Monster Altar

Chapter 124

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Purchased some daily necessities. On the 2nd day, Fang Ping left He’an Base City in a small truck and went to the production base where the first reward was located.

This is a fruit production base that will provide a large amount of fruit to He’an Base City every year, and the monster it encounters is a Tier 1000 monster called 2 insects.

The body of this monster is composed of 1000 to 10000 small insects. It has a strong gnawing habit for plants. Wherever it appears, plants will be eaten up.

In this fruit production base, a large piece of Fruit Tree was destroyed by this kind of monster, causing a lot of losses.

After arriving at this fruit production base, Fang Ping left the fruit production base after asking the Chief-In-Charge of the fruit production base for details.

“Shadow Clone Jutsu.”

When I came to a place where no one was outside the fruit production base, Fang Ping both hands forming seals, accompanied by white fog, 4 identical Fang Ping appeared.

“Scatter search!”

The 4 Fang Pings searched for the fruit production bases East, South, West, and North respectively.

Shadow Clone is an entity clone with combat capability, but it is a chakra that will divide the main body. The manifestation in Fang Ping is that it will divide the body energy of Fang Ping, and then affect the main body battle strength.

Fang Ping not at all Uzumaki Naruto’s physique, three are already his current limit without seriously affecting his own battle strength.

Moreover, the time that each Shadow Clone can last is only about one day. After one day, the 3 Shadow Clone will disappear because of the exhaustion of body energy, and he must use Shadow Clone Jutsu again.

“It should be in the vicinity!”

A few days later, east of the fruit production base, one of Fang Ping’s Shadow Clone found a large swath of plants that had been gnawed bare.

Judging from the traces of gnawing, the time for the plants to be gnawed is not long, at most, it does not exceed one day.

Searching around the center, a few hours later, Fang Ping’s Shadow Clone felt the sound of the monster.

The perceived sound is extremely peculiar. Although it looks like a whole, it is composed of many sounds mixed together.

Such a peculiar sound is very similar to the characteristics of 1000 insects, and it must be 1000 insects.

Fang Ping’s Shadow Clone lurked over and saw the monster.

It was a group of green insects, each of which had only the thickness of a thumb, but the number was extremely large, reaching as many as 1000.

They scatter and climb up a tree. In just a few moments, a tree with lush foliage will be gnawed bare. Compared with this kind of monster, the insect plague in the previous life is simply pediatric.


No longer hiding, Fang Ping quickly rushed towards the monster. The monster found Fang Ping and quickly gathered together to transform into a one meter long azure monster.

The monster has 4 legs and 2 long swords and sickles. It looks like a praying mantis. It swings a sharp sword and slashes towards Fang Ping.

Ka ka ——

Fang Ping’s whole body released a chill, and the monster before Fang Ping’s body became a huge piece of ice, unable to move even a little bit.

Although it is only a Shadow Clone, it also has the battle strength of ordinary Tier 3, and it is very easy to deal with a Tier 2 monster.

The real trouble with this kind of monster is that if all the insects cannot be killed at the same time, even if only one insect escapes, the monster will resurrect after a period of time.

However, it met Fang Ping, who had the ability of Hie Hie no Mi, and it was considered a nemesis. All the insect clones were frozen in an instant, and none of them could escape.

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu.”

Grabbing the monster that turned into ice with one hand, Fang Ping Shadow Clone used Flying Thunder God Jutsu, and suddenly disappeared in place, and appeared where Fang Ping’s main body was when it reappeared.

To disarm all the Shadow Clone, Fang Ping used Flying Thunder God Jutsu and returned to the fruit production base with the monster, where he left a flying thunder divine technique on a rock.

Handing over a reward and obtaining a proof of mission completion, Fang Ping drove a small truck and left the fruit production base.

After leaving the fruit production base, Fang Ping collected the corpses of 1000 insects into the sacrifice space.


The 1000 corpses of insects that turned into ice disappeared under the blood-colored flames, the blood-colored altar bloomed rays of light, and stars appeared in the sky.


Suddenly, the stars in the sky suddenly disappeared, and a majestic voice sounded.

“The sacrifice level is too low, the sacrifice failed!”

The result confirmed his speculation, and the conditions of sacrifice were improved again, and the sacrifice of Tier 2 monsters was no longer possible.

The number of stars has decreased again, from the original number of 10000 to about 10000.

In contrast, the quality has been improved again, and some animation characters with poor abilities or innate talent have disappeared.

“It seems that in the future, we can only use Tier 3 and above monsters as sacrifices!”

Exit the sacrifice space, Fang Ping drove to the second Bounty Mission.

This time is not a production base, but a wilderness 100 li away from He’an base city.

The truck was unable to move forward after several dozen li, Fang Ping gave up the truck and drove on foot in the jungle, reaching the place where the Tier 3 monster was first discovered.

What appeared before his eyes was a hill, with undulating terrain and dense vegetation.

Originally, this place should be an extremely suitable place for wild animals to inhabit. Unfortunately, because of the existence of monsters, wild animals are preyed in large numbers. Although they are not extinct, their numbers have become extremely rare.

“This is already the edge of He’an Base City!”

Because of the production base, the surrounding area of ​​He’an Base City has also been included in the scope of protection, and it will regularly organize manual carpet cleaning.

However, 100 li is already the limit. If it exceeds this range, He’an Base City will be unable to handle it.

“Shadow Clone Jutsu ——”

Along with the white mist, 4 identical Fang Pings appeared. Fang Ping started to search for 4 weeks in the same way as before.

A day’s search, in the evening, Fang Ping, who found Tier 3 monster not at all, stopped to rest.

Take out the dry food and water from the sacrifice space that already has storage functions, and Fang Ping will eat it.

“Besides me, there should be Awakener people who are also eyeing this Bounty Mission.”

After a day’s search, Fang Ping found no trace of a monster, but one of the Shadow Clones found human footprints, and they left footprints not long ago.

He doesn’t think it’s a coincidence, there must be other Awakener who is eyeing this reward.

Rest for one night and continue searching on the 2nd day, a week later.

“That is……”

Fang Ping One of the Shadow Clones suddenly expressed congeals and looked forward.

In the front, a large area of ​​scorched black traces with an area of ​​several thousand square meters appeared in front of Fang Ping’s eyes. The plants that should have been extremely lush were burned to ashes by the flames.

The ground was scorched and even showed signs of melting, and there were ravines after another, criss-crossed distribution, as if they had been cut by some extremely huge sharp blade.

There is no doubt that there has been a big battle here.

“Hunted first?”

Staring at the traces of the scene, Fang Ping Shadow Clone judged.

The monster he wanted to hunt this time was called Ghost Fire Spider, which was a Tier 3 monster with fire ability. Judging from the flame traces on the scene, one of the monsters was probably the Ghost Fire Spider he was searching for.

Combining the human traces discovered a few days ago, he judged that other Awakener should have discovered the Ghost Fire spider and hunted down the Ghost Fire spider.

“Well, this is…?”

Fang Ping noticed something in his eyes, walked quickly into the scorched ground full of ashes, kicked the ashes away, and several scattered bones appeared in front of Fang Ping.

The bones are flat and long, slightly curved, with uneven fracture marks at the ends, which are indeed human ribs.

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