Monster Altar

Chapter 191

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“Not good…”

Seeing the 7 people surrounded, especially the red clothed woman among the 7 people, Fang Ping felt even worse.

Immediately prepared to use Flying Thunder God Jutsu, fled back to Yinchuan base city, requesting support.

“I can’t use it!”

But as soon as he used it, he couldn’t help but change his color and couldn’t use Flying Thunder God Jutsu. Flying Thunder God Jutsu failed.

He tried to use the Doa Doa no Mi ability, and found that it also failed.

When Fang Ping used Flying Thunder God Jutsu, among the 7 people, a young man with a high nose and a slight arrogance on his face seemed to notice it, with a scornful smile on his mouth.

Space is imprisoned by him. This is his ability to imprison the Space.

Of course, this ability is not just as simple as imprisoning space.

“This guy belongs to me!”

The red clothed woman looked at Fang Ping with hatred in her eyes.

Six months ago, she suffered a lot from Fang Ping’s hands. If it weren’t for the masked man’s rescue, she would have died in Fang Ping’s hands.

“We are fine, but you are sure you can handle it. I heard that half a year ago, you seemed to lose to him, right?”

A man with a scorpion tattoo on his bare head had a mocking voice.

“Don’t worry you care.” red clothed woman coldly snorted.

In half a year, she devoured more than 100 Awakener, and her strength rose greatly. Now it is the opportunity for revenge.

“This is mine.”

Among the seven, a woman with blond hair looked at Hu Ao’er and said in an unquestionable tone.

Hearing what she said, no one else refuted. The tall man who originally wanted to choose Hu Ao’er as his opponent, saw the blonde woman say so and decisively gave up.

Obviously, this blonde woman has a dominant position among the seven.

The man with scorpion tattoo chose Lu Yu as his opponent.

A man as strong as Iron Pagoda picked No. 4 Shu Hui as his opponent.

A woman with a double pony tail picked 5 You Shuiying as her opponent.

The 5 Fang Ping people suddenly had their own opponents, and there were 2 people left on the Demonic Human race side. One of them was a man who could confine space.

2 people not at all joining the siege is not like being pedantic, and wanting to pursue a one-on-one, fair fight, is more like disdain.


The red clothed woman impatient shot Fang Ping. Of course, she didn’t at all underestimate Fang Ping, and she did her best when she shot.

The body turned into a monster form, and a lot of azure wind appeared, forming 2 huge azure tornado.

The 2 azure tornado rubbed against each other, and there was electric light flashing at the rubbing place, and they quickly attacked Fang Ping.

Compared to half a year ago, the formidable power is obviously stronger.

“Form is very unfavorable to us!”

Looking at the two tornados that came, Fang Ping quickly thought about the countermeasures.

The strength of red clothed woman has increased a lot in the past six months, but he hasn’t stood still. Not only has the realm been upgraded to Tier 4, but also a new peak order ability has been added.

He was able to defeat the opponent half a year ago, and half a year later, he is still confident of defeating the opponent, even though his spatial ability is now confined.

What really worries him is the current situation.

On the Morning Star powerhouse, it may be difficult to tell the winner in a short period of time, but the Demonic Human Race and Fang Zhan still have power, and there are 2 Demonic Human Races who did not participate in the battle.

When he defeated the red clothed woman, it was when two people joined the battle.

“You must kill one person before the two can join the battle.”

With a decision in his mind, Fang Ping began to fight.

The eyes are transformed into Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, and Susanoo’s second form opens, transforming into a green giant with a right hand holding a spiral sword and an upper body.

The spiral sword in the green giant’s hand spins rapidly, and countless green arrows fly out, hitting two azure tornados.

Hum, bang!

2 blasts, 2 azure tornados were blown to pieces by dense green arrows.

But Fang Ping has not had time to find the monster transformed by the red clothed woman, and the monster transformed by the red clothed woman has already attacked from the side.

4 long azure blades of several meters extended from the claws, attacking Fang Ping.


Susanoo raised the spiral sword to cross the block, and the spiral sword collided with the azure blade.

Sparks flew at the collision, and the ground showed signs of cracks like a spider web under the collision of the two.

Wrapped in the wind, the monster transformed by the red clothed woman retreated extremely fast. After a little distance, it immediately circled behind Fang Ping.

The azure blade with several meters long pierced Fang Ping’s back vertically.

Fang Ping hurriedly manipulated Susanoo to turn around, and the spiral sword swept from bottom to top, blocking the piercing azure blade.

Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan gave him a powerful insight ability, allowing him to react in time and block the attack from behind.

Clang, clang, clang!

The two collided one after another, and Fang Ping was slightly embarrassed to deal with it, obviously at a disadvantage.


Suddenly, at the chest of the monster transformed by the red clothed woman, a huge rocky eye opened, and an earth-yellow rays of light swept out.

Fang Ping was too late to escape, and was swept by the earth-yellow rays of light.

Susanoo was petrified in an instant and could no longer move.

The monster transformed by the red clothed woman quickly rushed towards Fang Ping, and the left and right sharp claws all extended to several meters long and grabbed towards Fang Ping.

“It seems that the outcome has been divided!”

Seeing this, among the two Demonic Human races not far away, a man with spatial ability said.

This Awakener named Fang Ping is obviously weakened, and death is already a matter of time.

But he wouldn’t underestimate him because of this.

If it weren’t for the opponent’s spatial ability to be banned by him, it would be hard to tell who would win or lose. He even thought that “red-clothed” might lose.


Susanoo was hit hard and flew upside down. Deep scratches appeared in the place shot by azure sharp claw.

The monster transformed by the red clothed woman caught up and slapped Susanoo with one claw again. Susanoo was injured again and flew upside down.

Hey, hey, bang!

After more than ten consecutive days, Susanoo was no longer overwhelmed and burst into pieces, Fang Ping faced the monster transformed by the red clothed woman.


Susanoo was broken, Fang Ping lost his defense, and his face was not at all panic.

Susanoo of green reappeared outside of him.

This time, not only the skeleton, but also the meridians and muscles.

There is even green armor on the outside, which is Susanoo’s third form.

When realm was at the peak of Tier 3, he was already enough to use Susanoo’s second form. Now that realm reaches Tier 2, how can he stand still.


The huge spiral sword revolved and stabbed at the monster transformed by the red clothed woman. The monster transformed by the red clothed woman raised the sharp claw to resist, but was easily knocked away.

The spiral sword drove straight in and pierced the chest of the monster transformed by the red clothed woman.

“Not good !”

A man with spatial ability creded out in surprise, and secretly thought was bad.

It is used for teleportation, and instantly appears beside the two.

A large number of black shadows spread out from under his feet, turning into the head of a vicious ghost, hitting Susanoo, trying to knock Susanoo away.

However, seeing that the red clothed woman had an absolute advantage before, he didn’t pay attention to this side anymore, but focused on other directions, and the rescue action could not help but slow down.


The rotating spiral sword easily penetrated the scales and muscles of the monster transformed by the red clothed woman, and pierced deeply.

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