Monster Altar

Chapter 156

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Name: Uchiha Shin

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: excellent

Ninjutsu innate talent: excellent

Taijutsu innate talent: excellent


Mangekyo Sharingan: The advanced evolutionary form of Sharingan, through the death stimulus of the loved ones, to generate negative emotions.

With pupil technique remote control, telekinesis body can be operated remotely, but any objects touched and marked with the left hand can be operated remotely.

“It is him!”

Fang Ping was surprised.

Uchiha Shin, the villain in the Hokage blog, is not a member of the Uchiha clan. Because of the worship of Uchiha Itachi, he named himself Uchiha’s surname.

The other party was originally the experimental subject of Dashemaru. Because of the strong physical compatibility, he was implanted with Sharingan, and finally he obtained Mangekyo Sharingan.

Although the other party is not from the Uchiha clan, these Mangekyo Sharingan pairs are real, and it is possible to merge with his existing Mangekyo Sharingan.

Without any hesitation, Fang Ping said.

“I choose the ability Mangekyo Sharingan.”

As Fang Ping made his choice, Fang Ping’s expectation sounded.

“The sacrificer already owns the Mangekyo Sharingan for fusion of abilities.”


The blood-colored rays of light crashed into Fang Ping within the body. Fang Ping’s eyes felt cold, but they disappeared quickly without any abnormality. He quickly looked at his attribute panel.

Name: Fang Ping

Sacrifice value: 6106

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: very excellent

Kenbunshoku Haki innate talent: Excellent

Busoshoku Haki: very excellent

Hacker innate talent: very excellent

Taijutsu innate talent: excellent

Ninjutsu innate talent: very excellent (……)


Mutated Mera Mera no Mi ability (…), Doa Doa no Mi ability (…), Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan (…), Please don’t die (…), Beauty of Fitzgerald (…), Hie Hie no Mi ability (…)

“The hidden danger has been lifted!!!”

Seeing the Eternal 2 in front of Mangekyo Sharingan, Fang Ping was overwhelmed with excitement.

As speculated, relying on the fusion characteristics of Monster Altar, even if two pairs of Mangekyo Sharingan that are not related to each other are fused, it can also form Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

The hidden danger is finally resolved, he no longer has to worry about going blind, and he no longer has to worry about using Susanoo in the future.

He looked at Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan’s detailed comments:

The advanced form of Mangekyo Sharingan is a fusion of 2 pairs of Mangekyo Sharingan, with pupil technique, Susanoo, and remote control.

After incorporating Uchiha Shin’s Mangekyo Sharingan, his eyes not only evolved into Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, but even the pupil technique was added, and Uchiha Shin’s pupil technique was remotely controlled.

“Although Uchiha Shin’s pupil technique remote control is rated as the weakest Mangekyo Sharingan pupil technique, it is perfect for me.”

Fang Ping has no dissatisfaction with Uchiha Shin Mangekyo Sharingan’s pupil technique remote control.

Remote control can control items touched and marked with the left hand from a distance. This ability is a sneak attack without the opponent knowing it. The effect is very good. In the blog, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, who have grown to their peaks, have Stabbed by this ability sneak attack.

However, what Fang Ping values ​​is not the sneak attack feature of this ability, but the feature of this ability to manipulate items from a distance.

This feature is a perfect match with Flying Thunder God Jutsu. With this ability, he can control a flying knife with a flying thunder divine technique at a long distance. Flying Thunder God Jutsu will become more difficult to guard against, and the effect will be better. One level.

Back at the residence, Fang Ping impatient turned on Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan in the mirror to check the changes in his eyes.

I saw the eye pattern changed. The original 4 curved blade connecting pattern not at all disappeared, but it was inlaid with a circular pattern with 3 spikes.

Obviously, the pattern possessed by his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan is a fusion of Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Shin binocular patterns.

Pull out a throwing knives, mark it with your left hand, and control it with Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.


At the next moment, the flying knife broke away from Fang Ping’s hand and hovered in front of Fang Ping.


Following Fang Ping’s thoughts, the flying knife circled Fang Ping and turned quickly, leaving a series of afterimages around Fang Ping.

Fully controlled by Fang Ping, like an arm, it seems to be manipulating one’s hands, manipulating one’s own feet, completely becoming an extension of the body.

No wonder Uchiha Shin builds his arms with this ability, and the arms built with this ability are no different from his own hands.

“It is indeed the best pupil technique for me!”

After closing Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, Fang Ping nodded with satisfaction.

Such a pupil technique is a perfect match with his Flying Thunder God Jutsu. With this pupil technique, his Flying Thunder God Jutsu will be even more you can’t guard against it. He already has some expectations for remote control and Flying Thunder God. Jutsu combination, performance in actual combat.

ding ding ding ~!

The phone rang and Fang Ping answered the call. Half an hour later, he appeared in the Monster Countermeasures Division and was introduced to a Conference Hall in the Monster Countermeasures Division.

In the Conference Hall, there are already several people, including Xiang Qiu, Yao Jun, Fan Xuan, Yan Xue, Mu Gao, Peng Chong…

Fang Ping found that the common feature of the few present is that they are all one of the most outstanding young innate talents in He’an Base City.

After greeting someone he knew, Fang Ping sat next to Yan Xue and asked him.

“What happened? What happened?”

“I don’t know, I was called suddenly too.”

Yan Xue shook his head. Although she was from the Monster Countermeasures Division, she got the news in advance and didn’t know what happened.

After waiting for half an hour, some youngsters with high innate talents in He’an Base City arrived one after another, and the number had reached more than ten.

Until this time, a middle-aged man walked into the Conference Hall. When he saw this middle-aged man, Fang Ping and the others couldn’t help but stand up, because the person here was Ye Zhen, the deputy director of the Monster Countermeasures Division.

“Don’t be cautious, everyone sits down.”

Ye Zhen waved his hand and motioned Fang Ping and the others to sit down, and then sat down himself.

“All the innate talents of the younger generation in He’an Base City are present, and they are the pillars of He’an Base City in the future.”

Ye Zhen said, immediately attracted many people’s eyes to Fan Xuan, looking thoughtful in their eyes.

Fan Xuan’s status in the Fan Family has changed. They are aware of it, but they have not known the reason. Now, it seems that the other party has shown outstanding Awakener innate talent, which is why Fan Family valued it.

“Now, a huge crisis related to the survival of He’an Base City requires you to face and solve it.”

Ye Zhen glanced over a dozen people present, expressing awe-inspiring expression.

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