Monster Altar

Chapter 150

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“Good plot against, I didn’t expect to fall into your plot against.”

His face changed, Lu Yu said solemnly.

“But don’t be proud, and not everything is as you plot against, at least your men and most of the high-level Awakener in He’an Base City have been captured by me.”

“Really? Are you sure you have captured them?”

The old man asked calmly.

At the next moment, in the surrounding area centered on him and Lu Yu, a purple rectangular barrier with a length of 100 meters and a height of several ten meters appeared, enclosing him and Lu Yu.

With the emergence of this purple rectangular barrier, the power of thought that enveloped everyone suddenly disappeared without a trace, and everyone regained their freedom.

The situation reversed in an instant, not only saved the captured Fang Ping and the others, but also trapped Lu Yu.

“it is as expected!”

Fang Ping’s mood is faintly excited.

When he first teleported the old man with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, he felt vaguely that the identity of the old man was not simple.

After seeing that Lu Yu was able to hide his own voice, he had a guess about Lao Tzu’s identity. After all, he could also hide his voice. It was difficult not to connect the two together.

And now this conjecture has been confirmed, the opponent is indeed the head of the Monster Countermeasures Division who is rumored to own the Morning Star.

“Morning Star.”

Not far from Fang Ping, Xiang Qiu’s eyes showed burning rays of light.

Morning Star, the sparse stars above the early morning sky, means that people who reach this realm are as few as the stars in the early morning sky.

The fact is also true. In a base city with a population of 1000000 in He’an base city, only one person can reach this level. No, now there are two people. It can be seen that there are few Awakeners who reach this realm.

Even if the innate talent is like him, he does not dare to say that he can cross that hurdle and definitely become a Morning Star.

“It has been 50 years since He’an Base City has a new Morning Star. It’s not easy to have a new Morning Star. It should have been a joy. Unfortunately, I only see destruction and destruction in you.”

The old man’s voice is full of regret. He is more than 100 years old. Even though his life as a Morning Star is longer than that of an ordinary person, he has no life span for several years, and he cannot protect He’an Base City for several years.

A base city without a Morning Star powerhouse, its survivability is weak under the environment where the monsters are looking around. A carelessness can destroy the city and the people. Over 1000 years, many destroyed base cities have already proved this. .

Finally, a new Morning Star was born, but he saw only destruction and destruction in the opponent’s body.

“Your existence is too dangerous for He’an Base City, so you will die here today!”


The strong breath erupted from the thin body of the old man within the body like a lava, the old man punched out, and a thick orange red lightning blasted straight toward Lu Yu like a thunder of the world.

Even with the isolation of the purple barrier, Fang Ping and the others could not help but feel a crisis of have one’s hair stand on end, and their bodies conditioned to stay away from the purple barrier.

And Lu Yu, who was locked by orange red Thunder and Lightning, had goose bumps on his body. With his mind, he held up a dozen invisible barriers in front of him.

Puff puff–

Even if two Tier 2 Awakeners joined forces, it was difficult to break a barrier. Under the attack of the orange red Thunder and Lightning pillars, they were pierced layer by layer.

In the end, the tenth floor was completely penetrated, and the orange red Thunder and Lightning column went straight to Lu Yu.

It was not until a huge mirror appeared in front of Lu Yu that the orange red Thunder and Lightning column was finally blocked.


At this moment, a fist large enough to grind the disc had already punched Lu Yu, and saw that the old man’s thin body turned into a giant of five meters.

Lu Yu held up the mind barrier to stop it, but it all exploded under the big fist of the old man. The old man quickly approached Lu Yu.


In front of Lu Yu, one mirror after another appeared, and all the mirrors joined together to form a thick white beam of light, blasting towards the old man.

The old man didn’t retreat, punch towards the white beam of light that struck, and the white beam of light exploded, while the old man quickly rushed towards Lu Yu, and the speed of the explosion reached the speed of sound in an instant.

Boom, bang, bang!

The two people continued to fight in the purple barrier, the speed is too fast, Fang Ping and the others even only saw two fast-moving phantoms.

Each blow is enough to easily collapse a 100 meters tall building and kill a Tier 5 Awakener. If it weren’t for the purple barrier, the casualties would be incalculable.

When the battle is over, the smaller half of He’an Base City will probably be razed to the ground. The casualties caused must definitely be calculated at 1000.

When playing against Ye Zhen and the others, Lu Yu was obviously in order to wait for more Awakener to arrive and deliberately reserved his strength. Otherwise, let alone 4 Tier 5 Awakener teaming up, even if ten Tier 5 Awakener teaming up will be defeated. Easy to crush.


A silhouette covered in tattered clothes, flying upside down with blood on the purple barrier.

“The chief has the upper hand!”

All the Awakeners who have been watching nervously are all sighed in relief.

Although the director has been a Morning Star for many years, he is too old and his body has declined, and his battle strength is far inferior to his peak.

Although Lu Yu has just become the Morning Star, but he is not very old, is in the peak state, and is able to exert peak battle strength.

In the two-person battle, who is better, all the onlookers, even the three deputy directors of the Monster Countermeasures Division who know the director well, have no idea.

Now it seems that although the director is not at the peak, his battle strength is still stronger than Lu Yu who just became the Morning Star.


Fang Ping is also sighed in relief.

If even the director of Morning Star is not Lu Yu’s opponent, no one in He’an Base City will be able to rule Lu Yu, and when the time comes, he, who has a very bad relationship with Hellfire, will inevitably be targeted by Lu Yu.

If that is the case, I am afraid I can only escape the city and live in the wilderness with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, or go to other base cities.

“What? Where is it?”

Suddenly, someone exclaimed, Fang Ping walked around the sound, and then was shocked.

In the purple barrier, Lu Yu’s silhouette has disappeared, replaced by a huge monster.

The huge monster has a body length of 7 meters, 8 thick hind legs, 2 thin front legs, and stands on 2 thick hind legs.

Covered with blood-colored metal scales, on the back grows a pair of wings, on the back grows a pair of wings, with 2 sharp horns on the head, and a thick Fairy Tail mopping the ground behind it.

“Beastization, no, beastization impossible is so thorough, is it that Lu Yu is… a monster change?”

Coming to this amazing conclusion, Fang Ping’s expression became sluggish, unable to bear sucked in a cold breath.

“Monster, Lu Yu is actually a monster!”

Not only Fang Ping came to this conclusion, other Awakener people also made the same guess, and heard a sound of cold breath.

The monster can turn into a human being and lurking in the human base city! ! !

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