Monster Altar

Chapter 353

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Fang Ping once again pounced on the monster transformed by the thin man, with Busoshoku Haki attached to the right hand, with a whistling sound, he punched the monster transformed by the thin man.

Hong long!

The monster transformed by the lean man raised his huge right hand to face it. One big and one small, fists with a size difference of 100 times, collided together.

Like a comet colliding with the moon, a terrifying shock wave forcibly cut the cliff wall into a circular pothole.

The attack was blocked, Fang Ping quickly grasped the right hand of the monster transformed by the thin man with his left hand, and hugged the right hand of the monster transformed by the thin man with his hands.

If the monster turned by the lean man is not at all severely injured, he must be able to react and block Fang Ping’s left hand in time.

However, the lean man was seriously injured and his reaction was obviously not as swift as he had initially.


Hugging the right hand of the monster transformed by the lean man, Fang Ping bent over, using himself as a fulcrum, pried the monster transformed by the lean man up, and then hit the ground heavily.

There was a loud noise, and huge potholes appeared on the ground. The monster that had been injured by the thin man was smashed to 7 points and 8 points, the injury became more serious, and it was not able to get up from the pothole for a long time.


Fang Ping appeared beside the head of the monster transformed by the lean man, and hit it fiercely with a punch.

The potholes became deeper and larger, while the ugly face of the lean man became bloody and bloody.

Several of the huge teeth protruding from the mouth broke.


After suffering such a big loss in the hands of an Awakener who is not even a Morning Star, the monster turned into by the lean man roared angrily, lying on the ground, his left hand pounding at Fang Ping.


Fang Ping clings to Busoshoku Haki with his left hand, in the shape of a claw, grabbing the left hand of the lean man’s monster.

Then he lifted his right foot and stepped fiercely on the monster turned by the lean man.

The monster transformed by the lean man was stepped on the ground, a footprint appeared on his body, and his chest was actually stepped on and collapsed.

The original extremely serious injury on the monster transformed by the thin man became more serious. The most intuitive manifestation is that the left hand of the monster transformed by the thin man and Fang Ping stalemate became limp.


In the void, scarlet chains appeared one after another, entangled with the 4 limbs of the monster transformed by the thin man, and tied up the 4 limbs of the monster transformed by the thin man.

The monster transformed by the lean man was captured!

“Wang Yuan…”

Seeing the monsters transformed by the lean men captured, both Zhai Long and Chi Ji were discolored, but unfortunately they were in a very bad situation at this time, and they had no ability to save them.

And Yin Yan, who was the most injured before, has turned into a giant silver bird lying on the ground, and can’t feel the slightest breath.

“Remove the power from me.”

Looking at the monster turned by the thin man with cold eyes, Fang Ping said coldly.

“Relieve? Dreaming, you don’t want to use your spatial ability for the rest of your life!”

A grin appeared on the ugly face of the monster transformed by the thin man.

Although the ambush failed, and he would probably die here today, it does not seem to be a failure to be able to make a future Blood Moon powerhouse lose an ability forever.

“Most of the abilities will be removed after the death of the capable person. Killing him should be able to remove the abilities.”

Xu Dong came over and said after thinking about it.

“You can try to see if my imprisonment ability will be lifted after I die.”

The monster turned into by the lean man had no fear, and he laughed triumphantly.

It is true that many abilities will be eliminated after the death of the capable person, but his abilities are the exception among them. Even if he dies, the opponent would never want to lift the imprisonment ability.

Xu Dong is frowned when he hears the monsters transformed by the lean man.

He could hear that the lean man did not seem to be bluffing. The ability of the lean man was likely to be permanent, and even the death of the capable man could not be relieved.

The spatial ability of Fang Ping is undoubtedly a very powerful ability. If it is permanently imprisoned and cannot be lifted, then for Fang Ping, it will be a great loss.

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Dong said.

“You lift your abilities, and I will spare your life.”

“Hehe, do you think I can believe?”

The monster turned into by the lean man disdains big faith and obviously doesn’t believe in Xu Dong’s guarantee.

If he can really spare his life, he doesn’t mind disarming his abilities and making a Blood Moon seed permanently incapacitated. Although extremely important, it is obviously not as important as his life.

However, he knew that since he had fallen into the hands of Human Race, he was impossible to survive.

“Any ability has a way to crack it, let alone whether the imprisonment ability is permanent, or whether you will not disappear after you die, even so, there must be a special ability that can crack your ability.”

Hearing ability is permanent and can never be relieved. Fang Ping’s face was unexpectedly calm.

“Can you?”

The lean man’s monster smiled mockingly, obviously not thinking that Fang Ping could crack his imprisonment ability.

If it could, Fang Ping had been used a long time ago, so how can it wait until now?

“I can.”

What answered him was Fang Ping’s calm voice. There was no confident expression on his face, but there was a sense of confidence in his voice.

After saying this, Fang Ping looked at Xu Dongdao.

“Director Xu, you need to use him in order to remove the imprisonment ability from my body, can you hand him over to me?”

“Yes, if you need it, you are free.”

Xu Dong did not hesitate, so he agreed.

A corpse of a Veteran Morning star Demonic Human race is indeed very valuable, but if a corpse of a Veteran Morning star Demonic Human race can help Fang Ping crack the body’s abilities, he is willing.

The reason is naturally that Fang Ping has such a value. Compared with the potential of Fang Ping, a corpse of Veteran Morning star Demonic Human race is nothing.

“Thank you Director Xu.”

Thanks to Xu Dong, Fang Ping’s eyes fell on the monster turned into by the lean man.

“You are impossible to break my imprisonment ability, even if you kill me.”

The monster turned into by the lean man lied and said that he had already felt confidence from Fang Ping’s calm face. This confidence made him doubtful, and the other party might really be able to break his imprisonment ability.

Fang Ping did not respond, and walked to the body of the monster that the lean man had transformed, and placed his hand on the body of the monster that the lean man had transformed.


As Fang Ping pressed his hand on the monster transformed by the lean man, the body of the monster transformed by the lean man showed strange fluctuations.

The opponent, who was originally a flesh and blood body, was actually transforming into elements, as if elementalization had taken place, but it was certain that the opponent was not at all elemental.

Not only that, the body of the elemental counterpart is slowly becoming thinner and transparent.

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