Monster Altar

Chapter 258

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“In other words, the massive damage of spirituality channel is the main reason for the drop of rank.”

If only Hu Shi asked, Grandmaster Hu Yan might be too lazy to explain, but Fang Ping is different.

For people like Fang Ping who can use the material to the theoretical limit, he seems to have the ability, he is very willing to communicate.

Because Fang Ping re-quenches the enchanted artifacts after improving the quality, it is of great help to the research on the monster item and the improvement of material utilization.

“That is to say, the rate of bad sectors leads to the degradation of grades, Grandmaster Hu Yan, can you determine the cause of bad sectors?”

Fang Ping brows slightly wrinkle.

“I have tested the spirituality channel and found that the spirituality channel of this enchanted artifact is extremely stable. Under normal circumstances, to achieve this bad sector rate, even if it is used uninterrupted, it is impossible for less than ten years.”

“So my conclusion is that it was damaged by an external force. This Enchanted weapon suffered some external damage that could destroy the spirituality channel, resulting in serious damage to the spirituality channel.”

Grandmaster Hu Yan said his conclusion.

“It was destroyed by external forces!”

Upon hearing this conclusion, Fang Ping sighed in relief.

Fortunately, it wasn’t the quality problem caused by refining the quality improvement. If it was, he might have to owe a lot of debt.

After all, during this period of time, he has re-hardened and improved the enchanted artifacts. There are really many enchanted artifacts. If all the money is lost, he will definitely be in debt of several 100000000 million.

Hu Shi is also sighed in relief. If it is really a quality problem caused by quality improvement, he, the manager, must be held responsible. After all, he was also one of the nodding people who agreed to cooperate with Fang Ping.

“Did you or the Enchanted Artifact pavilion offend who?”

Yan Xue and Fan Xuan both looked at Fang Ping with a slight worry. If it was vandalism, then Fang Ping or Enchanted Artifact pavilion might have been targeted.

“It’s too early to draw conclusions. The key depends on whether this matter is an example.”

Fang Ping right hand slightly rested his chin.

“If it doesn’t happen again after this time, or rarely happens, then it may be an accident. The owner of Enchanted weapon came into contact with something inexplicably in an accident, causing damage to the Enchanted weapon.”

“If something like this happens one after another after this time, then it must be me or the Enchanted Artifact pavilion being targeted.”

“Yes, the key is to look at the follow-up, but to be on the safe side, I will have someone investigate this Awakener immediately.”

Hu Shi said.

ding ding ding ~!

At this moment, Hu Shi’s phone rang, and after a while, he hung up the phone with an extremely ugly expression and said.

“Grandmaster Fang Ping, we have been targeted, and three more Awakeners came to return the goods.”

“There is a bad person.”

Fang Ping’s complexion became solemn. There were 4 returns in one day. This is no accident that can be explained. Someone is deliberately targeting them.

“Unexpectedly, I dared to make a trick to Hu Family. I immediately let people investigate it. I dig 3 feet into the ground. I also want to find out the forces behind it.”

“Pass me a copy of the identities of the 4 people who purchased the enchanted artifact, and I will also try to investigate.”

A hint of cold glow appeared in Fang Ping’s eyes.

He was irritated by the other party, as he said that cutting off his wealth is like killing his parents. The other party is cutting off his wealth and killing his parents.

After leaving the workshop of Grandmaster Hu Yan, the three Fang Ping and Hu Shi, the manager of Enchanted Artifact pavilion, separated. Hu Shi would immediately return to the family to report the matter and seek help from Hu Family.

Fang Ping also intends to use hacking techniques to find behind the scenes.

“My computer is in my residence, go to my residence, when the time comes, I will investigate with you using hacking techniques.”

Yan Xue said.

“Count me, the hacker technology Fang Ping can’t help me much, but I can monitor, listen to phone recordings and so on.”

Fan Xuan also said.

“Thank you.”

Zhang Ping is grateful. Although he is confident in his hacking skills, there are two people to help, and the efficiency will naturally be much higher.

Hiring a taxi, the three people came to Yan Xue’s residence, placed the computer in the living room, and the three began to investigate.

The first is to invade the population registry of Yinchuan Base City through the information registered by 4 people to obtain the most basic information of the 4 people.

Such as phone numbers, such as bank accounts, such as home address, such as the ability to have… In short, try to obtain the other party’s information through the information registered in the official database.

Then use this information to investigate each other from all aspects.

On the mobile phone, you can investigate the call records, confirm the contact person of the other party in the last few days, and use this as a clue to investigate.

The bank account is convenient, and you can investigate whether the other party has a large amount of money in the account in recent days. If there is, then the money is likely to come from behind the scenes, and you can use this clue to investigate the behind scenes.

“There is no problem.”

Yan Xue made a slightly puzzled voice. He was investigating one of the 4 people, Lei Weihong, and his recent bank card transaction records.

However, he found that the counterparty’s transaction records were very normal. The largest transaction was to purchase Tier 4 Enchanted weapon from Enchanted Artifact pavilion, which cost a total of 89010000.

“Check the bank accounts of his parents and relatives.”

Fang Ping said while busy working on his own affairs.

“Let me try.”

Yan Xue nodded, continue to investigate, more than an hour later, she stopped, reluctantly shook her head, still nothing unusual.

“It doesn’t seem to be ordinary caution.”

Fang Ping also stopped. He was investigating the call records of Lei Weihong and people close to Lei Weihong, and there was no abnormality.

“There are three more people, continue to investigate, maybe they will find out.”

Yan Xue cheered up.

“it is good.”

Although there is no hope in my heart, I still have to try it. Fang Ping responded and continued to invest in the investigation.

A few hours later, the investigation results came out. Whether it was communication records or bank card transaction records, the four people and their relatives did not have any abnormalities.

It seems quite normal, but through the detection of enchanted artifacts, as with the 4 abnormal situations that occurred within the same day, it can be inferred that the 4 people must have problems, but unfortunately, no evidence can be found.

“I don’t know if Hu Family can investigate anything.”

After thinking about it, Fang Ping took out the phone and dialed Hu Shi, the manager of Enchanted Artifact pavilion.

“Manager Hu, have you noticed it there?”

“No, 4 people have been thoroughly investigated, but not at all found any abnormalities.”

On the other end of the phone, Hu Shi heard a slightly annoyed voice.

“Didn’t you question the 4 people? With the ability of Hu Ao’er Senior Sister, you should be able to ask and so on?”

Fang Ping unexpectedly, Hu Ao’er possesses the ability of mind control. It should be easy for 4 people to tell the truth.

“The Young Lady has not had time to inquire. The 4 people have been protected by the Zuo Family and several Awakener families that manage enchanted artifacts. We are not allowed to contact privately, let alone the Young Lady with mental ability to inquire.”

Hu Shi’s voice was filled with suppressed anger.

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