Monster Altar

Chapter 287

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Hong long!

The earth shook and the mountain quivered, huge cracks appeared one after another on the ground, spreading to several hundred meters.

But Zuo Gaofeng, who was at the center of the attack, was not at all harmed.

The Veteran Morning star powerhouse deserves to be the Veteran Morning star powerhouse. In the face of such a sudden sneak attack, Zuo Gaofeng still reacted.

At the critical moment, he turned into Thunder and Lightning, transformed into an elemental form, immune to Fang Ping’s purely physical punch.

Although Fang Ping’s fist penetrated him, it didn’t cause him any damage.

Beauty of Fitzgerald can strengthen strength, speed, and defense, but this strengthening is achieved by strengthening the body.

The destructive power of pure physical power obviously cannot hurt him who is transformed into Thunder and Lightning element and immune to physical attacks.

On the contrary, he turned into Thunder and Lightning. The power of Thunder and Lightning acted on Fang Ping’s hands, causing Fang Ping’s body to become numb, almost impossible to move even a little bit.


With astonishing murderous intention in his eyes, Zuo Gaofeng stabs Fang Ping’s chest with surging purple Thunder and Lightning wrapped in his hands.

He has no turning back. If Fang Ping and the Morning Star powerhouse in the sky cannot be killed here, his assassination of Fang Ping will surely be exposed, and when the time comes, both he and Zuo Family will be finished.


Just before Zuo Gaofeng turned into a Thunder and Lightning hand stabbed, Fang Ping disappeared with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, and thrilled to escape the thunder and Lightning hand through his chest.

When he appeared again, he appeared outside several hundred meters.

Feeling his body still slightly numb, he frowned.

“The degree of reinforcement is still a bit worse!”

Beauty of Fitzgerald would be restrained by the opponent’s incarnation Thunder and Lightning, which he had long expected.

The only thing he didn’t expect was that after the opponent’s incarnation Thunder and Lightning, the formidable power carried by the Thunder and Lightning body would be so strong that just the formidable power carried by the Thunder and Lightning body was enough to make him impossible to move even a little bit.

Hey, hey, hey!

He took all the remaining eleven gold chests from the Zuo Family treasure house from the sacrifice space.

“Beauty of Fitzgerald!”

Beauty of Fitzgerald used it again, and the eleven boxes containing gold and the gold in the boxes were all turned into golden rays of light and rotated around Fang Ping.

The dazzling golden rays of light reflect Fang Ping like golden water.

“What is this ability?”

Looking at the eleven boxes that turned into golden rays of light and surrounded Fang Ping, Zuo Gaofeng felt a deep strangeness and crisis.

Naturally, he knew very well what was contained in the eleven boxes. It must be gold, but he had never seen it before. The ability to activate requires gold, and gold can turn into a golden light.

He felt that if these golden lights were integrated into Fang Ping within the body, then Fang Ping would become Extremely Dangerous.

“Iron thorns!”

A huge metal vine was drilled out of the soil, and the surface was covered with densely packed metal spikes on the human scalp.

It wraps around Fang Ping like a hunting python, and pierces Fang Ping with densely packed spikes on the surface of the body.

Fang Ping failed to dodge, to be precise, not at all dodge, because if dodged, these eleven boxes of gold would be wasted.

“Solve one first!”

Zuo Gaofeng is very clear about the formidable power of iron thorns. He once relied on the power of iron thorns to stalk and kill a Morning Star monster.

Even if Fang Ping’s defense becomes quite strong, it is absolutely impossible to block, Fang Ping will definitely die.


Suddenly, a harsh metallic sound came into his ears, and he looked incredulously at the iron thorns that hovered like a python.

There was news, that is, Fang Ping not at all died.


There was another sound, and huge cracks appeared on the surface of the iron thorns, which was harder than metal.


Another and last sound rang, the one after another huge crack on the surface of the iron thorns spread, and the iron thorns all split up and in pieces.

From the iron thorns of all split up and in pieces, Fang Ping walked out intact.

The green lines on the surface of his body appear and extend like the vines of plants, with many small and delicate lines appearing.

A mysterious and dangerous breath came out, which made him think of “unable to bear” turning around and running away.

This is incredible. Even Chang Sheng, who is the number one on the list, is impossible to give him the idea of ​​turning around and fleeing, but now, in Fang Ping, who is number 4 on the list, he unexpectedly has such an idea.

“Give me to die!”

Depressing this weird thought in his heart, Wu Shi roared, and the thundercloud rolled, and a thick and winding Thunder and Lightning descended from the sky like a baring fangs and brandishing claws horned dragon, attacking Fang Ping.


Fang Ping raised his head, right hand facing the sky, punch towards the sky.

The Thunder and Lightning horned dragon of baring fangs and brandishing claws, under this fist, was blown to pieces.

Not only that, the thunderclouds in the sky were also punched into a huge hole under the wind pressure caused by this fist, all split up and in pieces.

“Impossible, not Morning Star, impossible can be so strong!”

Looking at Fang Ping this fist’s destructive power, Zuo Gaofeng’s face was shocked.

Even with the ability of peak order, it is absolutely impossible to make a person who is not a Morning Star so powerful.

And if Fang Ping has the ability above peak order, he can say nothing.

“Nothing impossible!”

After a flash, Fang Ping appeared beside Zuo Gaofeng like a green light.

The previous moment was still outside several hundred meters, and the next moment had already appeared beside Zuo Gaofeng. This speed exceeded 2 times the speed of sound.

Adding up before and after, it reached more than 400000000 million reinforcements, making him more powerful than ever before.


Zuo Gaofeng hurriedly attacked Fang Ping with Thunder and Lightning double fists. However, before Fang Ping in his double fists, Fang Ping’s fist had already hit his Thunder and Lightning body, making him Thunder and Lightning Body all split up and in pieces.

“You can’t kill me!”

The Thunder and Lightning bodies of all split up and in pieces gathered, and the voice of Zuo Gaofeng’s pride and sighed in relief came out from it.

The opponent’s battle strength at this time has even surpassed him, but the opponent’s attack method is still at the physical level, and it cannot hurt him who is transformed into an element.

“I can’t, but someone can.”

Fang Ping’s mouth curled up and looked towards the sky, and then saw the sky, a dazzling white light landed down, trapping Zuo Gaofeng and him.

“Not good !”

Zuo Gaofeng panicked and wanted to evade, but at this moment, a circular wall of flames rose into the sky and surrounded him.

Such a wall of flames, he had easily broken, but it was this short delay that made him miss the opportunity to escape.

The dazzling white radiance overwhelmed him and Fang Ping next to him.

The ground sank under the dazzling white light, and an exaggerated pothole appeared.

In the potholes, Zuo Gaofeng’s whole body was covered with wounds. Even if it was turned into Thunder and Lightning, he could not avoid the ability of the light mirror. He forcibly suffered a blow from Lu Yu and the injury was not light.

Next to him, Fang Ping was unharmed, and there were no wounds on his body. Even with such a strong blow, he still did not hurt him at all.

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