Monster Altar

Chapter 310

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Jin Li was photographed with flames burning on his body and smashed through several tall buildings. In the end, he smashed fiercely on the concrete floor, smashing the concrete floor into a huge pothole.

The flame burned out, and there were burns in many places on her body, and the white light armor on her body was even more torn. It could no longer cover her body, and her sexy and hot body could not be exposed.


Her complexion ashen.

Speed ​​has always been her proud direction, but she lost to Fang Ping in speed.

Losing in speed is that’s all. After all, the opponent has space ability and can move instantaneously.

But what made her even more unacceptable was that in terms of battle strength, she also lost to Fang Ping.

Tear off!

Catching the broken light armor on her body, she pulled abruptly. The light armor was torn apart by her, and her fiery figure was completely exposed.

Then, her body changed, and the hot figure that was enough to make people nosebleed swelled in a very short time, turning into a huge but not ugly monster.

The monster was covered with light golden hair, and the golden hair radiated a light halo under the night.

There are 2 curved sharp horns on the head, and 2 long and pointed ears.

Standing on 4 legs, at the chest position, a golden number “189” appears there.

The monster form, this is the most fundamental form of the Demonic Human race, and also the most powerful form. In this form, their various abilities will be greatly enhanced.


Fang Ping is good for the sky, the golden flame turns into a huge golden flame pillar, dropping from the sky, crashing into Jin Li who turned into a monster.

The golden hair of Jin Li who was transformed into a monster form glowed with dazzling golden rays of light. A golden beam of light rose into the sky, facing the golden flame column.

Hong long!

The golden flame column collided with the golden beam in midair, and the golden rays of light illuminated the night sky as if a sun appeared.

The sun expanded rapidly, and the strong shock wave swept for 4 weeks. Under this shock wave, large tracts of buildings were knocked down by crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.


Jin Li, transformed into a monster form, flew towards Fang Ping. Although he had no wings, he was able to step in the air, turning into a golden rays of light, flying through the air at a speed faster than 3 times the speed of sound.

When she was about to approach Fang Ping, the two sharp horns on her head all lit up with golden rays of light, and then shot one after another golden beams towards Fang Ping.

Hey, hey, hey!

Fang Ping flame turned into a giant hand to block in front of you, blocking one after another golden beam of light.

Jin Li transformed into a monster form, and the formidable power of his ability was obviously enhanced. In just a moment, the giant hand that Fang Ping transformed into a flame was penetrated, and a golden beam of light attacked Fang Ping behind the giant flame.

Fang Ping teleported in time to evade, and appeared beside Jin Li who was transformed into a monster. The right hand turned into a flame knife of more than ten meters long and slashed towards Jin Li who transformed into a monster.

But Jin Li, who was transformed into the form of a monster, became faster, leaving a golden afterimage in place, but his body went around behind Fang Ping.

A sharp horn extends a sharp blade of light like a light knife, which is cut from the back towards Fang Ping.

Fang Ping teleported to evade in time, and counterattacked from the other side, but Jin Li was transformed into a monster to dodge.

Huh, huh, Shua!

The battle for speed broke out again, but the intensity was increased by a level. This time, Fang Ping can no longer suppress Jin Li with speed.

With the help of Flying Thunder God Jutsu’s “teleport”, it is not as traceless as the real teleport. As long as the direction of all the flying knives is locked, the direction in which Fang Ping will appear can be roughly predicted.

Moreover, Jin Li also found a way to restrain Flying Thunder God Jutsu, that is, by attacking the flying knives, preventing the flying knives from approaching, and making Fang Ping unable to get close.


After another unsuccessful confrontation, Fang Ping took the initiative to extend the distance and retreated to several hundred meters.

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu has nothing to do with her.”

I have to say that Jin Li is extremely difficult, especially after transforming into a monster form.

He quickly thought about countermeasures, and quickly made a decision.

铿 clang!

The Zanpakuto on his waist was unsheathed, and he sank into the ground. Then, one huge blade after another rose from the ground, turning into 10000000 million blue sharp blades.

All the blue knives moved quickly, hiding the sky and covering the earth rushing towards Jin Li who turned into a monster.

Peng, Peng, peng!

Jin Li evaded one after another and attacked to prevent the blue blade from approaching, but there were too many blue blades.

Finally, she couldn’t avoid it and was approached by the blue sharp blade.

Hey, hey, pu!

She was wounded by the blue sharp blade. Although it was not deep, it was indeed injured.

She hurried to leave the place, but soon she was approached by the blue knives again, and there were more blue knives this time, and fine wounds appeared on her body.


Fang Ping waved his hands and controlled the movement of the blue blade with both hands. The blue blade, which had already moved extremely fast, suddenly increased its movement speed by 4 times.

Jin Li was no longer able to escape, being wrapped in a spherical space shaped by a blue sharp blade.

Hey, hey, pu!

A large number of blue sharp blades cut on her body, and blood blossoms everywhere on her body.

“Uh huh…”

The groaning sound came from her mouth transformed into a monster, chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, nothing more than that.

Although the injuries caused by each piece of blue blade are not serious, but when they are piled up, they cannot be underestimated. The injuries on her body are rapidly increasing.


The sphere formed by the blue blade was pierced into a hole and turned into Jin Li in the form of a monster, turning into a golden light flying shot, trying to escape from the hole.

However, before she escaped from the hole, the hole was blocked by a large number of blue knives, and she was once again locked into a spherical space formed by 10000000 million blue knives.

“Uh huh…”

Groaning sound came out from the blue spherical space one after another, and Jin Li completely fell into a bad situation.

Although he has a terrifying speed of more than 3 times the speed of sound, he is still suppressed in the face of 10000000 million blue sharp blades.

To some extent, Zanpakuto can be transformed into a characteristic of 10000000, restraining her speed type ability.

You don’t need to be faster than you, as long as you block all your escape spaces so that you have no escape spaces.

“Zanpakuto really has the power of restraint for those with speed type ability.”

Seeing that Jin Li was trapped in the spherical shape formed by the blue sharp blade, it was difficult to break free, Fang Ping sighed in relief.

He is right in his judgment, Zanpakuto does have a strong restraint effect on such speed-type abilities.

However, he is the only one who can play like this. One type of peak order ability is not enough, so immediately change to another type of peak order ability.

When Flying Thunder God Jutsu can’t help the opponent, changing to another peak order ability will immediately have a miraculous effect. This is the advantage of the peak order ability.

On the other hand, Jin Li, although he also possesses multiple abilities, only the “golden light” ability can reach the peak order and can be used in combat at this level. Once the ability is restrained, he immediately falls into a disadvantage.

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