Monster Altar

Chapter 312

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Inside the door, Fang Ping healed Chang Sheng and repaired Chang Sheng’s heart.

Hu Ao’er anxiously watched Fang Ping use the Please don’t die ability to heal Chang Sheng, his palms were already sweating because of tension.

After a few minutes, Fang Ping breathed a sigh of relief and let go of his hand against Chang Sheng’s chest.

At the position of Chang Sheng’s chest, the wound that was originally transparent before and after has disappeared.

Seeing that the serious injury on Chang Sheng’s chest was repaired, although the complexion was pale, it was finally saved. Hu Ao’er sighed in relief for a few minutes, for her, it was like a century.

“I owe you a life.”

After a while, stood up and glanced at the wound that was intact, Chang Sheng said resolutely.

“No need to.”

Fang Ping glanced at the other person, then glanced at Hu Ao’er next to him, wanting to make a joke, after all, he was often ridiculed by the senior about Yan Xue and Fan Xuan.

But finally gave up, and now is not the time to make such a joke.

He looked to the outside world through the space inside the door, and saw Zhai Long, who is now side by side with the 4 Demonic Human race geniuses.

Chang Sheng and Hu Ao’er also looked at Zhai Long among the five, and their eyes were almost breathing fire.

Unlike Fang Ping, which has almost no intersection with Zhai Long, the two of them have the same Morning Star battle strength as the top 2 on the list with Zhai Long. There are a lot of intersections, and the relationship between them is very “close”. .

Now they are betrayed, they are shocked and angry.

“Fang Ping, open up the space!”

Hu Aoer’s eyes contain murderous intention.

“it is good.”

Fang Ping responded.


A door opened, and the three people jumped out and appeared to the outside world.


Feeling the abnormal flow of air, the 3 people who were about to evacuate because of the disappearance of the Fang Ping 5 people suddenly turned their heads and looked at the place where the 3 people appeared.

Seeing Chang Sheng standing side by side with Fang Ping and Yan Xue with no wounds on his chest, all five people’s eyes flashed with astonishment.

“It’s all saved in this way.”

Although Xiong Haokong, who had recovered his ability to move, had not fully recovered from his injuries, he was extremely shocked.

Even if the self-healing ability is as strong as him, it only reduces the injury and still has not recovered from the severely injured state.

But Chang Sheng, a fatally injured person, was not only rescued and returned, but also in such a short period of time, he has recovered.

This kind of healing ability is definitely better than his current self-healing ability.

“Why, why do you do this?”

Staring at Zhai Long, Chang Sheng asked angrily.

During the battle with the black hair youngster who is suspected of being a dragon, Zhai Long approached him unintentionally. Although he noticed it, the opponent was a companion who had been with him for many years. Not at all aroused his vigilance.

But I don’t want to, the other party actually sneaked on him, if Fang Ping hadn’t rescued him, he would have died at this time.


Zhai Long chuckled lightly and raised his right hand.

Tear off!

The sleeves were split, and his right hand turned into a giant claw of several meters in a very short time.

There are patches of black scales attached to the surface of the giant claw, among which, on the back, there is a golden number of “189”.

“Demonic Human race, you are Demonic Human race!”

Fang Ping, Hu Ao’er, Chang Sheng, all sucked in a cold breath.

The answer is already obvious. The opponent is the Demonic Human race, which is the internal response of the Demonic Human race lurking among humans.

“You have not always been curious, is he a Demonic Human race genius codenamed Dragon?”

Zhai Long pointed his finger at the black hair youngster who looked like a dragon, and said slightly.

“He is not, because the person codenamed Dragon is me.”

“You are the one code-named Dragon for the Demonic Human race.”

Chang Sheng’s teeth made creak creak rattle.

“Unexpectedly, in addition to Li Pengling, there is such an internal response in the base city.”

Fang Ping was shocked.

Demonic Human race is indistinguishable from normal humans without taking the initiative to transform into a monster form, and there is almost no way to detect it.

Therefore, he is not surprised that there is a Demonic Human race internal response in the base city, but even Zhai Long, who is No. 3 on the list, is actually a Demonic Human race internal response, which really shocked him.

“You damn it.”

Chang Sheng’s eyes are full of murderous intention, and Morning Star’s terrifying aura is permeating.

Feeling this aura, Jin Li, Yin Yan, Xiong Haokong, Demonic Human race black hair young men, all of them can’t help but change color slightly.

Before reaching the Morning Star, they already have the battle strength comparable to the Morning Star. Now that the realm reaches the Morning Star, the Chang Sheng battle strength has jumped to the comparable Veteran Morning star.

“Don’t think that you are the only one who breaks through to Morning Star.”

Suddenly, another Morning Star breath broke out. This time, it was Zhai Long who broke out the Morning Star breath.

He actually, like Chang Sheng, has broken through to Morning Star.

In fact, because of the need to hide, he has never revealed his true strength, otherwise, the number one on the list might not be Chang Sheng.

“Morning Star too?!”

Fang Ping and Hu Ao’er have changed colors, but Zhai Long actually owns the realm of Morning Star.

There are only 3 of them, but the opponent has 5 people, plus the highest battle strength is not dominant, this battle is difficult.

Hey, hey, hey!

Zhai Long has taken the lead in launching an attack. One after another black metal sword, at a speed of several times the speed of sound, turns into a touch of black light after another, attacking the Fang Ping 3 people.

Metal manufacturing, this is his ability to make metal and control its battle.

Although it is impossible to control the metals in nature, the metals produced by this method are not limited by the terrain, but also have extremely special textures. The attributes are comparable to enchanted metals.

Hey, sou!

Fang Ping and Hu Ao’er dodged, but Chang Sheng didn’t retreat but instead moved forward, rushing towards Zhai Long.

He lifted his right hand, and the white light stretched into a white shield that just covered his body, with only a thin layer. It seemed that it would shatter when the wind blows, but it was unusually strong.

Once the black swords hit the white barrier, they will immediately shatter and disappear.

With this shield, he quickly approached Zhai Long.

Zhai Long’s complexion became dignified, and one after another black sword appeared in front of him, some from the front, some from the side, some from the back, attacking Chang Sheng, while he retreated and pulled away from Chang Sheng. distance.

On the other hand, Chang Sheng relied on his extraordinary flexibility and the white shield in his hand to continuously block attacks from all directions and approached Zhai Long.

Suddenly, one after another shadow tentacles pierced from the ground and pierced Chang Sheng.

The attack came from a young man with black hair, which is the ability of the opponent to manipulate shadows.

Pu chi!

Chang Sheng quickly avoided, but these shadow tentacles followed like a shadow, like a long snake, chasing him.

He quickly swept across with the white shield, destroying these shadow tentacles.

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