Mommy Stuns The World After Her Divorce

Chapter 387: Take my hand, don't mess around, do you hear me?

  Chapter 387 Hold my hand, don't mess around, do you hear me?

  Wen Jin lowered his head.

  Yu Anwan kissed her deeply.

   "You are good, so I will reward you!" Yu Anwan said directly.

  Wen Jin couldn't laugh or cry: "Get up, go brush your teeth and wash your face, I'll take you to have breakfast."

  Yu Anwan uttered a cry, but remained motionless.

  Wen Jin didn't say anything, and hugged Yu Anwan directly.

  Yu Anwan is hypocritical, but Wen Jin is willing to coax Yu Anwan to be hypocritical.

  Yu Anwan thought about it, and couldn't help but raise her mouth: "Mr. Wen, what am I going to do to please you so much?"

   "I'm afraid that if you miss the deep boat, you'll lose your temper with me later." Wen Jin said calmly.

   "Am I that kind of person?" Yu Anwan snorted.

   "Well, you are not. But I will feel guilty, is this okay?" Wen Jin was already helpless.

  Yu Anwan was very happy to be coaxed.

   And this person has prepared everything for himself.

  Yu Anwan completely lost her temper, shook her head, brushed her teeth and washed her face seriously.

  Wen Jin prepared all the dark and light clothes for Yu Anwan, and even sunscreen was wiped by Wen Jin himself for Yu Anwan.

  Yu Anwan enjoyed Wenjin's service very much.

after all.

  There are not many people that Mr. Wen can personally serve.

   Don't you want to show off?

  Wen Jin ignored Yu Anwan's little thought, and soon, Wen Jin took Yu Anwan to the restaurant directly.

  The restaurant is bustling today.

  Because many people from the wedding team have already arrived first.

  But under such circumstances, Wen Jin and Yu Anwan are also affected in any way.

  Yu Anwan realized it later.

  The best villas and viewing places on the entire island are occupied by Wenjin.

   And this should be for the bride and groom.

  However, Mr. Wen wants to be domineering, who dares to say anything?

   "For such a big man, he can still eat food up to his mouth." Wen Jin was very helpless.

  He picked up a wet tissue and wiped it for Yu Anwan.

  Yu Anwan had a cute face.

   are all pretended.

  Of course Wen Jin knew it too, so he kept his face.

  While Wen Jin was wiping Yu Anwan clean, Yu Anwan suddenly approached viciously, and kissed Wen Jin's face so hard.

  Wen Jin's face also fell.

   "Hmph, let you blame me!" Yu Anwan was very vindictive.

  Wen Jin even shook his head: "You..."

   But indulgent throughout.


   Soon, the two went out to sea.

  There are very beautiful coral reefs and fish schools in this sea area.

  During this season, the weather in Madai is just right, not hot, and it is the most comfortable time to go to the sea.

  The fish schools are multiplying, so the species are extremely rich.

   is the most suitable time for depth.

   The yacht quickly took them to deep and shallow waters.

  They didn't find a coach, because Wenjin himself has the qualifications of a coach.

   And Yu Anwan is not too unfamiliar with shades.

  After the two got ready, Wen Jin took Yu Anwan into the sea.

  The sea itself is crystal clear.

  Wen Jin quickly explained: "Take my hand and don't mess around, do you hear me?"

   "Got it." Yu Anwan hummed.

  In the sea, what can she do, and it's not really tired of life.

  But seeing Wen Jin's serious look, Yu Anwan bent her lips.

  Knowing that Wen Jin is concerned about himself.

  Wen Jin took Yu Anwan down to the bottom of the sea.

  The magic of the seabed made Yu Anwan linger, and Yu Anwan took pictures while watching.

  Wen Jin was by his side, always keeping Yu Anwan in his sight, avoiding any mistakes.

  Suddenly, before Yu Anwan had time to react, she was directly taken out by a force.

  Yu Anwan came back to her senses, only then did she notice that it was Wen Jin.

   Soon, Yu Anwan realized the surrounding environment.

  She was so serious that she didn't notice the coral reef next to her.

  Although it is not as densely packed as before, this kind of coral reef is not only poisonous, but also extremely sharp.

   Even if they wear professional diving suits, under such circumstances, they cannot stop the sharpness of these coral reefs.

  So Wen Jin noticed, and immediately pulled Yu Anwan away.

  And I was inevitably scraped by the coral reef.

  Cracks appeared in Wen Jin's diving suit, and the skin was already oozing blood, which spread in the depths of the sea in an instant.

  The sea is bottomless.

  Dangers in the sea are always lurking.

   And if a person is about to bleed in the sea, it is fatal.

  Dangerous creatures may be attracted anytime and anywhere.

   Now, Yu Anwan was a little panicked, and without thinking, Yu Anwan swam towards Wenjin.

  But Wen Jin reacted quickly, they were unable to speak in the water, and Wen Jin was already walking towards Yu Anwan.

  It was only then that Yu Anwan noticed that piranhas were lurking in this sea area at some point.

  The piranha, who was originally quiet, suddenly boiled after seeing Wen Jin's blood.

   came in their direction.

  Without any hesitation, Wen Jin had already led Yu Anwan towards the sea.

  The lifeguard above also noticed the situation below, and immediately gave support.

   Soon, the two appeared on the yacht safely.

  The piranhas are still jumping excitedly, probably a little annoyed that their food just disappeared.

  The doctor on the yacht rushed over immediately.

   "Are you okay?" Yu Anwan asked quickly.

  Wen Jin held Yu Anwan's hand, and did not answer Yu Anwan's question, but checked Yu Anwan carefully.

   After confirming that Yu Anwan was safe and sound, Wen Jin heaved a sigh of relief.

  The next moment, because of the poisoning, Wen Jin fell into a coma.

  Yu Anwan exclaimed, "Wenjin!"

  The doctor already knows what can happen in the seabed.

  So the doctor treated Wenjin's wound very neatly, and let the blood out by the way.

  The wound is a bit oozing.

   "Mrs. Wen, can you turn around?" The doctor kindly reminded.

  Yu Anwan shook her head: "I'm right here."

The doctor nodded and didn't say anything. While dealing with Wenjin's situation, he explained to Yu Anwan: "This toxin won't be fatal, just put it away, but it takes time for the wound to heal. Mr. Wen fell into a coma because of the toxin." , paralyzed his nerves."

   What's more, it's already amazing to have persisted for so long to come up from the sea.

   In the doctor's explanation, Yu Anwan heaved a sigh of relief.

  But Yu Anwan just stared at the doctor directly, without moving away at all.

   On the contrary, it was the doctor who was made extremely nervous by Yu Anwan.

   And the yacht soon berthed at the pier of the island.

  The hotel staff waited for the first time, and immediately sent Wen Jin back to the villa.

  Yu Anwan quickly followed without hesitation.


  Inside the villa.

  Because of the wound, Wen Jin always lay on his stomach.

  The man is not wearing anything.

  (end of this chapter)

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