Monster Altar

Chapter 355

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“I’m here to send you off!”


Chang Sheng appeared not far from Zhai Long, staring at Zhai Long who had turned into a monster with cold eyes.

If Fang Ping hadn’t rescued him in time, he would have died when he was attacked by the Zhai Long sneak attack.

Both are among the top 3 on the list and have had a lot of contact. Before that, he and Zhai Long naturally had a close friendship.

He really did not expect that Zhai Long, No. 3 on the list, would actually be the Yingchuan Demonic Human race lurking in the Yinchuan base city.

Hey, hey, hey!

Suddenly, one after another black metal sword appeared out of thin air beside Zhai Long, and as soon as it appeared, it flew out and attacked Chang Sheng.

Even if the chance of survival is not great, Zhai Long is obviously impossible to sit and wait.

Pu chi , pu chi , Pu chi!

Chang Sheng seemed to have expected it. He raised his left hand, and the white light turned into a huge white shield in front of him. The black metal sword hit against the white shield and immediately shattered.

With this shield, Chang Sheng quickly rushed to Zhai Long’s side.

Tear off!

Zhai Long’s huge body moved to the side. A giant claw with 3 sharp claws avoided the white shield and patted Chang Sheng.

Chang Sheng turned the white shield in his left hand, and then used the white shield as a weapon and slashed it towards the giant claw.


Along with 3 sharp claws, a small half of the foot was cut off, blood was sprayed violently, and a few beyond ten meters were sprayed to the ground, and dots of blood could be seen everywhere.

Chang Sheng dodged and avoided the splash of blood. His left hand was stretched out, the shield of his left hand changed, and the extension became a white blade of light.

Cheating to Zhai Long’s side, the white light blade pierced Zhai Long’s heart.

Zhai Long dodged aside, but he was seriously injured, his reaction ability was significantly reduced, and he could not escape.


The white light blade pierced Zhai Long’s chest, which turned into a monster, and pierced deeply.

Something was pierced, Zhai Long’s body turned into a monster suddenly stiffened, and then he controlled his right paw to slap Chang Sheng with extreme difficulty.

Chang Sheng retreated and stretched the distance between the two to a few ten meters. He didn’t attack Zhai Long again, but just looked at Zhai Long like this.

“gu gu -“

I saw the position of Zhai Long’s chest, and the blood flowed out like a faucet.

And Zhai Long’s huge body has collapsed to the ground, his body is trembling slightly, gradually becoming weak, obviously, it was his heart that was pierced just now.

The reason why there is no immediate death is because as a Morning Star, he has a tenacious life force, even if his heart is pierced, he will not die immediately.

Not far away, Fang Ping looked at Chang Sheng and Zhai Long who had turned into a monster. He did not join the final attack.

Chang Sheng almost died in the hands of Zhai Long. Fang Ping understood Chang Sheng’s personal revenge, so he gave Zhai Long a blow, which made Zhai Long’s injuries more serious, and stopped the attack.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

A scream came from the side.

Looking around, I saw the huge head flies up of the Morning Star Demonic Human race that destroyed the blue feather base, and the body fell heavily to the ground.

And beside him, Qin Lan stood quietly. As a Veteran Morning star, he killed the Morning Star Demonic Human race at a general level, naturally nothing difficult.

With the strength of this Morning Star Demonic Human race, it is obviously impossible to destroy the Blue Feather Base City. Obviously, there must be Yingchuan Demonic Human Race in it.

In the distance, the battle between Hu Ao’er, Lu Yun, Tao Lianghan, Xu Dong and Chi Ji has also come to an end.

Faced with the siege of three Veteran Morning stars and a Morning Star comparable to the Morning Star, even Chi Ji, who is the Veteran Morning star, could not help being hit hard.

Turned into a scarlet monster, she lay in a huge pothole, and her whole body was covered with huge wounds one after another. Blood flowed from these wounds, and the ground under her body was completely red with blood dyed.

The life force is passing fast, and she knows that she is bound to die.

“For you…you won, but don’t…be happy too early, this account of Yingchuan Demonic Human race…will definitely come back.”

“Do you think my Yinchuan base city will let Yingchuan Demonic Human race? It’s just interest now. Sooner or later, my Yinchuan base city will destroy Yinchuan Demonic Human race.”

Watching his opponents who have fought against each other with cold eyes to death, Lu Yun coldly snorted and said.

“It’s you who will be destroyed… wait, not only you… will die, the entire Human Race… will be destroyed.”

Chi Ji’s mouth was bleeding, and there was a strange smile in his voice.

“What do you mean?”

Lu Yun frowned, feeling that the other party’s words did not seem like a dying meaningless curse, but rather like knowing something, very sure.

“I’m down…waiting for you!”

Chi Ji didn’t answer. After saying this, his body suddenly softened and he was dead.

With the death of Chi Ji, the battle was over.

There is no doubt that the base city of Yinchuan won a big victory. There were no casualties in the base city of Yinchuan, but a total of ten people died in the Demonic Human race.

Among them, there are 5 Tier 5 Demonic Human races and 4 Morning Star Demonic Human races, which are comparable to the Morning Star Demonic Human race.

This is an extremely rare victory in the Yinchuan base city in the past 100 years, and the most important thing is the significance of this battle.

In this battle, Yingchuan Demonic Human Race dispatched 2 Veteran Morning Stars, one comparable to Veteran Morning Star, one comparable to Morning Star, and 4 full Morning Star battle strengths, but they all died here.

The death of 4 Morning Star battle strengths, even with the background of Yingchuan Demonic Human race, will definitely hurt the bones.

After this time, the overall battle strength dominance will no longer be the Yingchuan Demonic Human race clan, but the Yinchuan base city. As the Yinchuan base city dominates, the demonic human race tribes that dare to take the lead will be greatly reduced. .

“Leave as soon as possible. If Yingchuan Demonic Human race finds out something is wrong, it will be dangerous.”

Looking at the canyon full of battle traces, Qin Lan said.


Lu Yun, Tao Lianghan, and Xu Dong all nodded. Although the three were worried about Chi Ji’s words before his death, this place is indeed not a place to stay for long.

With the body of the Demonic Human race, under the Teleportation maho of Fang Ping, the 7 people quickly left this canyon and returned to the base city of Yinchuan.

More than an hour after the 7 people left, Zhai Long’s cut off half of the sharp claw buried in the mud suddenly trembled strangely.

And even more weird happened after this.

The half-sharp claw collapsed like a liquid, and then wriggled like a liquid.

In the end, the squirming liquid turned into a black hair young man, and this black hair young man was Zhai Long.

The opponent who was originally thought to be dead was resurrected with the help of half of the sharp claw.

Before Fang Ping and the others left, it was not that they had not found this half of the sharp claw, but under Zhai Long鈥檚 deliberate efforts, the sharp claw was buried deep in the mud and could not be found.

And this became the opportunity for Zhai Long to resurrect. Obviously, this is the ability that Zhai Long calls.

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