Mommy Stuns The World After Her Divorce

Chapter 372: What is she going to do? Be Miss Wallflower for Wenjin?

  Chapter 372 What is she going to do? Be Miss Wallflower for Wenjin?

  Yu Anwan's ears were a little red, but her voice was a little more coquettish, "What's so interesting."

   "It's beautiful." Wen Jin said calmly, "And it's also very beautiful."

  The deep eyes were filled with dots of smiles, such dark colors seemed to swallow Yu Anwan completely in an instant.

   I don't know if it's because of being uncomfortable being watched by Wen Jin.

   Yu Anwan still couldn't breathe in such an atmosphere.

   Now, Yu Anwan suddenly became active: "Wen Jin, you are so annoying, do you want to do it or not?"

   Wen Jin smiled.

  In the suite, outside the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, I don’t know if it’s the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors, or something else.

  There is mist on the glass windows.

  The flowers placed on the window sill are also stained with mist, and they look as if they are about to bloom, very charming.

  In the room, there is still the sound of the air conditioner blower.

   There is also that charming atmosphere, which gradually permeates the surrounding air and lingers for a long time.

   For a long time, so long that Wen Jin erupted in such an atmosphere, Yu Anwan's whole body was like a puddle of water, soft in Wen Jin's arms.

  They were all breathing heavily.

  Wen Jin calmed down first, looked down at Yu Anwan: "I'll take you to take a bath."

  Yu Anwan hummed, but did not refuse.

   is really too tired.

   Limbs and bones are as exhausted as being run over by someone.

  But when she was picked up by Wen Jin and gently placed in the bathtub, Yu Anwan's eyes suddenly fell on Wen Jin.

  Wen Jin frowned and looked: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

   "Wen Jin, do you love me?" Yu Anwan just looked at Wen Jin like this, asking directly, every word and every sentence seemed to be very clear.

  Wen Jin didn't answer immediately.

  Yu Anwan didn't urge her either.

   Until Yu Anwan was submerged in hot water, she also subconsciously thought that Wen Jin would never answer her own questions again.

  While Wen Jin's voice came slowly: "I love you."

  Yu Anwan was stunned, it was really a surprise.

   Probably never thought that one day, he would hear such words from Wen Jin's mouth.

  Does Wen Jin love himself?

  Yu Anwan always felt a little dazed.

  Wen Jin stood up calmly: "Take a bath first, I'll take a shower, and I'll blow your hair later."

   After the voice fell, Wen Jin turned and walked towards the shower room.

   I don't know if it was intentional or something else.

  Wen Jin just turned his back to Yu Anwan.

  The sound of running water came from top to bottom, washing Wen Jin's shoulder blades.

  The figure of this person is clear at a glance.

  Yu Anwan looked at it generously.

   I felt oh in my heart.

   President Wen, is this embarrassing?

  But Yu Anwan was in a good mood, maybe because of Wen Jin's confession, maybe because of something else.

  In Yu Anwan's opinion, even if it is a sharp blade wrapped in honey, she can swallow it without changing her face.

   Regardless of true or false.

  At least at this moment, Yu Anwan took it seriously.

after that.

  Yu Anwan fell into a drowsy sleep.

   And in the dream, it seemed that there was a pair of extremely gentle hands wiping himself clean.

   Run her slender fingers through her hair, and dry it carefully. The temperature of the hair dryer is just right, and it won't make Yu Anwan feel any discomfort at all.

   Then she fell into a solid chest.

  Listen to the strong and powerful heartbeat of this person.

  Yu An slept soundly at night.

   is the comfort and satisfaction that I have never had before.


the next day.

  Yu Anwan and Wen Jin did not go to Disney again.

   After the two had breakfast, they drove away from Disney and headed directly towards the Four Seasons Hotel.

  When the car drove up the main road, Wen Jin's hand naturally took Yu Anwan's hand.

  Yu Anwan glanced down, did not refuse, and even grabbed Wen Jin's hand backhandedly.

  Wen Jin looked at it with a faint smile on his brows and eyes.

   But this kind of smile reaches the bottom of the eyes.

   It seemed that the atmosphere between the two was suddenly different.

  But it's so sweet that people can't move their eyes away.

   Until the car stopped at the Four Seasons Hotel, the two got out of the car.

  Wen Jin still led Yu Anwan and walked towards the hotel.

  When the hotel manager saw Wen Jin, he immediately walked up to him: "Mr. Wen, people are already waiting for you."

  Wen Jin hummed.

  Seeing this, Yu Anwan was straightforward: "I'll just go up by myself, you can go get busy."

  Wen Jin is in charge of the entire Wen Group.

   Regardless of whether Wenjin came to Paris for himself or not.

  But since Wen Jin is here, this person's temper is naturally impossible to waste this time, and he will deal with what needs to be done.

  Yu Anwan never interfered, and would never ask.

  So, Yu Anwan also knows how to avoid it.

  Under such circumstances, Wen Jin listened to Yu Anwan's words, looked at Yu Anwan silently, lowered his head and smiled: "You go with me."

  Yu Anwan: "?"

  What is she going to do?

   Be Miss Wallflower for Wenjin?

  Wen Jin didn't seem to have any intention of explaining, he had already held Yu Anwan's hand, and followed the manager towards another VIP room.

  Yu Anwan was a little puzzled, but she didn't bother to ask.

  Wen Jin doesn't care, what does she care about.

  So Yu Anwan followed her generously.

   Soon, the door of the VIP room was opened.

  Wen Jin suddenly turned around, just blocking Yu Anwan's sight.

  Yu Anwan couldn't see what was going on in the VIP room.

   "What are you doing?" Yu Anwan frowned and asked.

  The whole person bumped into Wen Jin directly because of Wen Jin's actions.

  Wen Jin's eyes still fell on Yu Anwan.

  Yu Anwan was so uncomfortable being watched by Wen Jin: "If it's inconvenient, I'll go back, why are you staring at me?"

   "Anwan." Wen Jin called Yu Anwan.

  Yu Anwan said "Oh," and signaled Wen Jin to continue.

   "I don't know if you like what I'm preparing now. But I've tried my best to restore it. If you don't like it, you can tell me directly." Wen Jin said without thinking.

  Yu Anwan was made even more confused.

  What exactly is Wen Jin talking about?

   And when Wenjin's voice fell, Yu Anwan hadn't had time to ask.

  Wen Jin took the initiative to hold Yu Anwan's hand and walked towards the VIP room.

  The door of the VIP room was closed again.

  Yu Anwan got used to the light in the VIP room.

   Then, she saw Karina herself.

  Of course Yu Anwan knows how difficult Karina is.

  He is indifferent to everyone, but with this kind of personality, he is very successful in the fashion circle.

  Because Karina's designs are all classics.

   But now, Wen Jin sent Karina to Yu Anwan.

  Yu Anwan blinked and looked at Wen Wenjin.

  Wen Jin just held Yu Anwan's hand, and then said softly in a low voice: "Go and see, if you like it or not."



  Yu Anwan didn't react for a while.

   But Karina walked up with a smile on her face: "Mr. Wen, I really approve of your vision now, your proposal is very suitable for your wife."

  Karina said with a smile.

  (end of this chapter)

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