Monster Altar

Chapter 152

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Chasing all the way, even with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Fang Ping has not been able to catch up with the old man and Lu Yu, but the distance is getting farther and farther.

Flying Thunder God Jutsu’s teleportation is limited. He must be able to teleport to a place where there is a flying thunder divine technique, so his speed of instant movement actually depends on the “moving speed” of the flying knife.

Therefore, although flying Thunder God Jutsu is mastered, the distance between Fang Ping and “2 people” is getting farther and farther.

However, Fang Ping not at all chased and lost. “Two people” fought while chasing and fleeing, leaving a lot of traces of fighting along the way. Just following this trace, it is impossible to chase and lose 2 people.


He’an Base City is more than 100 miles away.

“Old Guy, are you really going to fight me hard?”

The demonized Lu Yu’s voice was full of jealousy. He chased for more than 100 miles, but he still couldn’t escape the chase of the old man.

“It’s either you or I died today.”

With a resolute color on his face, the old man quickly culled towards Lu Yu.

A monster that can transform into a human form has been lurking in He’an Base City for many years. It has grown to Morning Star by hunting down the Awakener in He’an Base City. This is a serious dereliction of his role as the head of the Monster Countermeasures Division.

In order to make up for his negligence, and in order not to be targeted by a Morning Star monster in He’an Base City after his death, he has to kill the opponent anyway, even if he fights his own life for this.

In any case, he hasn’t lived well for a few years, so it’s better to use only a few years of life to eliminate this huge threat.

“Old Guy, it is not certain who will die.”

Knowing that you can’t get rid of the old man if you continue to escape, Lu Yu, who turned into a monster, doesn’t run away anymore, and also culminates to the old man.

Boom, bang, bang!

A terrifying battle broke out more than 100 miles away from the He’an base city. The area that was originally densely planted was quickly destroyed under the terrifying destructive power of both sides.

Not only that, the surrounding terrain also changed drastically under the battle between the two.

The original plain terrain has many canyons and deep pits.

The two sides fell into a deadly battle, and the injuries on both sides continued to increase, from minor injuries to severe injuries, from severe injuries to dying.

Even though he was seriously injured and dying, the old man still did not flinch, and frantically attacked the demonized Lu Yu, trying to kill the demonized Lu Yu before he died.


Thunder and Lightning turned into a long spear pierced the heart of Lu Yu turned into a monster, leaving a huge hole in his chest.


The heart was pierced, and the huge body of Lu Yu who turned into a monster fell heavily. Blood flowed out from the wounds and heart position all over the body, staining the ground beneath it red.

Jingle –

After Lu Yu, who had turned into a monster, fell, the old man also fell, and his body, which had become huge due to his ability, shrank to normal, without a trace of movement.

“Perish together?”

Following the traces of the battle, Fang Ping finally arrived. What appeared in front of him was a monster, one person and one monster who fell to the ground without movement.

“No, not dead yet!”

Fang Ping quickly swept towards the old man.

There is still a sound in the old man, indicating that the old man is not at all dead. Of course, it is already not far from death.

“Please don’t die!”

The ability Please don’t die is used, the white rays of light envelop the old man, and the injury on the old man recovers at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He didn’t hesitate to save the old man. No matter what aspect he considered, he should save the old man.

The other party killed Lu Yu, which obviously relieved him of a huge hidden danger. After all, he was definitely targeted by Lu Yu.

Before, after Lu Yu showed the Morning Star battle strength, he has been heavy in his heart. It is hard to be stared at by a Morning Star whether he feels heavy or not. Now that the crisis is resolved, he is undoubtedly very happy.

Moreover, the value of the favor of a Morning Star powerhouse is obviously very high.

“cough cough -“

A few minutes later, the old man woke up, he stood up and checked himself, then looked around for 4 weeks, his gaze fell on Fang Ping.

“I didn’t expect to survive. You should be Fang Ping? Thank you.”

“Old Gu is polite. In fact, I should thank you. It is no longer one or two times that I was targeted by this monster. You killed this monster and also relieved the crisis for me.”

Fang Ping modestly said.

According to the information he retrieved from the Internet, the director should have his surname Gu, and it is not known what his specific name is. There is too little information about him on the Internet and is subject to control. The not at all pictures flow out, and Fang Ping did not have the original time. Then recognize the identity of the other party.

“Don’t be humble, you really saved me. I remember this favor.”

The old man shook his head, then looked at the monster’s body.

“This monster will stare at you. It should be because you think your innate talent is too high. It is a threat to it and the entire monster community.”

“Speaking of which is my dereliction of duty. Such a monster is lurking in the base city, but the monster countermeasures department has not discovered it.”

“It’s no wonder that in the Monster Countermeasures Division, who would have thought that a monster could turn into a human form.”

Fang Ping said objectively.

A monster that can transform into a human form can be said to break the inherent concept, and it is excusable that the Monster Countermeasures Division cannot find it.

After a little hesitation, Fang Ping asked his doubts.

“Old Gu, I noticed that the lines on this monster’s chest actually formed a number. What does this number mean?”

“I don’t know this. I will report it to the higher-level base city. I don’t know if I can know anything.”

The old man frowned and thought. He really didn’t know this information at all. If he knew it, he would be prepared for it, and he wouldn’t let a monster lurking in He’an Base City for so long.

The two people talked for a while, the old man turned to Fang Ping slightly nodded and then left, but the monster’s body was not at all taken away, as if he had forgotten.

“Old Gu, the corpse of this monster?”

Fang Ping hurriedly stopped. The corpse of a Morning Star monster was indeed tempting, but he was greedy for a Morning Star powerhouse’s spoils of war, and he would only do so unless his head was showy.

“Send you!”

The old man didn’t look back, but left quickly, disappearing in a few blinks, only the voice came from a distance.

Fang Ping looked at the corpse of the monster in surprise, saying that the corpse of the Morning Star monster was really a surprise.

Although it cannot be used to sacrifice to obtain innate talent or abilities, it can be used to sacrifice to obtain sacrifice value.

His sacrifice value is bound to skyrocket, Sage Mode can definitely be exchanged, not only that, there will definitely be a lot of sacrifice value remaining.

Just when Fang Ping was staring at the monster body with excitement, suddenly.

The corpse of a monster lying on its side like a corpse, without movement, appears mutated.

The one after another hideous injury on the monster’s corpse, especially the huge hole in the chest, disappeared strangely. At the same time, the monster’s body was also getting smaller and finally shrank to more than 3 meters.

Hey, hey, dong!

The monster’s body trembled, as if it was about to come alive.

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