Monster Altar

Chapter 276

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“come in.”

With Fang Ping’s strength, he was not afraid that Wu Wenzhu would play some moths, and signaled Wu Wenzhu to bring the door in.

Leading Wu Wenzhu to the living room to sit down, Fang Ping said with a cold face.

“Go ahead, what do you want to talk about?”

If it weren’t for the fact that he wanted to know from the opponent’s mouth what kind of force was staring at Yan Xue and wanted to assassinate Yan Xue, he would have done it a long time ago.

“You should be very confused now, what force is eyeing Yan Xue, right? I promised me a condition and I will tell you what force is eyeing Yan Xue.”

Staring at Fang Ping, Wu Wenzhu has hope and desire in his eyes.

The person in front of him is No. 4 on the list, and his strength is only a thin line away from Morning Star. He is highly valued by the Monster Countermeasures Division. If it is the other party, she might be able to protect her from Zuo Family.

“That force should be chasing you, want to kill you?”

With a creak, the bedroom door was pushed open and Yan Xue came out.

She was wearing a Fang Ping shirt, her chest was bulging, and she could see the snow-white skin around her neck. The long shirt was dragged to her legs, revealing two slender, white legs.

“Why are you up, you are hurt, just have me here.”

Fang Ping saw his eyes straight, and he didn’t know where to fall.

Yan Xue gave Fang Ping a white look and sat next to Fang Ping. The movement just now woke her up. Hearing the conversation, she guessed that the person was the one who assassinated her today. She immediately walked out.

“Yes, that force really wants to kill me and protect me, so I will tell you that force.”

Seeing that Fang Ping and Yan Xue behave closely, the relationship is obviously unusual. Wu Wenzhu feels that Fang Ping’s confidence in protecting her on the condition of “assassinating Yan Xue’s forces” is a little bigger.

Fang Ping frowned, looking at Yan Xue.

The opponent attacked Yan Xue, so whether to agree or not depends on Yan Xue’s attitude.

“This condition, we impossible promise.”

Yan Xue said coldly.

“Although it was instructed by someone, you almost killed me after all, so we won’t agree to your condition.”

“However, since you came to us, you should also have the idea of ​​causing trouble for this power? Tell us which power it is, it will be good for you and us.”

“Impossible, you don’t want to pay anything and get the news, how can there be such a good thing?”

Wu Wenzhu dissatisfied.

“Who said we didn’t pay?”

Yan Xue coldly snorted.

“You are also one of our enemies. If you don’t act against you, it is our concession. To tell you the truth, our relationship with Senior Hu Ao’er is pretty good. As long as we capture you, we can ask anything. “

“you guys……”

Wu Wenzhu suddenly stood up from the sofa and looked at Fang Ping and Yan Xue with guard.

His face changed and changed for a while, the expression on his face turned helpless, and he looked towards Fang Ping 2 Humane.

“Telling you there is really only good for me, there is no harm, well, I will tell you, the person who is going to deal with you is Zuo Family.”

“Zuo Family, why should Zuo Family deal with Yan Xue?”

Fang Ping was astonished. The person Zuo Family had to deal with was supposed to be him. How could he be replaced by Yan Xue.

“I don’t understood. I only received the task of assassinating her. For what reason, I didn’t understood. The person in charge of this matter is Zuo Wei, so I will leave.”

Guarding Fang Ping 2 people, Wu Wenzhu slowly retreated to the door, opened the door, and quickly walked away. In the process, neither Fang Ping nor Yan Xue stopped.

“She assassinated you after all, so let her go?”

Fang Ping looks at Yan Xue.

“Since she has agreed, there is no need to repent, and under the pursuit of Zuo Family, she is unlikely to survive.”

Yan Xue shook his head.

“Then you go to bed earlier, although the other party is unlikely to lie to us, but tomorrow I still have to check if Zuo Family is doing it on you.”

Seeing that Yan Xue, the party involved, had no plans to pursue it, Fang Ping naturally had no choice but to give up.

It is much simpler if the suspected object is pushing backwards. It is bound to be able to verify from Zuo Family’s movements whether it is Zuo Family or not.


Yan Xue nodded, his eyes swept across the sofa where Fang Ping had just fallen asleep with a piece of clothing as a pillow.

“Come in and sleep, but don’t mess up.”

Fang Ping was taken aback and saw Yan Xue’s slender silhouette walking to the bedroom door. He quickly followed, and creak shut the bedroom door with a sound.

Woke up in the morning on the 2nd day, Fang Ping turned his head to the side and suddenly saw Yan Xue’s beautiful sleeping face.

Smooth and moist skin like water, long eyelashes, pretty cheeks, gorgeous red lips.

Fang Ping couldn’t help but reached out and touched Yan Xue’s face. The soft touch from his hand let him know that all of this is true.

Although the two of them didn’t do anything last night, they pierced that floor of the window, bringing the relationship closer.

At this moment, Yan Xue opened his eyes and looked at Fang Ping steadily. Fang Ping retracted his hand in embarrassment and said.

“Sorry, I woke you up, what you want to eat, I’ll go downstairs to buy.”

“Just like you.”

“Okay, I will go.”

Fang Ping escaped and left the bedroom. Behind him, Yan Xue’s mouth was slightly cocked, looking at Fang Ping who was running away amusedly.

After breakfast, Fang Ping investigated Zuo Family, especially Zuo Wei, and through the records of entering and leaving the city, he quickly discovered that yesterday, shortly after Yan Xue was attacked, Zuo Wei had hurriedly left the base city.

“Yan Xue left the base city shortly after the attack. The purpose is probably to go to Wu Wenzhu’s hiding place to kill people. However, Wu Wenzhu was cautious. He should be aware of Zuo Family’s intention to kill people, so he fled.”

After investigation, Fang Ping was almost certain that it was indeed Zuo Family who instructed Wu Wenzhu to assassinate Yan Xue. The only thing he could not figure out was that Yan Xue had little contact with Zuo Family and why Zuo Family wanted to assassinate Yan Xue.

“Is it because of me? Zuo Family dare not attack me because of fear of my identity, so he attacked people around me?”

Fang Ping frowned, this is the only reasonable explanation.

“Forget it, since it has been determined that it is the Zuo Family, then directly ask the people of Zuo Family.”

He looked at a red dot on the computer, and there was a cold glow in his eyes.

This red dot was where Zuo Wei led the assassination of Yan Xue. He again monitored and located the opponent’s mobile phone.

The other party changed a mobile phone, and the software system has also been updated. The loophole he used to penetrate the last time has been blocked.

But this is not difficult for him. As a super hacker, he once again passed other loopholes and silently monitored and located Zuo Wei’s mobile phone.

“Shadow Clone Jutsu.”

A Shadow Clone was left to protect Yan Xue’s safety. Even if he was lost, he could take Yan Xue to escape by teleportation. Fang Ping left the residence.

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