Monster Altar

Chapter 357

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At Yingchuan Demonic Human race station, Zhai Long came back here.

“What did you say? Everyone died except you?”

After receiving Zhai Long’s report, Zong Ling’s face was angry, and the Blood Moon-class terrifying aura came out uncontrollably.

Realm Zhai Long who retreated to Tier 5 was directly pressed on the ground under his breath.

Two Veteran Morning stars and a genius comparable to Morning Star died, and one Morning Star realm fell back to Tier 2.

This kind of loss, even for the profound Yingchuan Demonic Human race, is definitely a loss of muscles and bones.

Under the circumstances, the advantages gained by Yingchuan Demonic Human race and Hei Ni’s joint attack on Yinchuan Base City have disappeared.

He asked angrily.

“Before he fell into the trap of Yinchuan Base City, didn’t Wang Yuan’s danger prediction ability warn?”

“No, the Yinchuan base city should use some method to block his ability to predict danger.”

With cold sweat on his forehead, Zhai Long quickly replied.

“Okay, what a Yinchuan base city.”

The anger on Zong Ling’s face couldn’t be suppressed, making his face look very hideous, and the armrest of the chair carved with white bones was crushed by him.

After a long time, the anger on his face eased slightly, and he looked at Zhai Long.

“The notice goes on and the action against the Yinchuan base city is temporarily suspended.”


Zhai Long responded quickly, got up from the ground, and quickly left the room.

He was the only one of the 4 people who came back alive. He was really worried that Zong Ling would slap him to death and did not dare to stay for long.

Zhai Long left, only Zong Ling was left in the room, his voice was gloomy.

“Yinchuan base city, let you save for a while!”

With the deliberate spread of Yinchuan Base City, news of the deaths of many Morning Star powerhouses in Yingchuan Demonic Human Race spread quickly, not only in base cities, but also in Demonic Human races.

Upon learning the news, the Demonic Human race tribes did not believe it at first. After all, the Yinchuan base city, which was greatly damaged, was supposed to be impossible in Yingchuan Demonic Human race.

But after inquiring through their respective channels to confirm that the news was true, they all couldn’t help becoming panicked.

Now the base city of Yinchuan has suppressed the Demonic Human race in Yingchuan. What Yinchuan base city will do next is to take action against their emerging small and medium-sized Demonic Human race tribes.

As a result, the demonic Human race tribes that had been raging were hidden one after another, and they were never seen again.

Everything returned to calm, but under this calm, there was an undercurrent surging.

This undercurrent covers not only the Yinchuan base city, but all the Human Race base cities including the top ten base cities.


After a period of rest, Yan Xue continued to devote himself to tasks and cultivation.

Fang Ping was also involved in cultivation, but just a few days after he was involved in cultivation, a phone call came.

On the phone number, the name is displayed as “Sang Hua”, which is the name of the head of the Mission Division of the Monster Countermeasures Division.

He answered the phone and called.

“Minister Sang.”

“Hello, Lord Fang Ping, take the liberty to disturb you, did you?”

“No problem, what’s the matter with Minister Sang?”

“Ashamed, there is indeed something to ask for.”

“Director Sang, you said.”

Although Fang Ping was very grateful to Sang Hua because of Yan Xue’s cancellation of the mission, he would not accept it without saying anything.

“It’s like this. Just two days ago, a production base in Yuyang base city was attacked and destroyed by a Morning Star monster.”

“The base city of Yuyang wanted to hunt it down, but with the strength of the base city of Yuyang, there were some difficulties, so I found the base city of Yinchuan.”

“You also know that the Morning Star in Yinchuan base city is seriously short of manpower. I wonder if your Excellency Fang Ping is free to take this task?”

Sang Hua said in a negotiating tone.

“This task…I took it.”

After a little consideration, Fang Ping accepted it.

With his current strength, the average Morning Star monsters are enough to hunt down, earn points and return the favor of Sang Hua. He has no reason to refuse.

“It’s great, many thanks Fang Ping Lord.”

sighed in relief, Sang Hua quickly thanked.

Prior to this, he had been rejected by Chang Sheng once on the grounds of cultivation.

The general list genius, he can naturally suppress others and force the opponent to accept the task, but the list genius like Fang Ping and Chang Sheng is obviously impossible.

Fortunately, the last time he helped, Fang Ping accepted his love, and finally he was not rejected like Chang Sheng.

“Your Excellency Fang Ping, do you need me to send you an armored vehicle?”

“No, I’ve been to Yuyang Base City. You can teleport to it. You can send me the details of the mission by SMS.”

“Okay, okay.”

Soon after Fang Ping hung up, a text message appeared on Fang Ping’s mobile phone. Fang Ping clicked on the text message. The text message contained detailed information about the Morning Star monster and the corresponding reward.

There are monster abilities that can be analyzed from the traces of the scene, and there are possible types of monsters that can be judged from footprints.

The reward is a full 1010000 points plus 100010000.

100010000 He glanced at it and didn’t pay attention. His eyes stayed on 1010000 points.

That’s right, with just one mission, the reward for the mission is as high as 1010000 points. This is the other mission of Morning Star.


Putting on a tight-fitting combat suit suitable for jungle combat, Fang Ping teleported and appeared in Yuyang Base City.

The last time he came, was to solve a Peak hacker Dark Emperor lurking in Yuyang Base City.

Originally thought it was impossible to come, he didn’t even leave the flying thunder divine technique in Yuyang Base City, but he didn’t expect to come again.

Fortunately, he got the Teleportation maho, but he can reach all the places he has visited, and he does not need to rely on his legs to drive.

Looking around, this is near the residence of the Peak hacker Dark Emperor. As for the monster countermeasures department of Yuyang Base City, I don’t know.

But this didn’t bother him, so he hired a taxi, and he was quickly sent to the Monster Countermeasures Department of Yuyang Base City.

This is a much smaller organization than the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City. In terms of scale, it should be almost on par with He’an Base City.

He walked into it and suddenly saw a lot of Awakener in the hall.

These people wear different clothes.

Some are wearing ripped jeans.

Some have nails in their noses.

There are also those that dress like normal people.

They should all be Fiend Hunter attached to the life of the monster countermeasure research team.

“Yo, there are newcomers.”

A loud or triumphant or playful voice came from these people.

Becoming an Awakener, for them who were still ordinary persons before, it is like an ordinary person who suddenly won the big prize, and it is inevitable that some people will change their personality.

And beyond the strength of ordinary persons, they often make their character become surly and rampant.

Because the Monster Countermeasures Division can use these people, as long as it is not too much, it will turn a blind eye to the behavior of these people.

Seeing Fang Ping, a stranger who had never seen it before, entered, some people blew their whistle and looked jokingly, while others were observing Fang Ping, thinking about whether Fang Ping, a newcomer, was suitable for joining.

Suddenly, a foot stretched under Fang Ping’s feet and he tripped over Fang Ping. Fiend Hunter, who was already watching the excitement, was ready to laughed heartily.

However, just when he was about to trip over, Fang Ping stopped suddenly and looked at the owner of this foot.

This is a short and thin man with 2 stud earrings on each ear and a string of yellow Gold Chain hanging around his neck.

“Boy, what do you see, I like to put my feet here, what’s wrong?”


Fang Ping kicked out and hit the short and thin man in the face.

The thin man broke his nose, his mouth full of teeth fell, and he flew out with blood on his face.

Fiercely hit a stone pillar in the hall. The stone pillar shook violently, and one after another crack appeared on the surface, exposing the reinforced concrete structure inside.

In places like the Monster Countermeasures Department, the materials used are naturally very particular, and it is needless to say that it is firm, otherwise this stone pillar may be broken.

“Damn, dare to hit my brother!”

“Fuck him.”

Seeing the horror of the short and thin man, three men dressed up similar to those of the short and thin men were furious.

One uses the ability to condense an ice skate in front of him, a lightning appears in his hand, and a shadow turns into a humanoid to attack Fang Ping.

Hey, hey, hey!

Fang Ping stood there and didn’t move, but Haoshoku Haki was released. Under Haoshoku Haki, the three people suddenly threw themselves to the ground and fainted.

Because Haoshoku Haki can also produce physical effects, the tiled floor under the 3 people actually cracked.

Ignoring the three of them, Fang Ping walked straight past them, and Fiend Hunter, who had a joke on his face just now, kept quiet out of fear in each and everyone’s eyes wide.

The strength of the 4 people is not weak, and the strongest of them is already close to Tier 3, so easily defeated, what kind of newcomer is this, this is clearly a monster.

“Who is making trouble in the Monster Countermeasures Division?”

A young man wearing what should be the uniform of the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yuyang Base City rushed towards him.

Seeing the 4 Fiend Hunters who had always “confessed” to him were unconscious, his face turned cold.

Through the gaze of Fiend Hunter around, he quickly determined that the troublemaker was Fang Ping, and he walked over with a bad voice.

“Courage is not small, dare to make trouble in the Monster Countermeasures Division.”

“Let your chief come down. I only wait for 5 minutes. It’s out of date.”

Because of these Fiend Hunter reasons, Fang Ping’s senses for the Monster Countermeasures Department of Yuyang Base City are not very good.

Of course, he who has worked for Fiend Hunter also understands that this is the normal state of Fiend Hunter.

After all, it is a group of people who lick blood all the year round and don’t know when they will die in the mouth of monsters. It is impossible to have a high level of accomplishment, which is why he is willing to wait another 5 minutes.

“How can you see the chief if you want to, and only wait 5 minutes, who do you think you are?”

The young man was amused by Fang Ping’s words, and his gaze at Fang Ping got worse.

At this moment, a sound of footsteps rushed.

“Your Excellency Fang Ping, is it your Excellency Fang Ping?”

A young woman who also wears Yuyang Base City’s monster countermeasures and uniform ran slightly panting.

Women’s appearance in high order is considered beautiful, of course it’s just that.

Nowadays Fang Ping has seen too many beauties, and they all have some aesthetic fatigue.

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