Monster Altar

Chapter 252

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There is no doubt that both types of ninjutsu are very powerful ninjutsu. Activating Spirit Art: 2th Layer Rashoumon can obtain a powerful defense method, while activating Sage art. Gracious Deity Gates can obtain a powerful sealing method.

“Now I have several defensive methods. Whether it is Susanoo or the combination of physical ability and Busoshoku Haki, they all have strong defenses, but the methods to trap the enemy are somewhat lacking.”

A decision has already been made, adding a more powerful defense method will naturally help him, but the help is not too great.

On the contrary, it is the means of trapping the enemy, which can make up for the deficiencies in the means of trapping the enemy and enhance his comprehensive battle strength to a greater extent.

He immediately chose to activate Sage art.Gracious Deity Gates, and suddenly there were many memories of Senju Hashirama about Sage art.Gracious Deity Gates in his mind.

Of course, memory is just memory after all, and you must learn if you want to know it by yourself.

After 2 weeks, the space inside the door.

“Sage art. Gracious Deity Gates.”

Fang Ping both hands forming seals, a huge building consisting of one horizontal and two verticals dropping from the sky, inserted above the ground.

After spending 2 weeks, he finally learned this ninjutsu.

After all, it is S-Rank’s ninjutsu. Even with the memory of Senju Hashirama, it took 2 weeks to learn this ninjutsu.

Fortunately, his current realm is not low. He is already a Tier 4 Awakener. If he converts his physical stamina into Chakra, it is enough to exceed the general tolerance, otherwise it is not enough to perform this technique.

“This technique consumes a lot of physical energy, but I don’t know what the formidable power is.”

Staring at the huge building in front of him, Fang Ping took a breath, secretly thought.

Senju Hashirama was able to temporarily suppress the ten tails with this technique. Although he was able to use it, he wanted to use this technique to suppress the level of ten tails. Obviously, it was impossible, at least for now.

Although it is impossible to suppress the level of Ten Tails, in his estimation, it should be possible to suppress Tier 5 monsters, and even Morning Star has some possibilities, but the specific suppression power has to be tried before understood.

“There is no Tier 5 monster, and there is not one of the Morning Star monster.”

Fang Ping raised a dangerous smile at the corner of his mouth, and looked at Lu Yu who was specially summoned by him today.

“Young Master…”

Being stared by Fang Ping’s gaze, Lu Yu felt a cold back inexplicably, always feeling that something bad was about to happen.

“You shouldn’t mind helping me verify the formidable power of this ninjutsu?”

Fang Ping full of smiles said.

“Uh, don’t… mind…”

Lu Yu wanted to say that he would mind, but seeing the piercing smile on Fang Ping’s face, he had to swallow it back.

“That’s good. Although we have a master-slave relationship, if you don’t want it, I won’t force it.”

Fang Ping pats Lu Yu’s shoulders look like “I am very enlightened”.

“Let’s start then, you first become a monster.”


Lu Yu looked helpless, seeing your dangerous smile, dare I say no?


His body expanded rapidly, and in a very short time, he turned into a huge monster with a body length of 7 meters.

The huge monster has 2 thick hind legs, 2 thin front legs, and stands on 2 hind legs.

He was covered in blood-colored metal scale armor, with wings on his back, 2 sharp horns on his head, and a thick Fairy Tail trailing behind.

The powerful breath of Morning Star radiated from him and vented for 4 weeks. Fortunately, he was in the door space at this time. Otherwise, it would inevitably cause a lot of movement.

“I want to test the effect, don’t avoid 10000000.”

Fang Ping gave an order, and his hands quickly sealed, and then, a huge red building that was vertically and horizontally dropped from the sky quickly, pressing against the demonized Lu Yu.


With a loud noise, the demonized Lu Yu, who was 7 meters in size, was pressed to the ground and fell to the ground.

The red building is fastened to him like a buckle, fixing him to the ground.

Fang Ping stepped forward and asked.

“how do you feel?”

“There is an invisible force acting on me, and it feels like I am pressed against a 1000-ton boulder.”

The demonized Lu Yu speak human’s words.

“Not bad.”

Fang Ping turned around and nodded in satisfaction.

Although Gracious Deity Gates summon came out as an extremely simple building, its function is not as simple as its appearance.

The most important point is that it can produce a kind of suppressing force to suppress the surrounding monsters. Even if the monsters are not stuck, the suppressing force it produces is enough to suppress the monsters, so that the monsters cannot easily break free.

“You try to break free and see how strong it is.”


Demonizing Lu Yu’s huge body, he began to struggle, and a surging thought force burst from his body, impacting for 4 weeks.

As this morning star power exploded, the buildings created by Sage art .Gracious Deity Gates began to tremble violently.

Ka-cha !

With a clear sound, cracks began to appear on the surface of the building, and more and more.

In the end, with a crisp sound, the red building shattered and was lifted away, and the demonized Lu Yu was completely relieved.

“Probably can be trapped for about ten seconds.”

After calculating the start and end time of Lu Yu’s struggle, Fang Ping came to a conclusion.

If other monsters in Morning Star are trapped, it will take about ten seconds to get out of it.

Although it could only be trapped for ten seconds, it was obviously already extremely out of the ordinary. After all, it was a Morning Star monster that was enough to destroy a base city.

“What level do you feel about this ability?”

Fang Ping asked the demonized Lu Yu.

“Should be at the peak of Tier 5. If a Tier 5 peak monster is trapped, it should be difficult to break free.”

After thinking about it, Lu Yu replied.

“Is it hard to escape Tier 5 at the pinnacle? Not bad.”

Fang Ping is quite satisfied. With his current Tier 4 Awakener realm, he can have such a formidable power, which is really good.

And when his realm is higher, the formidable power will be stronger.

Send away Lu Yu, Fang Ping leaves the space inside the door.

ding ding ding ~!

As soon as he left the door space, Fang Ping heard the phone ringing on the coffee table in the living room.

He picked up the phone and found that it was Wu Gui, the head of the points exchange office. There were already several missed calls on it, all of which came from the other party, so he quickly picked up the channel.

“Section Head Wu, sorry, I was in the shower just now and I didn’t hear your call.”

“It’s okay. The main purpose of calling you is to inform you that the potion has been successfully refined.”

Wu Gui rang on the other end of the phone.

“Great, I’ll come here.”

Fang Ping couldn’t help but said happily.

“That, that…”

But at this time, Wu Gui on the other end of the phone was hesitating.

“Section Head Wu, is it inconvenient for you now? If it is inconvenient, I will come again when you are free.”

Hearing what seemed to be unspeakable, Fang Ping couldn’t help but say.

“There are some things, but I’ll talk about it after you come here. I can’t explain the 3 sentences on the phone. Come here and talk.”


Fang Ping hung up the phone and went out.

At this point in the points exchange office, Wu Gui expression who hung up the phone looked at a man sitting in the office helplessly.

Originally wanted to make a good relationship, he didn’t expect such a thing to happen, making him really wonder what to do.

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