Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 310: Truths and Lies

Watching the tears and snot flow, I smiled as Gu Shen kicked and screamed, pleading for his freedom, yet that only furthered the Demonic Minotaurs to carry him away.

Shaking my head, I focused, "now that little play is out the way, guess it's finally time to finish this damn trial. Once Lilith is back upon my side, then Midgard will finally begin to change."

Slitting my wrist, I performed the same ritual I had before five years ago to speak with Bael. "By my blood, I call upon the Infernal Lord that resides within the Sin of Wrath. Hear thy name, and know that I have requested an Audience."

Narrowing my gaze, the feeling I once had did not occur within me, but a deep profoundness did try to invade my mind. However, it felt hollow and empty. Slowly the image of Bael appeared within my blood.

Widening my eyes in horror, I backed away, "Bael... what the hell happened?" I asked aloud, watching the prince of hell drooling like a common fool. No form of intelligence could be seen as bobbles of snot trickled down his chin.

"He cannot talk," The deep voice of Asmodeus resounded amused as he appeared beside Bael." I finally found the time to break him. Say Hello to Bael 2.0, or is 893.0? I can not remember, but the person you know is long gone."

"Why?" I asked, unable to believe what I was seeing.

"This is hell Arsene, no Demon or Devil is exempted from being tormented when they enter my hells. Bael had it easy for a few months, but after a few billion years, I cranked up the torment. It happens, many of the princes and kings suffer the same fate, but it's fine. He should bounce back once I release him."

"And will he be the same?" I hopefully asked, not in the least amused by this situation. While Bael wasn't that detrimental, his presence was a bit of a safety net from other princes.

"What part of 2.0 did you not understand? He will be a different person, with the same memories. I essentially rebuilt is Ego. the Bael you knew is gone, so is what happens when you enter one of my torments." said Asmodeus staring at me.

Growing silent, I stared back, pondering over his motives. Assuming what Asmodeus said about the torments of hell, then I definitely do not want to enter if it cannot be helped. However, something is odd about this situation.

"What do you want? There was no reason for you to appear and tell me this." I said, watching Bael drool over himself.

"I am sure we can get there, but why not ask me what you wanted to speak to bael about," Asmodeus said, licking his lips in anticipation.

Not showing anything upon my face, my heart turned icy. Who was this? I have met Asmodeus once, and this is definitely, not him. The Asmodeus I knew was cold, precise, calculating, and that was from a single glance. He had an Aura that could not be perceived and an intent that couldn't be understood, but this person here, I felt like it was a very rich imitation.

I am sure that there is no doubt whomever this person said about the hells and Bael are correct, but his intentions are dangerous. Is this Sitri? No, this feels like another person, maybe Dra'etheal. Either way, I think Sitri is involved somehow.

"I needed information," I told, telling bits of half-truths.

"So you came to this fool? But I am sure we can come to an agreement as we did before." I said to this imposter. Telling him, I had already made a deal with Asmodeus before. I needed a deep worry to grow; I needed this person to wonder what was said between The True King of Hell and myself. A devil's greatest fear and power is knowledge. Without it, what are we?

But for now, I needed to maneuver my words when speaking in contracts carefully. I need to be able to lie, but I also want them to know I am telling truths. I want to create a situation where whatever they do, I still win. Fooling them fully is impossible, but leading them down a path they cannot back out of is better.

"I see no problem with that," He said with a sheepish smile.

"Agreed, so then, tell me what you know about Soloman." I lightly stated, "From what I heard, he is within Midgard."

"Oh? And how did you come to find that out?" He asked, meticulously stroking his goatee.

"Does it matter?"

"I suppose not, but I want to know one thing from you." He said, smirking, "Tell me how far along you are in the task I gave you."

"Ninty percent, I should be done in by the time I enter The Isle of Yu'drool. With that Artifact to battle against Demons, Sitri's end game is done. But I thought you were watching over my trial. Why worry now?"

"I have better things to worry about than you." He coldly voiced. "My turn, isn't it? Soloman is indeed upon Midgard. His goal is unknown, but from—"

"Do forgive me, Lord Asmodeus, but I asked for information about Soloman, not what he is doing within Midgard."

"Than you should have specified that better. You're a devil. Words and terms are everything. Finding a loophole is what we Devils do. " He cunningly said, bringing a scowl to my lips.

"Never mind about that then," I angrily spat, glaring at the man. "When will Bael be released? Has he not served in hell long enough?"

"True, but I could release him for a price."

Rolling my eyes inwardly, I snorted on the outside, "What price?"

"How about your game plan? If you complete what I asked of you, I am quite interested in what you do next?" He curiously asked, surprised by the rather clearness in his request.

Sitri or some prince is whispering in his ears. Could they be suspecting something?

"Well, it's quite simple, really. Once I gain that Abyssal Rune, I will be able to use it to control all the Qi of Heaven and Earth, turning it into more abyssal energy destroying the Ise of Yu'drool. Sitri probably has a long, complicated task for me, but I have no interest in participating, especially when my little brother is waiting on me." I said, telling half-truths, hoping Aldrich was indeed listening. However, even if he wasn't listening, I still win. Aldrich interference is all but guaranteed its Sitri. I wanted to interfere.

It was a little much to enforce a dual conflict between Ruler and Hell, but with the Nine's interference, Aldrich's anger will only expand, at least temporarily, when he sees what I have a plan.

"That doesn't seem like a plan." Asmodeus said, a little confused, "It's more of a—"

"Yes, that is the point sometimes; the best plans are the simple ones. Sure the nine realms of this pantheon will not have enough power, but I believe this abyssal rune of yours will be so powerful I will be unstoppable for about seven seconds." I said, smiling menacingly.

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