Monster Altar

Chapter 250

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“Without demon nucleus, even if the sacrifice is successful, I am afraid it will be difficult to sacrifice anime characters with innate talent above very excellent.”

Fang Ping hesitated, whether to configure the demon nucleus with potions to increase Lu Yu’s ability level, or directly use it for sacrifice, in order to obtain the innate talent above the very excellent.

“The corpse of the monster can be killed again, but the improvement of Lu Yu’s ability level is missed this time, and it is difficult to meet the next time.”

“And sacrifices may not be able to obtain innate talent above very excellent, but if it is used to configure potions, it will definitely increase Lu Yu’s ability level.”

“Lu Yu’s strength is stronger, it will be easy to hunt Morning Star monsters, and there should be no need to be forced to use the Beauty of Fitzgerald like today.”

Thinking of this, Fang Ping made a decision in his mind.

Because of the absolute loyalty controlled by other gods, Lu Yu would be equivalent to his clone to enhance Lu Yu’s strength, and he would be equivalent to enhance his own strength.

Therefore, even at the risk of failing the sacrifice, the demon nucleus should be taken out and used to configure the potion.

Fang Ping continued to browse down, browsing sentence by sentence, carefully reading every sentence. After a long time, he finished reading this article about the tree monster, which was not too long.

“This is not at all potion formula, and according to the above, different demon nucleus require different formulas, and even the same kind of demon nucleus, also need to adjust the formula according to the specific situation.”

“To do this kind of thing, you must be an experienced potionist to do it, but where did I find a potionist?”

Fang Ping frowned slightly.

Not to mention that there is no potion formula now. Even if there is, if he and Lu Yu configure it, the failure rate is almost 100%. A demon nucleus is a waste. It is necessary to find an experienced potionist.

“The point exchange office is able to issue commissions for refining potions, but I don’t know if I can find an experienced Medicine Refining Master to refining it.”

Fang Ping is not worried about demon nucleus being corrupted by the Demon Countermeasures Division. As the official force of Yinchuan Base City, one of the top ten base cities, the Demon nucleus should not be greedy for ink.

Besides, even if you want to be greedy for ink, you have to see who the target is.

Now that he is ranked No. 4 on the list, it is almost inevitable that he will become the Morning Star powerhouse. The Monster Countermeasures Department should not be able to do so, making him resentful in the future Morning Star.

After clearing the traces of browsing, Fang Ping withdrew from the database of the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City, entered the space inside the door, and released the body of the tree demon.

Arrived at the junction of the trunk and the roots of the tree demon, this is where the demon nucleus exists according to the document.

Pull out Zanpakuto, Fang Ping slashed towards it.

The demon nucleus is an oval solid under normal conditions. Even if it is split into two halves, it does not affect its efficiency. It is still a question whether it can be split.


Accompanied by sparks, a sound of metal collision sounded, Fang Ping felt his hands numb, but where the tree demon was slashed, there was only a barely visible scratch.

Fang Ping has already withdrawn from the enhanced Beauty of Fitzgerald state. In addition, the current state is only the initial form of Zanpakuto. The formidable power of this blow is not even Tier 5.

After the monster dies, the corpse will become soft, and the body defense will be greatly reduced. He still wants to try it. Now it seems that even if the dead body becomes soft, it is not what he can split now.

“Shadow Clone Jutsu.”

Both hands forming seals, Fang Ping summon produced a Shadow Clone, Shadow Clone disappeared with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, and returned with Lu Yu a moment later.

“Young Master.”

I was summoned again soon after parting. Although Lu Yu was puzzled, I shouted respectfully.

“Well, I just checked the internal data of the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City and found that there is something called a demon nucleus inside this monster.”

“If this kind of demon nucleus is configured as a potion, it can increase the level of light system ability, so I am going to take out this demon nucleus and configure it as a potion to increase the level of your mirror ability.”

Wang Ping explained the situation.

“There is a demon nucleus inside this monster? It is used to improve my ability?…many thanks Young Master.”

Hearing Fang Ping’s words, Lu Yu looked happy. Although he was controlled by other gods and completely loyal to Fang Ping, it did not mean that he had lost all emotions.

In the past, in order to improve his strength, he deliberately founded an organization like Hellfire to collect the corpses of Awakener for him, which shows that he values ​​his strength.

Now that he has a chance to improve his strength, and Fang Ping is ready to give him this opportunity, he is immediately delighted.

“Don’t be too busy to thank you. The body of the Morning Star monster is too hard. The demon nucleus is difficult to take out. You can try it.”

Fang Ping said.

“Good, good…”

Lu Yu should be again and again.

Lu Yu, the Morning Star powerhouse, manipulated the sharp blade with his mind, and the demon nucleus was taken out. This is a thing that looks like an egg and is blue in color.

With a little transparency, it has a crystal-like beauty, and it is like a natural oval crystal.

After receiving the demon nucleus and sending Lu Yu away, Fang Ping went to the point exchange office.

In the points exchange office, there are a total of 5 redemption windows. Fang Ping came to one of the windows. The person in charge of this window was a middle-aged woman in her 40s. When she saw Fang Ping, the other party asked.

“What do you want to redeem?”

“I am Fang Ping at No. 4 on the list. I want to see your minister if I have something to do. Please help me to contact me.”

Fang Ping not at all tells his needs immediately. For something as precious as demon nucleus, an ordinary employee of the other party may not know him.

If you don’t pay enough attention to the loss, not to mention whether you can get the points compensation, even if you can get the points compensation, the gain is not worth the loss. It is not worthwhile to use this thing in exchange for points.

“Fang Ping, No. 4 on the list? Okay, please wait.”

The middle-aged woman took a look at Fang Ping, and after confirming her identity, she immediately responded.

Section Head Grade characters, although they are not Morning Stars, they must also be Tier 5 Awakener, and they are Tier 5 Awakener in power. Naturally, they are not what ordinary people can see.

But obviously, Fang Ping is not an ordinary person, it is No. 4 on the list, and it will almost certainly become a powerful Awakener of Morning Star in the future.

Although there is no position, his status is not lower than that of a minister, so he is naturally qualified to meet.

Soon after, in an office of the points exchange office, Fang Ping met the head of the points exchange office.

This is a man who is very fat and weighs more than 200 Jin. When he saw Fang Ping, the man’s face was smiling, his eyes were indented in the flesh.

“Hello, Mr. Fang, I am Wu Gui. I have heard of my name for a long time. I finally have a chance to see it today. I don’t know if I can help?”

The status of No. 4 on the list makes him attach great importance to Fang Ping. A person who will become a Morning Star in the future will be good for him and the family behind him.

“Hello, Section Head Wu, I heard that the point exchange office can make potions on their behalf, so I want the point exchange office to use this to make potions.”

Fang Ping took out the blue crystal-like demon nucleus in the wooden box and placed it on the coffee table.

“Demon nucleus.”

Seeing the magic box like a blue crystal, Wu Gui’s face was deeply surprised.

The average teller doesn’t know this thing. As the character of Section Head Grade, he naturally knows it.

Of course, I am still very surprised, because the value of this thing is too high, it is something that even Morning Star powerhouse would like.

“Also ask Section Head Wu to find an experienced potionist to refine it. The exact number of points it will cost depends on the rules.”

Hearing the other party calling out “demon nucleus”, Fang Ping felt relieved. If the other party is someone who can’t even recognize this thing, Fang Ping is naturally impossible and he can give it to the other party without worry.

“No problem, don’t worry, I will find a Grand Alchemist to refine it.”

Wu Gui responded with a smile and promised.

It is indeed difficult for Grand Alchemist to ask for a move, even if he has to use a little relationship.

But it is obviously very profitable to be able to get in touch with Fang Ping, the future Morning Star.

“Then trouble Section Head Wu.”

Fang Ping thanks.

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