Mommy Stuns The World After Her Divorce

Chapter 269: I am Yu Anwan, Dabao and Zhan Yan's biological mother!

  Chapter 269 I am Yu Anwan, Dabao and Zhan Yan's biological mother!

  Wen Jin: "..."

   I really laughed out of anger.

   Looking at Yu Anwan's cunning face again, Wen Jin remained calm, and then asked calmly, "Tell me about your conditions."

   "When it comes to business, Mr. Wen is a smart man." Yu Anwan smiled without emotion.

  The two seem to be chatting normally, but in such a conversation, what is handled is a huge flow of funds.

"I want an independent brand of this perfume. Don't have anything to do with Wen's. There are two options for the perfume's share. One is that Wen's does not take the share. I will rent the production line of Wen's. Second If it is perfume, if Wen's also takes a share, then I can only give Wen's 10%."

  Yu Anwan spoke directly, even brazenly.

  Wen Jin has always been cold-blooded and ruthless in the mall.

  Almost none of the people who negotiated with Wenjin went back. In the end, what Wenjin wanted was still in Wenjin's hands.

   And the only one who can be so arrogant to minimize Wenjin's profit and take advantage of Wenjin is Yu Anwan in front of him.

  Yu Anwan's tone was determined, and she was not worried that Wen Jin would refuse at all.

   "Why do you think I will agree?" Wen Jin asked directly.

   "Heh, I am Yu Anwan, Dabao and Zhan Yan's biological mother." Yu Anwan threw Wen Jin's first words back to Wen Jin with a smile on her face.

  Although Wen Jin is the president of Wen's, Wen Zhanming still has the right to speak in Wen's.

  Wen Zhanming's liking for Yu Anwan, coupled with Yu Anwan's life-saving grace, Wen Zhanming will take the initiative to send the production line to Yu Anwan, even without Wen Jin's consent.

  At that time, Wen Jincai didn't get a dime of the benefits.

  So smart people know how to choose.

  Yu Anwan is of course confident.

  Wen Jin is also very clear about this truth. Seeing Yu Anwan's complacent look, Wen Jin laughed angrily.

   To my surprise, one day I was pinched by Yu Anwan so hard that I couldn't turn around.

  Looking at the beautiful side face that Yu Anwan left for him, Wen Jin's Adam's apple rolled, and with the emotion of being annoyed by Yu Anwan before, he suddenly pinched Yu Anwan's chin like this.

  Yu Anwan was taken aback for a moment.

  Wen Jin lowered his head and kissed Yu Anwan's lips.

  Suddenly, there was only the smell of sauce between the lips and teeth, and there was a slight ambiguity in the surrounding air.

  Although it didn't go deep, but under the watchful eyes of the public, such behavior seemed a lot shy.

  Yu Anwan looked at Wen Jin in disbelief.

  Wen Jin has already calmly pulled away from Yu Anwan's body: "The taste is not bad. If you like it, I'll have someone call this chef to your house to cook for you."

  Yu Anwan: "..."


  Those who have seen hooligans have never seen Wen Jin, an upright master who plays hooligans.

  Suddenly, the delicious shrimp in front of her made Yu Anwan feel less delicious.

   "I agree with your conditions. I will let Shen Bin handle the follow-up matters tomorrow. You find someone to connect with Shen Bin." Wen Jin has returned to normal, looking at Yu Anwan calmly.

  The previous ambiguity is gone, and the rest is just a businesslike attitude.

  Yu Anwan listened, oh, and didn't open her eyes to look at Wen Jin.

   It seems that Wen Jin can't even compare to the shrimp in front of him.


  Yu Anwan felt that the most painful thing about attending so many dinner parties was being watched by Wenjin 24 hours a day.

  Even Yu Anwan was suspicious, going to the women's bathroom by herself, Wen Jin could stare outside.

  That feeling almost made Yu Anwan feel suffocated.

  But unfortunately, the people at the dinner party naturally called Yu Anwan "Mrs. Wen". As long as Wen Jin and Yu Anwan separated, someone would always tell Wen Jin where Yu Anwan was at the first time.

   Naturally, someone will tell Yu Anwan where Wen Jin is.

  Yu Anwan began to wonder if she and Wen Jin were conjoined twins.

   It wasn't until Wenjin was surrounded by people that he couldn't get out for a while, that Yu Anwan got room to breathe.

  She has to get out of here!

   If you continue to entangle with Wen Jin, I'm afraid something will really go wrong.

  The exposure of Dabao's matter also made Yu Anwan fall into a passive state. Thinking of this, Yu Anwan frowned, and she didn't think of a good solution for a while.

   She needs to calm down.

  Yu Anwan walked towards the back door of the dinner party, Wen Jin's eyes were on him immediately, and the plainclothes bodyguards in the dark had already followed, Wen Jin then turned his attention to the guests as if nothing had happened.

   But Wen Jin only said a few perfunctory words, and Shen Bin wisely approached him, taking Wen Jin's words and making it easier for Wen Jin to leave.

  Wen Jin nodded as a signal, and soon walked in the direction of Yu Anwan.

  How could he let Yu Anwan, a cunning fox, escape from under his nose again.

   What's more, he hasn't settled with Yu Anwan about this woman hiding her son.



   At that time.

  Before Yu Anwan reached the back door, she unexpectedly saw Lu Nanxin standing not far away.

   Lu Nanxin's attitude made it clear that he was waiting for Yu Anwan.

  Yu Anwan raised her eyebrows, not afraid at all, and walked towards Lu Nanxin calmly, but Yu Anwan's eyes were not on Lu Nanxin the whole time.

   He completely regarded Lu Nanxin as a transparent person.

   "Stop." Lu Nanxin didn't need to pretend in front of Yu Anwan, and his tone was more sinister.

   "Yo, Miss Lu." Yu Anwan smiled half-smile, "If you're so arrogant, aren't you afraid that I'll get surveillance evidence again?"

   "You..." Lu Nan's heart froze for a moment, but soon she said, "Yu Anwan, stop pretending to me, there is no surveillance here."

  Yu Anwan said oh, and shook the phone: "I can record."

  Lu Nanxin: "..."

   She was really stimulated by Yu Anwan and couldn't say a word.

  Yu Anwan doesn't play the cards according to the rules at all, you can't figure out what she will do next.

   "Yu Anwan, are you proud?" Lu Nanxin yelled at Yu Anwan almost hysterically.

   "I'm quite proud!" Yu Anwan nodded seriously.

   Yu Anwan didn't even want to watch his defeated opponent.

  Such a few words can easily speed up Lu Nan's excited heartbeat, and the feeling of shortness of breath followed.

"Lu Nanxin." Yu Anwan watched, and called Lu Nanxin's name in a deep voice, "You don't need to do this in front of me, I won't even look at you, I'll just let you die here silently. "

   This word is a warning.

  Of course Lu Nanxin knew that Yu Anwan would definitely do what he said when he was ruthless.

   Now, Lu Nanxin quickly took out the medicine from his bag, swallowed it, and suppressed his emotions.

   Throughout the whole process, Yu Anwan watched indifferently, expressionless.

"You don't need to be proud." Lu Nanxin's tone has calmed down, but the tone is still terribly sweet, "Do you really think that Wenjin wants to rekindle the old relationship with you? You are just Wenjin's tool, a tool to stimulate me That's all."

  (end of this chapter)

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