Monster Altar

Chapter 273

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Fang Ping kept his face cold, and controlled the flying knife to quickly fly away at the woman.

The woman wanted to make Fang Ping surprised and distracted by the news, but how could Fang Ping be fooled by such a trick.

When he saw the picture clip in the woman’s hand, he immediately guessed that the woman possessed the ability to summon monsters from the painting.

He simply took the opportunity to perform the Illusion Technique on the woman, attacking the woman while she was trapped in the Illusion Technique, and destroying the picture clip of the summon monster in the woman’s hand.

At this moment, the woman lying on the ground with blood vomiting made an astonishing move, and the other party tore off the tattered clothes that had been burned by the flames.

“Not good !”

Fang Ping cried out in surprise, secretly thought is bad.

I saw a tattoo on the woman’s skin, and this tattoo was a kind of monster.

Sure enough, at the next moment, his bad premonition came true.

The woman touched the blood on the corner of her mouth with her hand, and then wiped it on her body. Then, the tattoo on the woman’s body instantly turned into a huge monster.

The monster has 6 legs and a pair of compound eyes. The 2 hind legs are extremely thick and look like a giant locust.

There is no entity, and it is completely composed of black mist. This is a Spirit Physique type monster.

After the monster appeared, Fang Ping’s familiar wave spread from the two compound eyes. Then, the flying knife that was flying at the woman suddenly stopped moving and was fixed in the air.

“Space capability.”

Fang Ping was surprised. The ability of the monster to fix the flying knife in the air was not an invisible power like Lu Yu, but a spatial ability.

Because he perceives space fluctuation, he is too familiar with this kind of fluctuation.

Although the surprised woman Summon produced a rare space power monster, Fang Ping responded immediately.

The right hand turned into flames, shooting a huge flame column, extending forward, and hitting the solidified space ahead.


The flame column obviously encountered strong resistance, and the gaseous air seemed to have become solid, blocking him and the woman.

However, today’s Mutant Mera Mera no Mi ability, formidable power is too strong, has exceeded the Tier 5 peak and is very close to Morning Star.

Ka-cha !

With a cracking sound, the solidified air was broken, and the flame column continued to advance, slapped at the woman and the Insect Devil object.

The woman and the locust Insect Devil were shot, and the woman spit a mouthful of blood, almost unable to find a complete place.

The body of the locust Insect Devil condensed by black matter also suffered damage.

Although Spirit Physique type monsters are immune to physical attacks, they are not immune to elemental abilities.

However, in the inverted flight, the 2 compound eyes of the locust Insect Devil once again spread space fluctuations, this time not at all spread out, but enveloped itself and the woman.

“Not good.”

Fang Ping suddenly had a bad guess in his mind, teleporting appeared beside the throwing knife closest to the woman and the locust Insect Devil, the right hand turned into a giant flame hand, grabbing the woman and the locust Insect Devil.

However, just as the flame giant was about to approach the woman and the locust Insect Devil, the silhouette of the woman and the locust Insect Devil disappeared without a trace.

Completely disappeared around the perception, even with the perception of Sage Mode, it is also imperceptible.

This locust Insect Devil actually has the ability to teleport, and this ability is different from Flying Thunder God Jutsu. It does not need space coordinates at all. Teleportation is the most powerful thing of this locust Insect Devil.

“Even monsters with teleport ability can summon out!”

Yan Xue was slightly surprised, but she did not expect that the woman summon had a monster with teleporting ability and managed to escape.

“The ability to trouble.”

Fang Ping frowned.

The strength of the monsters produced by the woman’s summon is not strong, such as Wind Demon Fox and this locust Insect Devil, the battle strength can only be regarded as average in Tier 5.

However, the difficulty of this ability is that it can summon monsters with various abilities, just like this locust Insect Devil, but has a more convenient teleporting ability than Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

After the opponent succeeds in summoning the locust Insect Devil, it is difficult for him to leave the opponent. Unless he has the ability to destroy the Tier 5 Insect Devil in an instant, it is difficult to prevent the locust Insect Devil from launching its teleporting ability.

“Why are you being targeted?”

He looked at Yan Xue and asked with some concerns.

“I am not sure as well.”

Yan Xue shook the head, till now, she is also at a loss.

He was assassinated inexplicably. Before that, there was no warning at all, and he didn’t even know who had offended him.

“Be careful before you find out this woman and the forces behind it. You are injured now. During this time, go live with me.”

Fang Ping thought about it for a while and said.


Yan Xue’s pale face appeared blush, and he made a mosquito-like sound.

A few minutes later, follow-up rescuers from the base city and the three escaped Yan Xue team arrived.

“Senior Yan Xue, it’s great that you are fine.”

Seeing that Yan Xue was injured, but there was no mortal danger, all three of Yan Xue’s team sighed in relief.

If there is anything wrong with Yan Xue, their three people will be guilty for the rest of their lives.

“Thanks to you asking for help from the base city, Fang Ping was able to arrive in time.”

Yan Xue was slightly nodded to the 3 people, with outsiders present, she resumed her usual high-cold image.

“Senior Yan Xue and Senior Fang Ping, No. 4 on the list?”

The woman among the three glanced at Fang Ping next to her, and asked curiously.

“Well, they are quite familiar.”

The corners of Yan Xue’s mouth lifted insignificantly.

Fang Ping took a funny look at refusing to support himself and turned into a cold Yan Xue again. He looked at one of the rescuers. At this time, this person also walked towards Fang Ping.

This is a middle-aged man with a slight vicissitudes in his face. It is Sang Hua, the head of the mission department.

“Your Excellency Fang Ping, this time many thanks for your helping hand.”

Sang Hua extend the hand shook hands with Fang Ping, and then thanked him.

“No, Yan Xue is my friend. I’m impossible to sit back and watch. Regarding this matter, I want to report to Minister Sang. I also ask Minister Sang to take a step back.”

Leading Minister Sang aside, Fang Ping will talk about what happened after Fang Ping arrived.

As a member of the Monster Countermeasures Division, Yan Xue is also number 27 on the list, and must be included in the Special Protection List of the Monster Countermeasures Division, so it is necessary to inform the Monster Countermeasures Division of the facts of the attack this time.

“What, not a simple monster attack, but someone behind it?”

Sang Hua startled, and immediately felt the seriousness of the matter.

“Yes, the opponent can summon the monster from the painting and attack the Wind Demon Fox of Yan Xue team. It is the opponent with this ability to summon.”

Fang Ping said.

“Can summon monsters from the painting?”

Sang Hua asked inwardly.

“Is this a woman with ear studs on her ears and lip studs on her lips?”

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