Monster Altar

Chapter 321

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Looking at the magic innate talent, Fang Ping’s eyes lit up in the Teleportation maho column. This is the second reason why he chose Narberal Gamma.

In the battle with Demonic Human race Jin Li this time, Flying Thunder God Jutsu was restrained to a certain extent, and the reason was that Flying Thunder God Jutsu’s teleportation required flying knives as coordinates.

For this reason, Jin Li predicted the locations where he might appear, and took precautions against these locations, which greatly reduced the suddenness of the teleport.

In addition, Jin Li’s ability “golden light” can still control the movement trajectory even after it is attacked. Therefore, in the battle with Jin Li, Flying Thunder God Jutsu was almost banned.

This made him see the shortcomings of Flying Thunder God Jutsu, and had a desire for “teleport” that does not require flying knives as coordinates.

Seeing that the anime character that Sacrifice summon came out was actually Narberal Gamma, I couldn’t help but feel happy, because as far as he knew, Narberal Gamma was a Teleportation maho.

There is almost no difference between Teleportation maho and teleport. The only difference is that one is magic and the other is ability.

The result was not at all beyond his expectation. It was integrated with the magic innate talent of Narberal Gamma. Although it did not increase the level of magic innate talent, there were a lot of activatable magics. One of these magics was Teleportation. maho.

“Unfortunately, the sacrifice value is not enough. It requires 15,000 sacrifice value to activate, but now I only have more than 1000 sacrifice value.”

At this time, he couldn’t help thinking of the few Morning Star monsters killed by Lu Yu and Zuo Gaofeng, and he felt a pity in his heart.

Because they were busy killing the Morning Star monsters, and because the target with the Morning Star monsters was too big to escape, after the two people killed the Morning Star monsters, not at all took the body of the Morning Star monster away.

The corpses of these Morning Star monsters have now fallen into the hands of the Monster Countermeasures Division.

If there was a chance to take away the corpses of these Morning Star monsters, not to mention a few, even one, it would be enough to activate the Teleportation maho.

“Let Lu Yu rest for a few days, and then let him go out to hunt monsters.”

Fang Ping had an arrangement in his heart, and looked at the body of the second monster. It was a monster with a giant eye on its head. To some extent, it should be a monster with an eye-like attribute.

It would be great if you can use this to offer a take out, powerful eye abilities, such as Rinnegan, and the magic eye of death.

“What does it mean to acquire capability?”

Jin Li sounded again with horror, Fang Ping ignored it again, and then sacrificed the corpse of the monster with huge eyes.


The blood-colored flame burned the corpse of the monster with giant eyes into ashes, the blood light lit up, and the stars appeared.


A scarlet rays of light descended, and a young man attacked.

The young man has short black hair, is thin and wears a black Academy uniform.

“Good luck, this time it is good luck!”

Looking at the anime character that appeared, Fang Ping couldn’t help showing a trace of excitement on his face. He was really familiar with the anime character that appeared.

Lelouch, a character in the rebellious Lelouch of the anime, a protagonist with excellent IQ, often relies on extraordinary IQ to defeat the strong with the weak and play the enemy.

After watching this anime, Fang Ping’s evaluation of the other party can be described by the word “niubi”. All kinds of jokes on the enemy, all kinds of IQs crush, and play the enemy as unnecessary.

Look at the other’s attribute panel.

Name: Lelouch Lamperouge

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: excellent

IQ innate talent: extraordinary


Absolute order: Command the target creature by looking at each other. It can only be used once for the same creature.

As he expected, the other party has a very high IQ, and the IQ innate talent has reached an astonishing extraordinary level.

Of course, Fang Ping would not choose the other’s IQ innate talent, why?

Does his IQ need to be added? Of course not.

Although he doesn’t think his IQ is comparable to Lelouch, he is not the kind of person whose IQ needs to be added. Secondly, is Absolute order not good?

This is a similar ability to other gods, but not at all other gods have a cooling period of ten years.

The only pity is that this ability can only be used once for the same person, and it must be confronted by the eyes, and I don’t know whether this ability can be used at a higher level.

There is nothing to say. At this time, it is natural to choose ability rather than innate talent.

“Choose Absolute order!”

As Fang Ping made his choice, a majestic voice sounded.

“The sacrificer already possesses the same kind of abilities and is able to merge them!”

A scarlet rays of light crashed into Fang Ping within the body, and then Fang Ping felt his eyes feel cold, making him uncomfortable to bear and closed his eyes.

For a moment, the cold feeling disappeared, and he opened his eyes and looked at the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan column of his attribute panel.

Absolute order is an eye-type ability, and Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan is also an eye-type ability. Obviously, these two abilities are merged.

Variation Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan

【Combining 2 pairs of Mangekyo Sharingan and Absolute order to form eye abilities, it has three abilities: Susanoo, remote control, and mutation of other gods.


The abilities formed by the fusion of the mutant gods, the gods and the Absolute order are divided into the powerful version of the gods and the normal version of the gods.

Powerful other gods, with extremely powerful will modification ability, can not be removed, can modify the will of the target more realm, the cooling time after use is shortened from ten years to 2 years.

The normal version of the gods has the ability to modify the will and cannot be dismissed. It cannot modify the will of the target beyond the realm. It can only modify the will of the same realm and the target lower than the realm, without cooling time. 】

“Unexpectedly, after the integration of Absolute order, such a change would happen.”

Seeing the introduction about Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, no, now it should be called Mutation Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, Fang Ping was so happy that he almost couldn’t close his mouth.

Although the other gods are BUG and cannot be eliminated, they have a cooling time of more than ten years, which severely limits the use of this ability.

And Absolute order, although it can be cancelled, although it can only be used once for the same target, it is not at all cooldown. As long as the physical energy is sufficient, it can be used without restriction.

The fusion of the two abilities not only shortens the cooling time of the other gods, but also derived out the normal version of the other gods.

Although this kind of ordinary celestial god cannot be modified beyond the realm will, it does not at all cooldown time and can be used without restrictions.

How could such a fusion change make him unhappy.

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