Monster Altar

Chapter 349

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“Oh why?”

Zong Ling asked with interest.

“Although the base city of Yinchuan has suffered a great loss, if you want to siege a Veteran Morning star, you can still mobilize people.”

“Chang Sheng, like me, has also become a Morning Star. Although the opponent is new to Morning Star, his battle strength is comparable to Veteran Morning Star. If you add battle strength to Hu Ao’er and Fang Ping, who are not weaker than Morning Star, It is not impossible to siege the Veteran Morning star.”

Zhai Long replied.

“You mean, this time is the top 3 in the Yinchuan base city list?”

“Yes, it should be their three people. They are not at all fixed guard missions. They disappear for a few days without being noticed. Besides, Fang Ping has spatial capabilities.”

Zhai Long affirmed.

“Zhai Long’s words are very reasonable. The top 3 on the list are likely to make a lot of shots. They dare to send out this kind of potential seeds. Yinchuan base city might not take my Yingchuan Demonic Human race too much.”

Chi Ji looked at Zong Ling.

“Lord Zong Ling, I believe that if another base city is destroyed, the Yinchuan base city will definitely send these three people. This is an opportunity. If we can set a trap, we may be able to eliminate these three troubles.”

“It is indeed an opportunity.”

Dangerous rays of light flashed in Zong Ling’s eyes.

One month later, in the door space, Fang Ping and Lu Yu in Sage Mode face off several hundred meters apart.


A distance of several hundred meters, Lu Yu slapped Fang Ping away from the air, and a giant hand formed by the power of thought slapped Fang Ping, causing the space inside the door to roar fiercely.

The distance of several hundred meters was almost instant, and the giant hand of Nian Li had come to Fang Ping.

In the face of the attacking giant hand, Fang Ping did not teleport and evade, nor did he use his ability to attack. Instead, he judged the location of the giant hand through the abnormal flow of air.

Then he blasted his fist.

Dozens of punches were blasted out in an instant, using the Dragon Killing Punch that had been cultivating for the past month.


The violent collision caused the entire space inside the door to shake violently.

Afterwards, Fang Ping retreated again and again, while the huge mind power burst into pieces and shattered.

In Sage Mode, Fang Ping actually blocked Lu Yu’s blow only by his physical strength and the Dragon Killing Punch.

Although it is not the strongest optical lens power of Lu Yu formidable power, formidable power has also reached the Morning Star category. Fang Ping can block it only with physical strength and boxing. It is conceivable that Fang Ping Taijutsu is so powerful today. .


Fang Ping, who was retreating, kicked the ground abruptly, forcibly stabilized the retreat trend, and rushed towards Lu Yu who was several hundred meters away.


Seeing Fang Ping pounced, Lu Yu used his mind force, propping up a dozen mind force barriers in front of him to resist Fang Ping.

Although you can’t see the mind barrier, Fang Ping knows Lu Yu’s knowledge that Lu Yu must have propped up the mind barrier in front of him.

Approaching Lu Yu, Fang Ping blasted his fists again, and in an instant, dozens of fists blasted again.

Because the punch is too fast, a series of punch shadows have been formed.

ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha!

Under Fang Ping’s fist, there was a crackling sound after another, and the mind barriers on one side burst and disappeared.

The formidable power of Fang Ping’s fist was not completely blocked until the last mind barrier was broken.

“Unsurprisingly, the physical strength and boxing are enough to be comparable to peak order.”

No more shots, Fang Ping’s face showed such a color as expected.

After one month of cultivation, he felt that he had mastered the Dragon Killing Punch, he approached Lu Yu, wanting to test the formidable power of Taijutsu today.

The result did not exceed his expectations. As he initially expected, Taijutsu is now comparable to peak order ability, not even a normal peak order, but a mid-level peak with the same ability as Muted Mera Mera no Mi. order.

The reason why Taijutsu can be compared to the median peak order is that, on the one hand, the very excellent Taijutsu innate talent enhances the body’s strength, and on the other hand, it is because of the top boxing technique of Kaiji Longshaquan. The earth enhances the formidable power.

“Sage Mode, plus physical strength and boxing, is not the strongest Taijutsu, but it already has battle strength comparable to Morning Star. If Busoshoku Haki is also added to it…”

Fang Ping’s eyes showed expectation, with Busoshoku Haki attached to his body. Even though he was preparing for the test, Lu Yu was right at this time.

“Young Master, it’s not early. I will control Zuo Gaofeng to participate in a meeting of the Monster Countermeasures Division of Liuzhou Base City. Do you think it is here?”

“Participate in the meeting of the Monster Countermeasures Division of Liuzhou Base City. Has Liuzhou Base City often held such meetings during the recent period?”

Seeing that Lu Yu didn’t have time, Fang Ping could only give up. He lifted Sage Mode and Busoshoku Haki and asked.

“Yes, 5 consecutive base cities have been destroyed. The atmosphere in Liuzhou base city is a bit bad. For fear of becoming the sixth base city, this is still the case with two Morning Stars sitting in town. The situation in other base cities is even worse. wonderful.”

Lu Yu explained.

“The Demonic Human race tribe that destroyed the base city of the mountain city was destroyed last time. Didn’t it stop these popping Demonic Human races?”

Fang Ping asked.

“It was really shocked at first, but then the Demonic Human race tribe began to emerge again. In the city of Liuzhou Base, Demonic Human race has recently sneaked in.”

Lu Yu said.

“If the Liuzhou base city is attacked, protect it with all your strength.”

After thinking about it, Fang Ping ordered.


Lu Yu respectfully responded.

Exiting from the door space, Lu Yu controlled Zuo Gaofeng to the Monster Countermeasures Department of Liuzhou Base City, and Fang Ping returned to Yinchuan Base City.

Back in the base city of Yinchuan, he went to Yan Xue’s residence.

Time has passed so long, Yan Xue’s residence has naturally been repaired, but Yan Xue is not at all in the residence, the other party is still on mission and has not returned.

“Some are too hard.”

Fang Ping frowned.

Since the last time he was attacked by Huang Zhuo in the Demonic Human race, Yan Xue’s frequency of receiving missions has soared, and he is constantly in the process of receiving missions, and the missions he received are all more dangerous missions. To sharpen and improve yourself through battle.

Fang Ping is not too worried about Yan Xue’s safety. Yan Xue has the Enchanted weapon he gifted. No one under the Morning Star can hurt her, and it is unlikely that the Morning Star will find her.

What he was worried about was whether Yan Xue would hurt his body if he cultivation so desperately.

“Unfortunately Monster Altar was not able to give innate talent to others, at least for now.”

He understands Yan Xue’s eagerness to improve his strength, but objectively speaking, Yan Xue innate talent can’t be considered Peak.

In He’an base city, Yan Xue is a well-deserved genius, but in Yinchuan base city where geniuses are gathered, Yan Xue’s innate talent can only be regarded as the upper middle class, and he may not reach the Morning Star in his lifetime.

“Giving innate talent to innate talent doesn’t work for the time being, but I remember it seems that there are some animation abilities that can improve the strength of others. I don’t know if I can offer the ability to take out in the future.”

“Moreover, since there are cherished fruits that can improve ability levels, there should also be fruits that can improve innate talent. Go back and check the top secret information of Yinchuan Base City.”

Sighed, Fang Ping disappeared in Yan Xue’s room.

With his current strength, naturally he does not care about Yan Xue’s strength, but obviously, Yan Xue does.

Since Yan Xue cares, he must not sit back and watch, he must find a way to help Yan Xue improve his strength and innate talent.

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