Mommy Stuns The World After Her Divorce

Chapter 360: It seems to have sent a proposition to Wen Jin

  Chapter 360 seems to have sent a proposition to Wen Jin

   Looking at Wen Jin's face, Yu Anwan sneered: "Did Lu Nanxin tell you?"

   "No, Nan Xin didn't say anything." Wen Jin said lightly, "The driver who was locked in took the initiative to recruit."


  Yu Anwan smiled on the skin but not on the flesh.

   It's really **** going to be a good show.

  Inexplicably, she had an operation and almost burned her brain out.

   Under such circumstances, she can be charged as a murderer.

  But Yu Anwan's cleverness quickly smoothed this matter out.

   It doesn't matter who did this.

  The important thing is that Lu Nanxin took the lead smoothly in this situation that was almost self-harming.

  Wen Jin felt guilty towards Lu Nan.

   This is also Lu Nanxin's trick.

   As long as Lu Nanxin doesn't get off Wenjin's heart.

  So what if Mrs. Wen is herself?

   But like many years ago, it was a joke.

  Thinking of this, Yu Anwan sneered, a little mockingly.

  And Wen Jin's eyes were still looking at Yu Anwan, not for a moment.

   "This matter ends here." Wen Jin said calmly, "No matter what the driver said, or who did this matter, it will end here."

  The last two words, Wen Jin said very clearly.

  Yu Anwan was really surprised by this.

  She thought Wen Jin was going to quarrel with herself.

  And this person ended the matter calmly?

   When looking at Wen Jin again, Yu Anwan suddenly smiled like this.

   "Then if Lu Nanxin bites back, he must implicate me?" Yu Anwan asked frankly.

   But when he asked, his tone was a little unserious, as if coquettish.

  The pale and slender arms just wrapped around Wen Jin's neck.

  With one force, Wen Jin was brought in front of him.

  The red lips opened and closed, and the words that came out were slightly indecent: "Husband, huh?"

  It seems to be asking Wen Jin what he means, and it seems to be sending a proposition to Wen Jin.

   Don't you want to have a good time?

  Wen Jin, why don't you show your sincerity?

  Thinking about it, Yu Anwan smiled, just waiting for Wen Jin's answer.

  Wen Jin looked at Yu Anwan without blinking in his eyes: "I will handle any remaining situations."


   It really passed.

  Yu Anwan didn't bother anymore: "Okay."

  Wen Jin hummed.

  Yu Anwan was still hooking Wen Jin, and she saw Wen Jin's eyes gradually darken.

  Yu Anwan understood Wen Jin's eyes all too well.

   Now, Yu Anwan retreated subconsciously.

  Wen Jin had already hooked Yu Anwan: "What are you running for?"

   "I'm a patient." Yu Anwan said solemnly, "If Wenjin treats a patient, it would be too beastly."

   "Don't you like my beast?" Wen Jin smiled.

  Yu Anwan: "..."

   Fuck your sister, she's not a masochist.

  Who still likes animals?

   Now, Yu Anwan wanted to run away without even thinking about it, Wen Jin was even faster, and had already scooped up Yu Anwan.

  Yu Anwan was dumbfounded.

  Wen Jin didn't speak, and carried Yu Anwan back to the big bed step by step.

   Until Yu Anwan was buried in the soft mattress.

  Wen Jin's hand just supported the edge of the bed board.

  Looking condescendingly.

  Yu Anwan's red lips moved, Wen Jin lowered his head, and bit Yu Anwan's lips.

   A deep and magnetic voice came slowly: "I'll take a shower and sleep with you. If I don't get sick tomorrow, I'll take you out to play."

   Yu Anwan was a little uncomfortable with this change.

  Yu Anwan blinked.

  Wen Jin really let go of Yu Anwan, and walked towards the bathroom calmly.

   After a while, the sound of running water came from the bathroom.

  Listening to the sound of running water, Yu Anwan consciously sketched the outline of Wenjin in her mind.

  Slim waist and narrow hips, with the washing action, this person's shoulder blade line is particularly obvious.

  In this scene, thinking of Yu Anwan, he rubbed his legs unconsciously.

  When Yu Anwan realized something, she cursed in a low voice, of course it was Wen Jin.

   Then, Yu Anwan forced herself to close her eyes.

   Probably because the medicine took effect, Yu Anwan quickly fell asleep again.


  When Wen Jin came out, he saw Yu Anwan lying on the bed and falling asleep.

   With a flushed face, she looks much more harmless.

  The corners of Wen Jin's mouth rose a little.

   Then Wen Jin walked to the bed naturally, lifted the quilt, and hugged Yu Anwan into his arms naturally.

  Yu Anwan didn't even resist at all.

  She even moved, finding a comfortable position on Wen Jin's chest.

  Wen Jin lowered his head and kissed Yu Anwan's forehead.

   After that, Wen Jin didn't say anything, adjusted the lights in the room, and just fell asleep with Yu Anwan in his arms.

  Paris this night was unbelievably quiet.


   At the same time, Jiangcheng.

  Lu Nanxin called Wenjin, but he couldn't reach Wenjin no matter what.

   Lu Nanxin's temper came up, and the nurse couldn't help it, so she had to invite Shen Bin.

   Shen Bin also had a headache when he saw Lu Nanxin.

   But due to Wen Jin's words, Shen Bin could only coax: "Miss Lu, Mr. Wen went to Europe for a business trip temporarily. If you have something to do, you can wait for Mr. Wen to come back and talk to Mr. Wen."

  Lu Nanxin didn't believe Shen Bin's words at all: "Why didn't you go?"

  Shen Bin had a face full of question marks.

  Wen Jin is going to coax his wife, what is he going to do, is he a three kilowatt light bulb?

  Even if Paris hadn’t returned, he would have been fired by Wenjin.

  Of course you can't go.

   But looking at Lu Nanxin, it was impossible for Shen Bin to say such words: "I have to stay in Jiangcheng to deal with matters. Besides, I don't always follow President Wen on business trips."

   Otherwise, those think tanks of the Wen family are all idlers?

   He alone can support the entire management team. What do you need these wastes for?

   What Shen Bin said was tight, but Lu Nanxin couldn't find any evidence.

   And Lu Nanxin also knew that it was Shen Bin's position in Wen's, so Lu Nanxin wouldn't really give up any face.

   "Then I'm going to trouble Special Assistant Shen." Lu Nanxin said softly.

   "No, Miss Lu, please tell me as soon as you have something to do." Shen Bin said directly.

   After that, Shen Bin didn't stay long.

  Looking at Shen Bin's leaving figure, Lu Nanxin swallowed the words that came to his lips.

   We did not continue asking too much.

   And Lu Nanxin kept sending messages to Wen Jin.

   And this rhythm is well controlled, and every message is a grievance.

   People can't bear to get angry with Lu Nanxin.

   It was not until the dead of night that Lu Nanxin received a call from Wen Jin.

   "Jin..." Lu Nanxin relaxed, "I thought you didn't want me anymore."

  Wen Jin didn't speak, and was quiet for a while: "No."

   These words seemed to comfort Lu Nanxin.

  Lu Nanxin hummed: "I heard from Special Assistant Shen that you went to Europe? When will you come back? Don't work too hard. I'm fine here, so you don't have to worry about me too much."

   "Okay." Wen Jin said lightly.

  Lu Nanxin bit her lips: "There is something... I want to ask."

  (end of this chapter)

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