Monochrome Stories

Chapter 16 - - Ep 15: The New Transferees

Black's POV

The weekend passed and White was finally discharged from the hospital. It's Monday, and I wonder if he's okay enough to go to school. When we stayed with him at the hospital, he seemed well enough. He was smiling, laughing, and he looked like he was genuinely having fun. I already have his number so I could just text him to ask if he was coming to school, but I might be overstepping my boundaries. Speaking of numbers, that boy I met at the hospital, Cyan, was it? I never really gave him my number... I was actually waiting for that text from him. I've been ready to give him a tour, but I guess that won't be happening until there's another goddamn coincidence that'll make me meet him again. 

"Aunt Autumn, I'm leaving!" I told my Aunt as I exited the door. 

"Take care, honey." She replied. 

The walk to school was honestly quite boring. It was just the same old stuff. Same old route, same old scenery, and same old grey figures. I honestly wish something interesting would happen. 

A tap on my shoulder interrupted my inner monologue, and I looked back to see a familiar red shade. It was Crimson. He was wearing a black sweater with a flannel jacket tied to his waist, and dark ripped jeans. His guitar was strapped on his back, which honestly looked really heavy. His hair was all messed up, but it kinda fit him so it didn't really matter much. "Hey, Black." He said while smiling. "I didn't know we had the same route to school." 

"Me either." I replied. We continued walking and finally arrived at the school gate. "Do you always carry your guitar with you?" I asked. 

"Well, yeah. I'm in the music department, so it's a must for me." He replied. 

"Why don't you just leave it here at school?" 

His expression turned grim. "I'd rather not." He replied, with an obviously forced laugh. He stopped walking, but I continued. He suddenly tugged on my bag and pulled me back. "Hey, dude, we're already at your classroom." He said. I turned to see that we were actually at my classroom. I guess I must've missed it. "I'm gonna head up now. See you, Black." He said, waving his hand goodbye. 

I waved back and entered the classroom. I looked around, but White and Lilac still aren't here. I went to my seat and took my sketchbook out. There isn't really much to do here without them, so I guess I'll just sketch until they arrive. 

"New transferees?" I could hear the people in our classroom talk. 

"Yeah. Apparently there's gonna be one in the photography department and one in the music department." 

Music department? That's the department Crimson's in. I hope this new student will actually approach him and try to be his friend. I feel bad for him always being alone and surrounded by all these nasty rumors. Speaking of rumors, I haven't been hearing anything about me hanging out with Crimson. I guess the issue must've subsided because of the new transferees. I wonder what they're like since people were making such a fuss over them. 

"Black!" A loud voice exclaimed. I turned to see White running towards me with his arms open for a hug. 

I stood up and put my arm out to stop him from coming any closer to me. "Don't even try." I said, my hand pushing his ċhėst. 

"Oh, come on." He said, struggling to still give me a hug, but eventually gave up. "You're a real ȧsshole, you know that?" 

"Yeah, I know." I replied, patting his hand and giving him a smile. 

"You guys are so active early in the morning." A female voice said. We saw Lilac by the door walking towards us. "How are you, White?" She asked. 

"I'm feeling a lot better now." White replied. 

"Hey, Lilac!" A female voice called her. It was one of Lilac's grey friends. I'm sure it was one of them since I remember seeing this girl on the first day in the cafeteria. She was the only one of them in their group that wasn't in the arts department. "Let's eat something." She said. 

"Oh, sure!" Lilac replied. "Do you guys wanna come with us?" She asked. "I can introduce you guys to my friend over there." 

"No thanks." I replied. "I'd rather be on my comfortable chair, probably sleeping." 

"Oh, alright." She turned to White. "What about you?" 

White turned a bit red. "Uh... Um..." He stuttered. 

"Yeah, he wants to come with you guys." I interrupted. "Now, go on. Don't keep them waiting, White." I said, pushing him towards Lilac. 

Lilac pulled on his arm and they headed outside the classroom. White's face when exiting the room was priceless. He looked so embarrassed and awkward. I guess moving on won't be so hard after all. It didn't hurt as much as it did before. It still hurts, but I could manage. 

The day went on as normal and lunch time came just like that. A slam on my desk startled me. It was Lilac. "Let's go to the cafeteria, Black. Join me, White, and Chartreuse." She said. 

"Chartreuse?" I asked. 

"She's my friend that you saw earlier. I wanna introduce you to her. White's already met her, so it's your turn." She said as she pointed at the door towards White and Chartreuse, but what's strange is that Chartreuse wasn't grey anymore. She had a bright neon green color. She had long blonde curly hair styled into kinda like the stars you can see on tv during the red carpet. She was wearing a yellow and white bomber jacket with the school pin on the right side of it, and a white shirt on the inside. Her hands were tucked in the pockets of her jacket so it made her look a bit boyish. She had a very intimidating look, kinda like an eagle looking for its next prey. "So, are you coming with us?" Lilac asked. 

"Uh, sure." I replied. 

She grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the door. "Let's go get Crimson too." She said.

"He's in the music department though." I explained to her.

"I know. Let's go up and get him." We got to the door. "Hey, Chartreuse." Lilac called her friend. "This is another one of my friends and White's best friend, Black." She introduced me. "And Black, this is Chartreuse." 

"Nice to meet you, Chartreuse." I said as I put my hand out for a handshake. 

She stared at it for a few seconds. "Yeah, whatever. I don't do handshakes. Especially with people like you." She replied. 

What? People like me? Did I do something? 

"Sorry, Black. She isn't the biggest fan of boys." Lilac explained. "I just wanna help her make other friends besides girls. It might help her get over her fear." 

"It's a fear of hers... I understand" I replied. "Anyway, aren't we getting Crimson too?" I asked. 

"What?!" Chartreuse exclaimed. "There's still one more?! God, why don't you just kill me now?" 

"Stop being so dramatic." Lilac said. "Now, come on. Let's go to the music department." 

We proceeded to walk and I noticed White being a bit quiet. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder. 

He flinched. "Y-yeah. I'm fine. Just a bit terrified." He replied. 

"Terrified? Of what?" 

He pointed to Chartreuse talking with Lilac. "Her." He said. 

"She is a bit scary. Didn't you eat with them earlier?" 

"Yeah. It was honestly a nightmare. She threatened me that if I ever wanna go out with Lilac, I should be prepared to deal with her every single living day of my life." 

"Well, shit. What did you do to her?" 

"Nothing! We didn't even talk while we ate. I don't even know how she knew I liked Lilac." 

Well, it's kinda obvious that you like her. "I guess pay no mind to it. It might just be her personality." 

We got close to the music department, but then we get caught up in a crowd of people blocking the way. 

"Um, excuse me." Lilac said, talking to a student in front of her. "What's happening?" She asked. 

"There's a fight happening inside one of the classrooms, and we were told to get out if we don't wanna be caught in the middle. Somebody already called a teacher so this should be over any minute." The student replied. 

"What? Who's fighting?" 

"The new student and the delinquent." 

"Crimson?!" She exclaimed as she grabbed my arm and pulled me pass the crowd. 

Crimson was fighting with the new student? Why? There must be a reason, right? 

We got to the front of the crowd and saw Crimson and the new student giving each other powerful blows. Both of their faces were stained with blood, but they still weren't stopping. 

Lilac let go of my arm and headed to the middle to block Crimson. I followed her and held the new student back. 

"Let go of me." The student said. His grey colors were becoming a very light brown color. I couldn't look at his face properly because of what was happening though. 

"Yeah. Let go of him, Black. This is a fight between me and him." Crimson added, wiping the blood from his face.

"Crimson, stop it!" Lilac exclaimed. 

"There they are!" A female voice exclaimed. I turned to see a grey student with a teacher next to her. 

"Crimson?! You're fighting again?!" The teacher asked. "And you! Aren't you the transferee?! Both of you, to the principal's office! Now!" 

The new student pulled on his arm, which made me let go, and picked up his bag to follow the teacher. I saw Lilac wiping the blood off of Crimson's face using a handkerchief. I approached them. 

"I'm fine. You can stop it now." Crimson said. 

"No, it's not fine. You're full of bruises." Lilac replied. 

"Well, thanks for the help, but I have to go to the principal's office." He said, grabbing his bag. 

"We're coming with you." I interrupted. "Who knows what'll happen when you get out of the office." 

"Yeah. He's right. Come on." Lilac said, helping Crimson stand up, then they both walked towards the teacher. 

"Black!" A voice called me from behind. A hand grabbed me by the shoulder, so I turned around and saw White and Chartreuse. "Where are you going?!" White asked. 

"We're going to the principal's office with Crimson. You guys can go eat first. We'll just catch up later." I explained. 

"No." Chartreuse interrupted. "I'm not gonna leave Lilac with two boys. We're coming with you." She said, pushing me to the side and walking towards Lilac. 

"Yeah, what she said. We're just gonna come with you." White agreed. 

I sighed. "Well, come on then."

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