Mommy Stuns The World After Her Divorce

Chapter 319: Civet cat for prince!

  Chapter 319 Civet cat for prince!

  Where Wen Jin faced Lu Qirui's questioning, he didn't deny or admit it, but looked at Lu Qirui calmly.

  Lu Qirui sneered: "Okay, how are you going to deal with this matter?"

   "How should the Lu family deal with it?" Wen Jin asked rhetorically.

  This matter concerns the Lu family.

  Then how the Lu family handles it is the key.

  Wen Jin didn't seem to be in a hurry.

  It seems that no matter what, it can't affect my decision.

   "The Lu family can't let go of the mastermind behind this, so what about the Wen family?" Lu Qirui asked bluntly.

  Wen Jin knew what Lu Qirui was asking: "If it has something to do with her, then I will definitely investigate to the end."

  Wen Jin spoke lightly, and looked at Lu Qirui without blinking.

  Lu Qirui didn't know whether he believed it or not, so he sneered, and then stopped talking.

  Perhaps the Lu family did not expect that the two daughters of the Lu family would be confused with Wen Jin.

   This kind of thing is evil fate.


   About an hour later, the door of the rescue room was opened.

  Yu Xiaobao was backed out by the nurse, with an IV in his hand, and Yu Anwan followed, looking much more tired.

  Wen Jin greeted him immediately.

   "How is Xiaobao?" Wen Jin asked with his head down, his voice was very soft and gentle.

"The situation is stable for the time being, but it's not very good." Yu Anwan told the truth without hiding it, "Xiao Bao's heart is not very good, and he looks no different from ordinary children on weekdays, but under such stimulation, It will explode very badly. In addition to asthma and poor congenital physique, I have kept myself locked in such a place for a whole day and night, and I have had a fever for a long time, which caused pneumonia and severely damaged the lungs."


   "There are large and small bruises on the body, a slight fracture in the calf bone, and a torn Achilles tendon..." When Yu Anwan said, her whole body was trembling.

  Even when Yu Anwan was in the worst embarrassment, Yu Xiaobao never suffered such grievances.

  She didn't dare to think about how Yu Xiaobao survived this day and night alone.

  She didn't even dare to think about what would happen to Yu Xiaobao if they were one step later.

   "It's okay now, she's by our side." Wen Jin hugged Yu Anwan, just coaxing.

  Yu Anwan's body was still shaking.

   It was impossible to recover from such panic.

  But soon, after Wen Jin's voice came, Yu Anwan looked at Wen Jin with such a cold face.

  Wen Jin did not respond.

  Lu Qirui had already walked towards Yu Anwan's direction, and then he stood still in front of Yu Anwan.

   "Anwan. I'm your elder brother." Lu Qirui took the initiative to introduce himself.

  Yu Anwan looked at Lu Qirui.

   Secretary Zhang has already said this.

   "I know you're curious, go to the lounge and I'll tell you." Lu Qirui said lightly.

   "Okay." Yu Anwan nodded.

  Lu Qirui quickly followed up and said, "I will definitely give you an explanation about Xiaobao."

   These words made Yu Anwan look at Lu Qirui, and then her voice was cold: "I want to come in person, is that okay?"

   "Yes." Lu Qirui answered directly.

  Yu Anwan didn't speak again.

  The three of them walked towards the lounge.

  Yu Anwan sat on the sofa, motionless, there was too much information about today's events, Yu Anwan needed time to calm down.

  Wen Jin was on the sidelines, with his arms around Yu Anwan naturally, but Yu Anwan still resisted Wen Jin's approach, and he was on guard.

  Lu Qirui can tell at a glance.

  He sneered: "Anwan, it's not too difficult for you to divorce Wen Jin."

  One sentence made Wen Jin look sharply at Lu Qirui first.

  Lu Qirui ignored Yu Anwan's intentions.

  Yu Anwan seemed to be unsure whether to listen to Lu Qirui's words or not.

   and Wen Jin's renewed marriage, Yu Anwan didn't think that they would divorce one day.

  But Yu Anwan knew that it was not that simple.

  This man tried his best to remarry them, how could he let go easily.

   But Wen Jin didn't let go, even if the Lu family came forward, they really got a divorce, and the final result would be a loss for both sides.

   Yu Anwan was reluctant to hurt the three children.

  For the failure of a marriage, both parties are responsible, it's just who is more and who is less.

   And in this failed marriage, the most unacceptable thing is the child.

  Especially Wen Zhanyan, Xiaobao, the three precocious and sensitive children.

   Besides, there was Lu Nanxin between them. Originally, Yu Anwan chose to appear in front of Wen Jin six years later, not only because of Wen Zhanyan, but also because of Lu Nanxin.

  The account with Lu Nanxin six years ago, how can it not be counted.

  So, since she and Wen Jin are remarried, it is impossible to divorce easily.

  Even if this marriage is full of thorns, she may have to find sweets in this marriage for fun.

  Thinking about it, Yu Anwan sneered, a little self-deprecating.

  But soon, Yu Anwan hid her thoughts well, as if she wasn't affected too much.

   But Lu Qirui saw that Yu Anwan was silent, so he didn't continue this topic.

   "When you rescued Dad at the airport, Dad was already suspicious, because you and Mom are so similar, almost a copy of Mom when she was young." Lu Qirui took the initiative to turn the topic around to Yu Anwan's life experience.

  Yu Anwan froze.

looks like? From Yu Anwan's point of view, she is not like Xu Wan.

"After your accident, my mother has been in poor health and has a lot of mental stress, so she has taken a lot of antidepressant drugs, and there are physical reasons that require hormone drugs to maintain it, so she gradually changed her appearance later. But The way you look now is the way your mother looked when she was young, there is no difference."

  Lu Qirui knew what Yu Anwan was thinking.

   After finishing speaking, he showed Yu Anwan a young photo of Xu Wan.

  When Yu Anwan saw it, she was really stunned.

  Because they are too similar.

  If it weren't for the photo, it would look yellow and look old. Even Yu Anwan would think that this is a photo of herself.

   "So, we were skeptical at that time, but we were afraid of being disappointed. But every time we saw you, this idea became more and more obvious. Later, we followed the clues to check your affairs, and we finally made this paternity test."

  Lu Qirui's voice was very calm.

   "At least, we don't want to let mom down, so this matter, until the result came out, happened to meet Xiaobao missing, so we went to Jiangcheng as soon as possible before we could tell mom."


  Lu Qirui is explaining.

  Yu Anwan just listened.

  It's a bit unbelievable, but it's very real.

   "But why did I show up at Yu's house..." Yu Anwan gradually calmed down.

   "The civet cat for the prince." Lu Qirui made it clear.

  (end of this chapter)

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