Mommy Stuns The World After Her Divorce

Chapter 287: Pure heart toss me?

  Chapter 287 Are you torturing me purely?

  Yu Anwan's forehead was dripping with sweat.

   "Are you torturing me purely?" Yu Anwan pursed her lips and said in a sullen voice.

  But no matter how capable Yu Anwan is, she is also a surgeon. She only knows about obstetrics, and it is impossible for her to really have any right to dispose of it.

  Thinking of this, Yu Anwan sat on the toilet for a long time, and did not stand up until the stinging pain was over.

  The soles of the feet are a little soft.

  Her mobile phone stays on the previous Baidu search page.

  It said above that there will be uterine pulling in early pregnancy. This is because the uterus is expanding. Everyone's pain is different. Some people will be particularly obvious, and some people will not.

   And all of this, Yu Anwan has experienced.

  So in the end, Yu Anwan calmed herself down and didn't take it too seriously.

   After this round of tossing, Yu Anwan was completely awake, but the master bedroom was still empty, and there was no sign of Wen Jin.

  Yu Anwan was quiet for a while, didn't say anything, but walked out of the master bedroom.

  The villa was very quiet, probably no one expected Yu Anwan to wake up.

  Yu Anwan's footsteps were even lighter on the carpet, and she didn't feel any movement at all.

  Yu Anwan didn't walk for too long, and saw Wen Jin standing by the handrail in the aisle camera.

  Wen Jin was on the phone, Yu Anwan didn't come closer, just listened.

   Probably because it was too quiet, or because Wen Jin was off guard, so Yu Anwan listened clearly.

  Wen Jin's deep voice came: "What's going on?"

   "Miss Lu is hospitalized, but Jerry is not seen, only Miss Lu is alone, and the situation is not very good." Shen Bin briefly explained the situation.

  After Lu Nanxin fell into a coma in the shopping mall, he was sent directly to the hospital by his assistant.

  Outsiders don't know about Lu Nanxin's situation, but Wen Jin understands that as long as he goes to the hospital once, it will be a fatal blow to Lu Nanxin, and the tumor that oppresses the nerve will become more presumptuous.

   However, the cornea that Lu Nan wanted was never found.

   This back and forth, can't afford to delay.

  Lu Nanxin would be blind at first sight, but at worst he would die.

  Wen Jin hummed, and Shen Bin's voice quickly continued: "Do you want to come over? The nurse has nothing to do with Ms. Lu."

   Lu Nanxin was hospitalized, and it was more and more difficult to take care of each time. Unless Wen Jin was there, no one could control Lu Nanxin. However, if Lu Nanxin's condition was not controlled with drugs, it would only deteriorate faster.

  No matter what Wen Jin thinks about Lu Nanxin now, Shen Bin knows very well that it is impossible for Wen Jin to really ignore Lu Nanxin.

  So under such circumstances, Shen Bin will still truthfully tell Wen Jin about Lu Nanxin's situation.

   "I'll go there now." Wen Jin said lightly.

   "Yes." Shen Bin heaved a sigh of relief.

  If Wen Jin didn't come again, Shen Bin might not be able to hold on anymore, and Lu Nanxin would really die if he went crazy.

  But unfortunately, the crazy person like this, seems to ignore it, and is as docile as a cat in front of Wen Jin.

   Then, Wen Jin hung up the phone.

  The moment Yu Anwan hung up the phone in Wenjin, she turned around and went back to the room quietly. She returned to the bed one step earlier than Wenjin, and closed her eyes quietly, as if nothing had happened.

   Just sleeping peacefully.


  When Wen Jin walked in, he saw Yu Anwan sleeping on the bed.

  The small face was pressed against the edge of the quilt, quiet and quiet, less the usual arrogance and anger, and seemed a little more childish. This kind of picture seemed to make time and space stand still.

  Wen Jin looked at it, and smiled silently.

   It seems that in the years when Yu Anwan married him, Wen Jin never felt such palpitations.

  Looking at it now, even if Yu Anwan falls asleep, Wen Jin can feel a warm current in his chest, which is a feeling of peace of mind.

   Just because Yu Anwan was here.

   Then, Wen Jin walked towards the big bed, and his long and slender hands with well-defined joints just covered the back of Yu Anwan's hands.

  Yu Anwan didn't seem to notice it at all.

   Just turned around, and her pretty face met Wen Jin's.

  Yu Anwan's skin was porcelain white, like an egg with a cracked shell, extremely smooth. Wen Jin's hands caressed Yu Anwan's cheeks greedily, and stroked them.

  Yu Anwan got angry for a while in her sleep, causing Wen Jin to laugh silently.

  After that, Wen Jin seemed to stop teasing Yu Anwan, so he put Yu Anwan's hand down.

  Yu Anwan still had no intention of waking up, Wen Jin looked at it quietly for a while, then put down Yu Anwan's hand, as if about to get up and leave.

   Almost at the same time.

  Yu Anwan, who was originally asleep, just held Wen Jin's hand.

  Wen Jin was stunned for a moment, and looked down at the person in front of him, but Yu Anwan seemed to be just sleeping, all movements were unmistakable, but when her hand was holding Wen Jin, it was very tight.

  Wen Jin couldn't laugh or cry, coaxed softly: "Hey, go to sleep."

   Very light, very light, as if a breeze is blowing across your chest.

   Then, without saying anything, Wen Jin just pulled his hand out of Yu Anwan's fingers. When he looked down again, there were scratches on his skin.

   That was caught by Yu Anwan.

  Wen Jin was helpless and funny, because he didn't expect Yu Anwan to grab himself so hard in his dream.

  Thinking, tenderly pursing her lips, she bent down to cover Yu Anwan's quilt again, and then left the room without a sound.

  Almost at the moment when the door of the room was closed, Yu Anwan, who seemed to be sleeping peacefully, opened her eyes all of a sudden. Her eyes looked at the position of the door calmly, and the corners of her mouth were raised with a hint of mocking smile.


  A man who can pamper himself despite his presumptuousness these days.

  Even in front of Lu Nanxin, he gave him enough warmth in front of him.

  Now he still hears any bad news from Lu Nanxin, and he can rush to Lu Nanxin's side immediately.

  So, everything is still fake, isn't it?

  Yu Anwan lowered her eyebrows, and seemed to be infected by her own emotions. In such emotions, Yu Anwan hated herself a little.


  Why was Wen Jin influenced.

  Three years of marriage, isn't it enough for her to hit the wall?

  Wen Jin's tenderness now makes me fall into it desperately?

  Bah, Wen Jin is not worthy of him.

  Yu Anwan thought about it, forcing herself to fall asleep again, but the thinking in her brain became more and more clear, and all the drowsiness disappeared in an instant.

   Not only that, the labor pain that disappeared just now suddenly followed.

   This feeling is very similar to Yu Anwan's appearance when she came to her aunt.

  Yu Anwan's forehead was dripping with sweat. As a doctor, she more or less felt something, especially when there was a damp feeling coming from below, Yu Anwan's brows also furrowed.

  (end of this chapter)

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