Monster Altar

Chapter 227

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In He’an Base City, in a private club, a middle-aged man walked to a VIP room in the club, where one of his lovers was waiting.

He is a senior member of the Chen Family. He participated in the siege of Hellfire more than a year ago.

Regarding that battle, he kept secret, even if people close to inquired, he was silent.

On the face, a young man with long hair came up, and the two crossed by. The moment they crossed, suddenly, the long-haired young man patted his shoulder.

His face suddenly became angry. Although he was only a Tier 3 Awakener, he was a high-level figure in the He’an base city. Someone dared to slap him on the shoulder.

But at the next moment, the anger on his face disappeared, and the eyes of the long-haired young man were full of closeness, as if he was the closest person to him, but in fact, this was the first time he saw each other.

“Uncle Chen, long time no see, sit in the private room?”

The long-haired youngster smiled and invited the middle-aged.

“it is good.”

The middle-aged agreed without hesitation, and followed the long-haired youngster to a private room.


With some recovery, Fang Ping headed to He’an Base City with Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

Although the news about Lu Yu’s identity will be revealed sooner or later, he will undoubtedly be more calm in dealing with it if he can delay time.

So after killing the Peak hacker Dark Emperor and taking a short break, he acted again.

Arriving in He’an Base City, Fang Ping turned on Kenbunshoku Haki perception and started searching.

In terms of search, he could not seek outside power because he did not want to involve He’an Base City.

In the face of a huge monster like the Demonic Human race, if He’an Base City is involved and is retaliated by the Demonic Human race, it will be destroyed.

In the absence of an external force, the search will undoubtedly become difficult, but it is not impossible.

The external forces are Awakener or Demonic Human race, undoubtedly, and the strength is certainly not weak, and there is probably a high-level awakened among them.

The high-level Awakener in He’an Base City can be counted on one’s fingers, and he recognizes each of them. Only by eliminating them, they can find outside forces.


Kenbunshoku Haki’s perception, which has a range of 3 kilometers, shrouds a large area of ​​the perception range. Within the perception range, the intensity of the sound of everyone is clearly visible.

Half an hour later, he found the suspicious object, the sound of a stranger Tier 4 Awakener.

In the entire He’an Base City, all Tier 4 Awakener players add up to no more than 20 people. Fang Ping has seen the sound of each person.

But this person’s voice has never been seen before, which is extremely suspicious.

With the ability of Doa Doa no Mi, Fang Ping quietly lurked in the past, and in an ordinary apartment, Fang Ping saw this person.

This is a woman who looks to be in her 40s. In addition to the other party, there is a man and a woman in this residence. According to Fang Ping’s previous perception, this man and woman are all Tier 3 Awakener.

One Tier 4 Awakener plus two Tier 2 Awakener, living together, and living in such an ordinary residence, if there is no ghost, Fang Ping said nothing.

Fang Ping is almost convinced that these three people should be the foreign forces that Yan Xue said, who are investigating his news.

“Do it now? No, wait until nightfall. Maybe it’s not just these three people. Someone went out to inquire about the news.”

Finding a place in the vicinity, Fang Ping was resting while watching 3 people, but no one returned until nightfall.

“Only these 3 people?”

Fang Ping decided to do it, using Doa Doa no Mi, and once again came to the residence of 3 people.

“Mutated Hie Hie no Mi ability.”

Walking out of the door, Fang Ping had already used the ice ability on the three before they could react.

The Mutated Hie Hie no Mi ability that reached the peak order was displayed by Fang Ping, who was already a Tier 4 Awakener, and the formidable power immediately reached Tier 5.

Under the surprise attack, even the middle-aged woman of Tier 4 Awakener did not react, and was frozen by the ice.

However, Fang Ping not at all killed 3 people, because it is not yet certain that 3 people were the ones who investigated him. It would be bad if they were killed by mistake.

“Fang … Ping!”

Seeing Fang Ping appeared, the complexion of 3 middle-aged women greatly changed.

They came to investigate Fang Ping, and now the person to be investigated appears in front of them, how can they not be shocked.

“It seems that the three of you really came for me.”

Seeing the expressions of the three people, Fang Ping confirmed the speculation in his mind that the three were indeed directed at him, otherwise impossible would recognize him.

“Who sent you here?”

Looking at the middle-aged woman, Fang Ping asked coldly.

“Do you think I can say it?”

Only the head was not frozen, and the face was pale from being frozen. The middle-aged woman said with a sneer.

“I can guess if you don’t say it, is it Demonic Human race?”

Fang Ping used Sharingan to observe the expression of the middle-aged woman. When he said the Demonic Human race, the expression of the middle-aged woman showed a hint of panic. Although she quickly pressed it down, she could not escape his eyes. Insight.

The 3 people were indeed sent by the Demonic Human race to investigate him.

“Besides you, there should be others?”

Fang Ping continued to ask, but this time, the middle-aged woman was already on guard and controlled her expression. Fang Ping failed to perceive the change in the other’s expression.

“If you don’t say it, you think I can’t help you?”

Fang Ping coldly snorted, dragging the middle-aged woman into the entry-level space, turning it into Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan’s eyes to look directly at the middle-aged woman, and the Illusion Technique was launched.

The middle-aged woman’s eyes suddenly became dull, and she was dragged into the Illusion Technique.

After a short while, the middle-aged woman expressed horror, and she broke away from Illusion Technique with sweat on her forehead, and her eyes on Fang Ping were horrified.

In the short moment, she was dragged into an inexplicable space, in this space, she experienced a torture.

The flesh and blood on her body were cut off piece by piece, and the pain of cutting the flesh on her body made her feel painful and faint, but instead, she could not faint.

He watched as the flesh on his body was cut off piece by piece, until he was finally stripped of bones.

“If I don’t want to suffer the kind of pain just now, I will answer honestly.”

“By the way, I don’t like to listen to lies. Later I will use the same method to ask the other two people. If the answers of the three of you are inconsistent, I don’t mind letting you experience it again!”

Fang Ping coldly said.

His Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, after all, integrates Uchiha Shisui’s Illusion Technique type Mangekyo Sharingan. Although it will not be Uchiha Itachi’s exclusive Illusion Technique monthly reading, it is still possible to simulate similar effects.

“Yes, there is also a Tier 5 leader.”

The middle-aged woman hurriedly said with horror on her face.

“Where is this person now?”

“I don’t know, he should have come back before dark, but I don’t know what happened, he didn’t come back.”

“Is there any contact information?”

“Yes, but I have already contacted and cannot be contacted.”

The middle-aged woman shook her head.

Hearing the words of the middle-aged woman, Fang Ping eyes slightly narrowed, there is already a certain guess in her heart.

After interrogating the other two Illusion Techniques in turn, Fang Ping got the same answer.

Above the three, there is a Tier 3 Awakener as the leader of the three, but somehow, the opponent who should have returned before dark, not at all returned, and could not be contacted.

“These three people have probably been abandoned!”

The team leader did not return and could not be contacted. This will happen, most likely because the 3 people have been abandoned by the Demonic Human Race. The Demonic Human Race probably already knows that he is attacking the investigator.

“Has the death of the Peak hacker Dark Emperor been discovered? How could it be so fast?”

Fang Ping was full of doubts.

The battle with the Peak hacker Dark Emperor took place in the door space. No one was disturbed. After killing the Peak hacker Dark Emperor, he rushed here for a while.

It stands to reason that the Demonic Human race should not be discovered so quickly.

“Did someone just contact the Peak hacker Dark Emperor and cause it to be exposed, or did the Demonic Human race leave any means on the Peak hacker Dark Emperor so that he would know it as soon as he died?”

Unable to figure out what kind of methods the Demonic Human race used, Fang Ping gave up temporarily and looked at the three people who were begging for mercy at this time.


Three golden flames screamed and fell on three people. The three people had time to scream and died.

Not at all transformed into a monster form. The 3 people are not the Demonic Human race, but the human beings who take refuge in the Demonic Human race and become the minions of the Demonic Human race.

After burning the corpses of 3 people to ashes, Fang Ping decisively teleported away from He’an Base City. The Demonic Human race has become alert, and maybe the Morning Star Demonic Human race powerhouse is coming.

Away from several hundred li in He’an base city, a long-haired young man walked flat in the dark. The dark environment could not affect his vision. He had eyes capable of night vision.

“Hmph, Fang Ping?”

Already far away from He’an Base City, he was coldly snorted, exploded at full speed, and quickly moved away.

He did get the news that the top hacker Dark Emperor had been killed by Fang Ping, so he left the three Awakener to attract attention, and he quietly evacuated the He’an base city.

He was not afraid of Fang Ping, but he was worried that the other party would invite the Morning Star powerhouse, so he withdrew.

“Dare to enslave me in the Demonic Human race, wait, your death date is not far away!”

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