Monster Altar

Chapter 271

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At the end of the morning cultivation, Fang Ping and Lu Yu were sitting by the bonfire, eating fragrant braised beef cans, and drinking the fragrant big bone soup.

This is a canned soup, a small pot is enough to make a big pot of fresh soup, and there are various flavors to choose from.

“With the current cultivation speed, I am afraid that in most months, I will be able to reach the Tier 4 peak.”

After the cultivation of the past few days, Fang Ping felt more and more deeply the terrifying cultivation speed of the extraordinary growth innate talent.

The improvement in strength can be felt every day, as if it is turned on. Others drove a tractor on the track, but he drove a sports car on the track.

This kind of hearty feeling made him addicted to it, unconsciously, back and forth, in this stone forest for more than ten days.

Just as he thought about it, after eating breakfast, while continuing the cultivation, suddenly, his right eyelid jumped.

“Well, what’s going on?”

Fang Ping rubbed his eyes suspiciously.

Eyelid twitching is naturally not a bad omen. It has no scientific basis at all. Scientific claims are lack of sleep, poor mental quality, or ophthalmological diseases.

Fang Ping thought for a while. His eyes are Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. Naturally, there is an impossible ophthalmological disease, so the only explanation is lack of sleep and poor mental quality.

This is not difficult to understand. These days, apart from sleeping and eating, it is cultivation. During the day, most of the time is spent in cultivation.

This kind of excessive cultivation should have accumulated a lot of fatigue invisibly. After more than ten days, this kind of fatigue finally appeared.

“Forget it, that’s the end of the cultivation.”

Fang Ping is a person who knows how to do too much, knowing that excessive cultivation is not at all good for the body, and may even leave internal injury.

“Young Master, are you going back to Yinchuan base city?”

Lu Yu asked.


Fang Ping nodded, put all the pots, pans and tents into the sacrifice space, and then teleport with Lu Yu and appear in the place where Lu Yu rents.

“During this time, you are free to move around!”

After giving orders to Lu Yu, Fang Ping prepared to teleport back to his residence.


With a sound, he returned to the base city of Yinchuan. He just received a text message on the mobile phone connected with the network. He clicked on the text message and it was sent by Yan Xue.

The text message mainly asks him whether he has returned to the base city, or that he has accepted the mission and will leave the base city tomorrow.

“Sent it yesterday, it should have already started by this time.”

After looking at the time, Fang Ping gave up the idea of ​​teleporting to Yan Xue’s place. The current Yan Xue should be on the way to the mission.

ding ding ding ~!

Just about to put the phone away, suddenly, the phone rang again. A phone number judged from the beginning of the number should be the official number of the base city of Yinchuan.

Fang Ping connected the phone with some confusion, and didn’t understand what the Yinchuan base city officials were doing on their phone.

“Hello, Fang Ping, the Yan Xue team was attacked by the Tier 5 monster Wind Demon Fox outside the city. I heard that Yan Xue, the leader of the Yan Xue team, has items with your spatial coordinates on his body. I wonder if you can rush to the rescue? “

The voice of a man anxiously said.

Last time, Hei Ni manipulated monsters to attack several production bases at the same time. Fang Ping once used the flying knife on Yan Xue to perform “Flying Thunder God Jutsu”, so the mission office of the Monster Countermeasures Division knew that Yan Xue had the spatial coordinates of Fang Ping. item.

After receiving a call for help, it was learned that Yan Xue team was attacked by a Tier 5 monster. Knowing that it was urgent, Yan Xue team probably insisted not to arrive at the rescue. The Mission Office of the Monster Countermeasures Division immediately thought of Fang Ping.


Fang Ping complexion greatly changed, the moment the sound fell, it disappeared from Lu Yu’s residence.


The sharp claw, which is several tens of centimeters long, flashes cold light, tearing the air, and cutting it to Yan Xue, who is pale and sitting on the ground.

The resulting strong wind slapped Yan Xue’s face, causing Yan Xue’s face to hurt for a while, and the frozen ground around him had 4 claw marks.

She was able to judge that the formidable power of this blow was strong enough to easily cut off the thick alloy column of the bucket from the movement.

At the moment of crisis, Yan Xue drew out the crystal sword, filled with blood, and blocked the sharp claw.

Peng –

The terrifying formidable power is transmitted to Yan Xue through the crystal sword, and to the icy ground beneath Yan Xue.

The ice ground under Yan Xue burst and splashed every inch, and even the gravel and mud under the ice ground splashed.

A pothole with a diameter of several ten meters appeared on the ground in an instant, and Yan Xue was sitting in the pothole in embarrassment.

The tiger had a mouthful of blood, his hands were completely numb, and the crystal sword in his hand fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Wind Demon Fox opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and suddenly bit at Yan Xue, intending to bite off Yan Xue’s upper body and swallow it. It does have such sharp teeth.

At the moment of crisis, Yan Xue kicked the ground with both feet and slipped in a panic, but it was obviously too late. The bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl got closer and closer to her.


At this moment, a silhouette appeared and stopped between Yan Xue and Wind Demon Fox. At the same time, there was also a golden flame giant hand.

The golden flame giant’s body is bigger than Wind Demon Fox’s head, and it suddenly pressed on Wind Demon Fox’s head, overturning Wind Demon Fox’s huge body, and the body flipped to the ground.


Wind Demon Fox screamed and struggled hard, but the giant flame hand pressed on Wind Demon Fox’s head was like a giant flame mountain, no matter how hard it struggled, it was difficult to break free.

The terrifying golden flame burned his head, and the golden flame spread to his whole body, enveloping his whole body in the golden flame.

The person who appeared was naturally Fang Ping. After receiving a call from the Mission Department of the Monster Countermeasures Division, he immediately sensed the spatial coordinates of Yan Xue, teleported to him, and rescued Yan Xue in time.

“How about it, is it serious?”

One hand turned into a giant fire hand and pressed Wind Demon Fox to the ground and burned. Fang Ping looked back at Yan Xue and asked.

With his battle strength that is now beyond the peak of Tier 5, dealing with a Tier 5 general-level monster is naturally very easy.

“It’s not too heavy. Fortunately, you come in time, otherwise it will be dangerous today.”

“Your strength has become stronger again, a Tier 5 monster is actually in your hands, there’s no resistance.”

Yan Xue picked up the crystal sword, touched the ground with the crystal sword, and stood up with difficulty.

Looking at Wind Demon Fox, who was screaming at the golden flame giant hand burned by Fang Ping’s hand, and howling, he felt a lingering fear at the same time, but he was a little surprised.

The Tier 5 monster Wind Demon Fox, who was forced to surround her by perils, was easily tortured like a plaything in front of Fang Ping. Fang Ping’s strength has obviously become stronger again.

Then, she remembered, and couldn’t help asking with some doubts.

“How do you know that I was attacked? Also, aren’t you in the base city?”

“I just came back this morning. The Monster Countermeasures Division informed me that you were in danger.”

Fang Ping explained.


The ending was already doomed from the moment Fang Ping appeared. With the final scream, Wind Demon Fox stopped struggling and died completely.

Fang Ping removed the golden flames, revealing the charred body of Wind Demon Fox.

At this moment, the scorched corpse of Wind Demon Fox collapsed like black and gray, and eventually all turned into black powder.

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