a blow. For the first time, Little Hydrangea fought him fiercely, and still used it so decisively.

The way.

He was really wrong at the beginning.

I thought that sending the little hydrangea away from Jin Nanfeng would make her change her mind, but she pushed her to where she is now.

The dilemma is that the future is unknown, even the home cannot be a safe haven.

Li Beixun's heart tightened, he took the box upstairs, and soon walked down with something.

"Dad, where are you going?"

Li Yun laughed and saw that Li Beixun was about to go out, and hurriedly stood up.

Li Beixun said lightly "Nothing" and went out.

Shi Qing looked at Li Beixun, smiled lightly, and held Li Yun to smile, "He's looking for your sister."

Li Yunxiao immediately "hummed", "I said Dad is partial, he is not happy when I give gifts."

"Smile, don't say that, we are sorry for Little Hydrangea that made her like this."

Li Yunxiao got used to speaking straightforwardly, "Yes, my sister liked Jin Nanfeng so much at the beginning, so let’s forget if you disagree.

I have to send my sister to such a far place. A friend of mine is also studying abroad. She said that it’s good to be alone in a foreign country.

Suffering, sick, family members are not around. "

Li Yunxiu has been away for so many years, and he has a child with him. He still doesn't know what kind of life he is living.

"That's why you just said that you are eccentric and eccentric, and you are unhappy when Xiao Xiuqiu heard it?" Li Yunjin glared at the little girl.

"You are ashamed to say me? Don't think I don't know, you hate Chenchen."

"Who hates Chenchen?"

The two brothers and sisters quarreled with each other at the table.

"Chen Chen said it all by himself, didn't Chen Chen?"

Smiled and asked the little guy who was eating.

Li Yunjin put down his chopsticks and looked at Chenchen coldly, "Li Jingchen, you said, when did I hate you?"

Chenchen twitched his mouth and fluttered into Shi Qing's arms, "Grandma..."

"Okay, okay. Can you two quarrel not to bully us Chenchen?"

Shi Qing hugged Chen Chen, "We ignore them, grandma will take you upstairs, okay?"

"it is good."

Shi Qing took Chenchen upstairs.

Presidential Palace Gardens.

Li Yunxiu was squatting in the flowers and teasing a dog.

The dog is quiet by nature and is not afraid of strangers. When he sees Li Yunxiu, he still does not forget to put his head in Li Yunxiu’s arms and provoke him.

Li Yunxiu couldn't help laughing out loud.

"This is your third uncle's dog."

Li Beixun walked over, "The name is Tiger. Your Aunt Ji Xiao was put here when she was pregnant, and she stayed later."


Seeing that it was Li Beixun, Li Yunxiu stood up a little embarrassed, "Why are you here?"

Li Beixun did not answer her question, just said, "I have seen all the gifts you gave me."

"It's not a very expensive thing, it's not as good as a brother and a smile."

"But to me, it means the most." Li Beixun motioned to her to sit down.

Li Yun embroidered her clothes and sat on the lawn. Li Beixun sat beside her, "Little Hydrangea, are you very

hate me. "

"how come?"

Li Yunxiu's eyes widened and shook his head quickly, "Dad, why do you say such things."

"If it weren't for me to go my own way and send you to such a place, you wouldn't be like this at all now."

Li Yunxiu's face paled.

"Look at what you look like now. Talking to me will always look the same, Li Yunxiu, I am your father, not you.

Teacher, not the president, what are you afraid of? "

Li Yunxiu's heart contracted tightly. To be honest, she didn't know why she became like this.

"Little Hydrangea, what are you thinking about? Can't you tell me?"

Li Yunxiu was silent for a long time, and finally shook his head gently, "Dad, I'm really fine, I'm very happy, really

Yes, I'm just not quite used to life here. "

Seeing that she was still reluctant to say anything, Li Beixun finally touched Li Yunxiu's head gently, then handed the box in his hand.

Give her, "I have kept your birthday presents for you in previous years. In the two years since you left, every time you arrived at Yun Jinsheng

I will think of you on Sunday, and your mother would always steal her tears that day. Later, Yunjin didn’t have her birthday.

Find a reason to stay in the company and work overtime..." Li Beixun looked at her, "I hope this year’s birthday present, I can kiss that day

Hand in your hands, you will always be Dad's little hydrangea. "

Li Yunxiu couldn't help but burst into tears, "Dad, I'm sorry..."

In the evening, Li Beixun returned to the room. Chenchen was already asleep in bed, when Shi Qing saw Li Beixun come in, she hurried to do

Made a quiet gesture.

Li Beixun walked over and glanced at the sleeping child, his heart softened slightly.

No matter how unwilling he is to admit this fact, the matter of Chenchen being his grandson can no longer be changed. This is small

The child of Hydrangea, he can't help but accept it.

"Bei Xun, actually look at Chenchen, it looks like Xiao Xiuqiu when he was a child."

The first time she saw the little hydrangea, it was probably as big as Chenchen, and the similar feeling between her eyebrows was really too


Li Beixun watched quietly for a while, and then said, "I must find this child's biological father."

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