Monochrome Stories

Chapter 6 - - Ep 05: Fated Meeting

Black's POV

It was a Wednesday morning, and I was on my way to school. This time, I decided to play some Against The Current songs. They aren't really my type of band. I'm more of an emo kind of guy, but I guess it's better than listening to sad songs that are gonna make me more sad.

I got to an intersection near our house, then something popped into my mind. Lilac has color too now. I still want to keep the distance between me and my classmates, so I hope nothing changes between us. I'm fine with White being the only person I talk to. I don't think I can handle another person in my life.

I got to our classroom and I immediately headed to my seat. I slouched down on my desk and closed my eyes. Sweet, peaceful comfort. 

"Good morning, Black." A female voice greeted me. I spoke too soon. I looked towards the direction of the voice and saq Lilac sitting on the desk in front of me. "You look like you're enjoying your morning." She said with a slight chuckle. 

Great, now I gotta socialize with this girl too. "Is it really that obvious?" I replied rather sarcastically. 

"Hey, Lilac!" A female voice shouted from across the classroom. We both looked to see who it was and saq one of Lilac's friends beckoning her to come. 

"Oh, sorry. My friend's calling me. I'll be right back." She said as she stood up and walked there. 

"Black!" A familiar voice called to me. I suddenly felt a tight hug beside me. It was just White. "I see you're already replacing me with a girl. You're hurting me." He said in a mocking voice.

"Shut up, man." I said as I pushed him away. I do admit, I am interested in Lilac a bit. She's really pretty.

"So who was the girl?" He asked. 

"Our classmate, Lilac." I replied. 

"Lilac, huh?" He said with a rather soft voice. I looked to his direction and my heart sank. He was blushing, and the sorrowful look on his face says it all.

-He likes her- 

"Hey, White." I called him.

-Don't do it- 

"Do you want me to introduce you to her?" I asked.


His face lit up with excitement. "Really??? You'll introduce me to her?" 

"Yeah. Don't worry about it." I replied. 

Lilac finished talking with her friends and headed towards our direction. 

"Sorry if that took long. They were just amazed I managed to talk to the Ice Prince." She laughed. God, even her laugh is adorable.

"It's fine." I replied. "Have I introduced you guys yet?" I asked as I pointed at White. 

The expression on his face stiffened, obviously from embarrassment. "H-hello there." He stuttered. "I'm W-White. Nice to m-meet you." He said as he held out his hand for a handshake. 

"I know you, Prince Charming." Lilac replied with a smirk. "You're famous throughout the whole school. Who wouldn't know you?" She said as she returned the handshake. "My name is Lilac. Nice to meet you too." 

I guess my work here is done. 

-Why are you doing this to yourself- 

I'm not doing anything. 

-Does it feel nice- 

No. It doesn't. 

-Then why- 

There doesn't have to be a reason. 

-Why sacrifice your happiness for a person you bȧrėly know- 

He's a friend. That's already enough reason. I'd rather see him happy than be the reason for his sadness. 

-Why do you keep lying to yourself-

"Hey, I'm gonna head to the bathroom real quick. You two just get to know each other." I said as I stood up and headed out of the classroom. 

I felt something wet dropping on my hands. I wiped my face because it might just be sweat, but it wasn't. It was tears. Tears were falling from my face as I sped up to head to the bathroom.

I finally arrived, and thankfully there was no one here. Why the hell am I doing this to myself? I headed towards the tap to wash my face.

"This is quite a sight to see." A voice said as I heard a stall door close. "I didn't know the Ice Prince had emotions." I looked and saw a male grey figure. Well, obviously it'd be a boy. What would a girl be doing in the boy's bathroom? "What could've happened that made you like this?" 

"It's nothing." I replied. There was no point in letting this conversation go on. He's grey.

I collected some water on the palm of my hands and brought it up to my face. I could hear the tap beside me open. I couldn't see anything, so I wiped my face with my handkerchief. I looked at the mirror in front of me to see myself again, and beside me was quite a shock to see. The boy from the stall wasn't grey anymore. He had this bright crimson color. His spiky and messy hair was the color of autumn, almost the same as my aunt. He was wearing a khaki sweater, which honestly looked fashionable as hell, and dark ripped jeans with a brown leather belt, which had his school pin. He had a black piercing on his right ear, which made him look kinda dangerous. 

"You sure there's nothing wrong?" He asked as he looked at me. "I'm all ears if you need someone to listen." He looked genuinely worried for me, a stranger.

I finally finished washing my face. "No need." I said as I walked towards the door. 

"Well." He added as I stopped. "If you ever feel the need to talk to me, you can find me in the music department. Room 506. Bye, Ice Prince." I continued to open the door and walked out.

The day went on normally. I've noticed White and Lilac talk more throughout the day. It was a bittersweet sight for me, but seeing him happy... That's enough for me. 

The bell for dismissal rang, and I gathered my things to go home. 

"Hey, Black." White called me. "We're going out to eat. Come on. Come with us." He beckoned me. He was with Lilac and a group of people, probably Lilac's friends, but they're grey... 

"Can't. I've got some errands to do." I replied. "Have fun though." 

"Oh." He said, with his happy expression turning sad. "Next time, then." He smiled, in a rather lonely way, and then proceeded to walk out with the rest of the crowd.

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