Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 898: .Is it a junior? !

Chenchen threw himself into Li Yunxiu’s arms, stretched out his hand and gently wiped her tears, "Mommy, don’t be sad, Chenchen go to

You seek justice. "

"No, Mommy was not bullied." Li Yunxiu quickly wiped away his tears, and smiled at Chen Chen lightly, "Yes just

Don't worry Chenchen just when the dust falls into his eyes. "


"Okay, can I send you to the company? Aren't you going to shoot a magazine today?"

"Hey." Chenchen's little face became bitter when it was mentioned, "Being a star is really tired."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to be anymore."

Li Yunxiu looked at his son, "Mommy can help you terminate the contract."

Originally, she was reluctant to let Chenchen enter the entertainment industry.

Chenchen blinked, frowning tightly, thinking for a long time before asking, "Then if I am not a star,

Can't you play with Uncle Nanfeng? Can't you call his father? "

Li Yunxiu knew that he was talking about the variety show, and nodded, "Yes."

"Forget it, I will continue to be a star."

Li Yunxiu was depressed, "Do you want Jin Nanfeng to be your father that much?"

"Yes, I just want Uncle Nanfeng to be my father. Now even if my biological father is standing in front of me, I still

Will choose Uncle Nanfeng. "

Chenchen's blue eyes were full of determination.

Li Yunxiu looked at Chenchen and sighed helplessly in his heart.

I remembered what Mrs. Jin said to herself again.

If Jin Nanfeng really wants to be engaged to Shu Lan, then she is now a third person who has destroyed the happiness of other people’s families.

Are you?

She would never allow herself to be such an unbearable woman.


Sent Chenchen to the company, finished filming the magazine, and returned to the apartment. It was already seven in the evening.

Chenchen looked at Li Yunxiu in confusion, "Mommy, didn't you say that we have to live in our own apartment, not

Is Uncle Nanfeng here? "

"Well, Mommy has something to do with Uncle Nanfeng tonight."

What happened today, she still decided to have a showdown with Jin Nanfeng, although she tried her best in this relationship,

But she doesn’t want to lose even the last trace of dignity because of the so-called love, if she becomes a ruin to others

People in the family, the Li family's face is really going to be shameless by himself.

"Mommy, are you okay, I always think you are unhappy today..."

"Have it?"

Li Yunxiu didn't want to be worried, but forced a smile, "How is it possible, Mommy is just a little tired.

Go back to the room by yourself and Mommy will go to sleep for a while, OK? "

"it is good."

Chen Chen ran to his room without looking back.

Seeing Chenchen returned to the room, Li Yunxiu also felt sleepiness swept up, so he went back to the bedroom and planned to sleep for a while.

Jin Nanfeng came back.

But what she didn't know was that just before she closed the door of the room, a small figure crawled into the living room.

It is Chenchen!

"Huh, I'm in a bad mood, but I want to lie to Chenchen. Do you think Chenchen is a child?" Chenchen stepped on his feet

Enough for the phone on the desk, and dialed a number quickly.

The call went through after a while.

"Uncle Nanfeng."

"Chen Chen?" The voice on the phone was a little surprised, "Why did you call me? Is there anything wrong?"

"Uncle Nanfeng, come back quickly, there is a fragile woman waiting for you to come and save the beauty."

Chenchen smiled secretly.


Jin Nanfeng was taken aback for a moment, then reacted, "What happened to her?"

"Anyway, you come back quickly, Mommy is very sad today!"

After speaking, Chenchen hung up the phone directly.

On the other side, Jin Nanfeng listened to the busy tone on the phone, his heart beating restlessly.

What happened to her?

"Nanfeng, what's wrong with you?"

When Shu Lan came out of the bathroom, she saw Jin Nanfeng frowning in a daze, "Your complexion is a bit unpleasant."

"I'm in a hurry. I have to go first." Jin Nanfeng put the shopping bag in her hand directly into her hand, "You can ask the driver to take you away.

go back. "

"Huh?" Shu Lan didn't expect him to be so anxious, a little unwilling, "but I also ordered Thai food..."

"You eat it yourself, and I will reimburse the bill."

Jin Nanfeng turned and left.

Shu Lan was full of disappointment, looking at the back of him leaving in a hurry, she muttered, "Who wants you to pay? I want

You accompany me. "


Half an hour later, Jin Nanfeng returned to the apartment and asked as soon as he walked in, "What happened?"

Chen Chen was watching TV, and when Jin Nanfeng came back, he ran over cheeringly, "Uncle Nanfeng, I know you

Will definitely be back. "

"Where is she? What happened? Huh?"

Jin Nanfeng hugged Chenchen, his expression anxious.

Chen Chen hugged Jin Nanfeng’s neck and frowned, "I don’t know. In the morning, two weird guys came here.

aunt. They said so many strange things to Mommy, and Mommy was about to cry. "

"Strange aunt?"

Jin Nanfeng's heart tightened instantly, and an unknown premonition flashed through his mind for a moment.

There are not many people who know their apartment, are they from the family?

"What do they look like?"

"I don't know." Chen Chen let go of Jin Nanfeng, ran to the table, grabbed something in his hand, and handed it to Jin.

Nan Feng, "But they left this, saying it was for Mommy."

Jin Nanfeng looked at it, and it turned out to be a check.

Looking at the name on the check, Jin Nanfeng's face turned black in an instant!

Really **** here.

"Chenchen, good boy, tell me from the beginning what they said to your mommy."

Jin Nanfeng looked at the kid in front of him.

Chenchen tilted his head and dragged a long "um" sound, as if thinking about something, and then said, "She

We said that everyone called Xiaosan, asked Mommy to leave with the money, and said that you were engaged to that Lanlan. "


Jin Nanfeng's brows tightened, and his eyes flushed.

Obviously it is extremely qi.

But Chenchen was still very puzzled, "Uncle, what is Misan?"

Jin Nanfeng paused, then knocked Chenchen on the head, "You called me today and did a great job, Uncle Shuming

I bought you toys for the gods. If someone bullies your mom in the future, just tell me, know? "

"I know, but uncle, you didn't answer my question just now, what is the mistress? Is my mommy the mistress?"

"What nonsense?" Jin Nanfeng scolded, "Your mommy is Jin Nanfeng's girlfriend, who dares to say her

Is it a junior? "


Chenchen nodded, seemingly understanding.

"You go back to your room first, I'll go see your mommy."

"Mom is in a bad mood today, Uncle, you have to be nice to Mommy."

"No need to remind you kid."

Jin Nanfeng patted Chen Chen's ass, "Go back to the room."


Chenchen stuck out his tongue and ran away.

The living room is much quieter.

Jin Nanfeng lowered his head and quietly looked at the check in his hand, and suddenly crumpled the check into a ball.

Then he threw it into the trash can without looking.

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