Monster Altar

Chapter 162

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An hour later, Fang Ping reappeared in the duel arena, but instead of standing in the audience stage this time, he was standing on the duel arena.

Fan Xuan, Yan Xue and the others came to cheer for Fang Ping, and even Xiang Qiu came over and appeared on the audience stage.

Among the younger generation in He’an Base City, if anyone can make him take it seriously, then this person must be Fang Ping.

In less than 3 years, he has already possessed Tier 4 battle strength. Such a growth rate is not much better than him.

Moreover, there was a mysterious feeling in the opponent’s body, making him unable to see through, and even a sense of danger, always feeling that the opponent’s strength was not as simple as it seemed.

“You just want to challenge my Fang Ping?”

A thin-faced youngster walked into the duel, with a gentle smile on his face, giving people a sense of spring breeze, it was Li Pengling.

“I haven’t heard of you before. Are you a newcomer to the Monster Countermeasures Division?”


Fang Ping nodded.

“Before some newcomers challenged the 20th on the list, and now you challenge my 22nd on the list. It seems that you are really strong newcomers, please show mercy!”

Li Pengling said with a smile.

“The result will be known only after the war. Maybe it will be you who will show mercy.”

Fang Ping not at all speaks full, he feels a dangerous aura in the opponent, and the strength of the opponent is not simple.

Ranked between 20 and 30 are probably at Tier 4 level, and the opponent can Ranked 22, which means that the opponent is in Tier 4 and must be the highest one. If there is hidden strength, Tier 5 battle strength is not impossible.

At this moment, the referee appeared. It was the middle-aged man from the previous Xiang Qiu match. After announcing the rules of the match to the two, the middle-aged man stepped aside and the match started.


Li Pengling took out a piece of paper cut into the shape of a monster and threw away. The paper cut quickly expanded in the air. When it landed, it turned into a huge monster with a body length of more than 3 meters.

The monster is covered with azure hair, has a strong physique but not bloated, with two fangs tens of centimeters long exposed on the left and right sides of the split mouth.

This is a monster that has never been seen before. It is not a monster to be precise, but a non-existent monster created by Li Pengling with the ability to cut paper.

Hey, hey, sou!

Azure monster has a very fast speed, not at all straight to Fang Ping, but suddenly left, suddenly right, approaching Fang Ping erratic direction.


Fang Ping lightly stomped his feet, the cold air filled out, and one after another ice spikes rose from the ground and stab at the azure monster.

The azure monster dodges quickly, avoiding clusters of ice spikes rising from the ground by virtue of its speed. In the process, it gradually narrows the distance from Fang Ping.

Then, a half-meter-long azure blade grew from the front paws, which was sharpened towards Fang Ping.

Chi, Chi, Chi!

Fang Ping stood still on the spot, a large amount of ice suddenly pierced out of him, each of which reached more than ten meters in length.

The azure monster couldn’t dodge, was stabbed by more than a dozen spikes, and opened a dozen holes in his body.

The cyan light exploded, and the azure monster was transformed into paper-cutting again, but there were more than a dozen holes on the surface.

“Although it’s only comparable to a normal Tier 4 monster, it’s Tier 4 anyway. You can kill you so easily. You are really strong.”

Li Pengling right hand turns, another paper cut appeared, and he was threw away and turned into a giant silver bird.

The silver giant bird has no hair, and has pieces of silver scales like metal.

With flapping wings, the giant silver bird flew up along with the strong wind and flew towards Fang Ping like lightning.

Hey, hey, hey!

Fang Ping was in the void in front of him, one after another, ice arrows appeared, shooting at the giant silver bird in the sky.

Clang, clang, clang!

Although the silver giant bird is huge with a wingspan of 6 meters, it is extremely agile. It changes directions rapidly in the air, avoiding several waves of ice arrows and approaching Fang Ping.

Even though there was a Frostbolt that could not evade hit it, there was only a metallic crash sound, and the silver scales were not damaged.


Silver’s wings are like a huge machete that is slashed towards Fang Ping. The silver light on the edge of the wings is turned into a cutting edge. No one will doubt its sharpness. Even a thick alloy pillar will inevitably be split into two steps. .

Hula –

Fang Ping’s cold air disappeared, the flames burst out, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Even though the giant silver bird is extremely flexible, it is difficult to evade and is drawn into it by flames.

Engulfed by the flames, the giant silver bird, which was originally extremely strong in defense, suddenly burst into flames.

It was as if grease met a raging fire, and instantly the whole body was filled with fire, and finally turned into ashes and disappeared completely.

“it is as expected.”

Looking at the giant silver bird turning into ashes under the flames, Fang Ping’s mind flashed a real thought.

Although the silver giant bird has a strong defense, even if the ice arrow can hardly hurt it, it is difficult to change the fact that the material is paper.

The flame is obviously the nemesis of paper, so he guessed that the weakness of this ability is flame. As he guessed, the silver giant bird burned up when it encountered fire and turned into ashes.

“You still have the fire element ability. It’s troublesome. It seems that if you don’t give your full strength, you really will lose.”

Li Pengling showed a distressed look on his face, squatted down on one knee, his right hand pressed on the ground.

The ground squirmed and turned into a rock python that was ten meters long.

Then, he snapped his fingers, next moment, the original rock python, which had only one piece, suddenly doubled to four, swallowing snake cores and swimming towards Fang Ping from different directions.

“Earth Element ability plus phantom, no, every one should have an entity!”

Pay attention to the place where the rock python swims, and bring caution on Fang Ping.

Every place where the rock python swims, there are clear traces left, indicating that the 4 rock pythons have entities.

This should be an ability similar to the proliferation ability of the anime character Twice, but I don’t know whether the proliferated rock python has the weakness of low durability.

call out!

If you want to see, you have to be surrounded by rock pythons, Fang Ping’s hands, a throwing knives appears, and after being thrown away by him, he flies like a bullet to Li Pengling.

Li Pengling reacted extremely fast. Although the flying knife flew out extremely fast, he still reacted. He leaned sideways and avoided the flying knife. He was about to brush past the flying knife.

At this moment, Fang Ping’s eyes turned into Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, using remote control to manipulate the flying knife.

The flying knife, which was flying straight, was about to pass Li Pengling, turning in its direction and stabbing Li Pengling.

Faced with the flying knife that suddenly came in disguise, Li Pengling face changed. He didn’t have time to move in the future, and was stabbed by the flying knife.


Not at all There was a sound of piercing the flesh, but with a ding sound, the flying knife was ejected.

I saw that Li Pengling, who was supposed to be there, was gone, replaced by a huge rock python.

But the original Li Pengling appeared in one of the rock pythons.

The positions of him and rock python changed at the moment of the attack.

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