Mommy Stuns The World After Her Divorce

Chapter 301: No, not Wenjin!

  Chapter 301 No, not Wenjin!

  No matter how old Yu Dabao is, he is just a child.

  Before there was such a big commotion in the kindergarten, Yu Xiaobao naturally didn't go to the kindergarten anymore.

  Yu Anwan didn't care, as long as they were happy.

  In addition, Yu Anwan is very busy these days, and Yu Xiaobao always follows Yu Dabao. Yu Anwan will contact them at any time, and it is fine to call them an hour ago.

   Now suddenly Xiaobao disappeared.

  In Yu Dabao's words, Yu Anwan knew very clearly that this was not a joke.

   "Wait for me where you are, and I'll go find you right away." Yu Anwan said calmly, "Before I arrive, you should find a way to locate Xiaobao."

   "Okay." Yu Dabao gradually calmed down.

   Soon, Yu Anwan hung up the phone, hurriedly explained her work team, picked up the car keys, and quickly drove towards the location Yu Dabao sent her.

   That is the most prosperous shopping mall in Jiangcheng, and the indoor playground inside is Yu Xiaobao's favorite.

  So Yu Dabao would bring Yu Xiaobao here every day.

   It’s such a crowded place, how could it be possible for people to disappear without seeing it?

  Yu Anwan couldn't figure it out, she drove the car calmly while calling Song Zhi.

  The phone was connected, and Song Zhi's voice came: "Dabao has contacted me, and I am also locating Xiaobao."

  Hearing Song Zhi's voice, Yu Anwan's heart was relieved. Song Zhi's tracking system couldn't find Xiaobao, not to mention, Xiaobao was taken to have his ears pierced by Yu Anwan since he was a child.

  The studs on the ear holes are a positioning system.

   Unless it was artificially blocked by Wenjin like before, you know that Wenjin did it, so you can't find it.

   After all, Wen Jin is in the hacker circle, and anti-tracking is top-notch.

  But except for Wen Jin, it is impossible for someone to hide Xiaobao's position at will.

   As a result, Song Zhi's words made Yu Anwan's heart beat faster.

   "But I searched for Xiaobao's location, which is on Ruicheng Road, and then the location stopped here. This means that either Xiaobao is here, or the earrings have been taken off." Song Zhi explained the matter clearly.

   This answer made Yu Anwan's palms tighten: "Since I know it's on Ruicheng Road, I'll check again, there will always be clues."

   "I'm investigating, the other party is probably a very powerful person." Song Zhi said clearly.

   Even Song Zhi suspected that the other party was not alone, but a team, and was extremely sensitive to any location tracking system, and even very familiar with the entire Jiangcheng.

   "Block all airports, high-speed rail, land and sea transportation exits, find a way to hack into their systems, and lock Xiaobao's passport into the blacklist. In this way, if someone enters or exits, it will automatically call the police." Yu Anwan calmly ordered.

   "I know." Song Zhi responded, and the sound of keyboard tapping came from the other end.

  Yu Anwan hung up the phone, and the car had already arrived at the shopping mall that Yu Dabao mentioned.

  Yu Anwan immediately found Yu Dabao in the mall.

  Yu Dabao quickly rushed towards Yu Anwan's direction: "Mommy, I'm sorry, I didn't like Xiaobao."

   "Calm down, it has nothing to do with you." Yu Anwan hugged Yu Dabao, trying to calm his emotions, "Xiaobao is a very smart child, and he won't let anything happen to him."

  Yu Dabao hummed.

   Soon, Yu Dabao took Yu Anwan around the place where Yu Xiaobao disappeared.

   There was a lot of voices, but no one noticed anything unusual.

  Plus this is a playground, so taking people out, there is an adult, as long as the child does not resist, it is a breeze to take the child out.

   "It must have been premeditated." Yu Dabao said directly.

  Yu Anwan does not deny it.

   But here, there are no clues to check, including the surveillance of the shopping mall. Yu Dabao has already invaded and found nothing wrong.

  By the time the mother and son left the mall, it was already an hour later.

  Song Zhi also called Yu Anwan back.

"I located the exact location of Xiaobao's earrings. It's an underground parking lot, but I checked the surveillance camera, but I couldn't see anything. I'll send you the location, so you can go and have a look." Song Zhi gave Yu the location. Good night.

  Yu Anwan didn't hesitate.

  She didn't let Dabao go back first, knowing that Dabao didn't have such thoughts.

  The mother and son drove to the parking lot given by Song Zhi. The parking lot is not too big and can be seen at a glance, but there are many dead spots in the parking lot.

   When approaching Song Zhifa's position, the computer beeped.

   Soon, they found Xiaobao's earrings at the corner of the parking lot.

   Not only that, but also the fragments of Xiaobao's skirt, I don't know if it was scratched when struggling or what.

  But the only thing that is certain is that Xiaobao has been here.

   But other than that, there are no traces anymore.

  A person disappeared out of thin air.

  Yu Anwan was lying when she said that she was not in a hurry, Yu Dabao looked at Yu Anwan with red eyes: "Is it..."

  Yu Anwan knew who Yu Dabao was going to talk about, but this time, Yu Anwan immediately denied it: "No, not Wenjin."

  No matter how despicable Wen Jin is, he would not do such an unpleasant thing of kidnapping a child for himself.

   Besides, if Wen Jin really wanted to kidnap, he would also take Yu Dabao away, not Yu Xiaobao.

  Wen Jin will not do such a thing that wastes his time and experience.

   But the most important thing is that Wen Jin is not so boring. When he wants to do something ruthless, he will tell you clearly in front of you that this is what Wen Jin did.

   Just like before.

  So when Yu Dabao suspected Wen Jin, Yu Anwan denied it without thinking.

  Yu Dabao didn't speak, and became quiet.

When Song Zhi called, he clearly told Yu Anwan: "Xiaobao didn't leave Jiangcheng, he was always in Jiangcheng, but he just disappeared out of thin air. I can't think of anyone who can be so closely linked. There are no clues."

  Speaking, Song Zhi was quiet for a while: "Except for the military, who can make people disappear silently, no matter who they are, they will leave traces."

  One sentence made Yu Anwan quiet down.

  But Yu Anwan couldn't figure out who else he could offend, and this person could use his military background.

   "Anwan." Song Zhi sighed, but he was a little cautious, "Otherwise, you go to find Wenjin? The Wen family only covers the sky in Jiangcheng. If the Wen family comes forward, this matter will definitely not be a problem."

   "Impossible." Yu Anwan denied.

   It is impossible for anyone to ask for Wenjin.

   This is Yu Anwan's attitude.

   Otherwise, it would be even more confusing.

  But the current situation made Yu Anwan unable to calm down.

Yu Dabao also felt that Yu Anwan was not calm. He held Yu Anwan's hand with his little hand: "Mum, don't be nervous. Xiaobao is very smart and won't put herself in danger. She will contact us." .”

  When he said this, Yu Dabao didn't know much about it.

  But under such circumstances, it relieved Yu Anwan's mind to a great extent.

   And it is impossible to stay in the underground parking lot, Yu Anwan took Yu Dabao back to the villa first.


  (end of this chapter)

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