Monster Altar

Chapter 359

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Two days later, the Awakener in charge of the search in Yuyang Base City found the Morning Star monster and sent the news back.

Fang Ping and Ye Dingfeng rushed to see this Morning Star monster.

This is a monster with a long body and a black carapace.

It has 6 legs, and on each leg, there are many spikes.

The mouth is mouthpart-like, rubbing continuously, piercing the ear-piercing rubbing sound.

“Your Excellency Fang Ping, my ability is better at siege. I will trap it. You can attack it, can you?”

Ye Dingfeng discussed with Fang Ping.

The reason for seeking help from Yinchuan Base City was that the Morning Star monster was on the one hand, and on the other hand, it was because he was not good at attacking, not at all with too many powerful attack methods.


Fang Ping nodded in agreement.

“Then please prepare your Excellency Fang Ping, and I will besiege it.”

An inexplicable fluctuation was uploaded from Ye Dingfeng’s body, spreading around the 1000 meters range.

Then all the plants in the 1000 meters range suddenly grew wildly.

Like a group of snakes, they flocked to the black monster one after another, tied to the black monster.


Suddenly he was attacked, and the sound of the black monster’s mouthparts rubbing seemed to be very rapid and angry.

As a Morning Star monster, most of the time it attacks others, not others.

For example, a few days ago, in the place it attacked, the humans ran away as soon as they saw it, and it chased these humans unhurriedly, killing them, chewing and swallowing them.

ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha!

It suddenly exerted its strength, and the vines and roots tied to it were broken.

However, vines and roots were everywhere around it, and vines and roots entangled again.


A kind of shock wave propagated from its body and spread to 4 weeks.

Then, all the vines and roots that attacked it were exploded. With it as the center, the range of several hundred meters was razed to the ground, forming a vacuum zone.


At this moment, Fang Ping jumped out of the door.

The right hand turned into a huge flame fist. Before the black monster could react, it had already punched the black monster on its head.


Under Fang Ping this fist, the black monster’s huge body retreated again and again, and its 6 legs plowed a long mark on the ground, and it stopped after reaching several hundred meters.

The place where the black monster’s head was hit by the flame fist had burnt black marks, but it was not obvious, and it failed to destroy the carapace on the black monster’s head.

“Trouble, it’s actually a defensive Morning Star monster.”

In the distance, the facial expression grave manipulating the leaf peak of the plant looked at the shallow wounds on the black monster’s head.

In the same level, what kind of monster is the most difficult to deal with, it is undoubtedly a defensive type of monster.

Such a monster may not be too strong to attack, but it can rely on its strong defense to make opponents of the same level helpless.

In front of him was a defensive monster, and it was also a Morning Star monster.

“What a hard carapace.”

A hint of surprise appeared on Fang Ping’s face.

The ability of Mutated Mera Mera no Mi, the formidable power alone, is already the Morning Star. Coupled with its restraint on monsters, the formidable power is still above the ordinary Morning Star.

But even so, it only caused this degree of injury, showing the defensive strength of the black carapace on the monster in front of him.

Click, click, click!

They were attacked one after another, but could not find the enemy, the black monster was already angered.

Now that Fang Ping was spotted as the enemy, the black monster shook his slightly dizzy head, 6 legs, and quickly leaped towards Fang Ping. He wanted to bite the human in front of him into pieces.

Huh, huh, Shua!

Under the manipulation of Ye Dingfeng, the vacuum of several hundred meters that was cleared out was once again covered by plants, and a large number of plants flocked to the black monsters, preventing the black monsters from approaching Fang Ping.


The black monster’s body once again showed invisible fluctuations. Under this fluctuation, all the plants were shattered, and the range of several hundred meters became a vacuum zone again.

The black monster, after a slight pause, continued to pounce on Fang Ping.

Although it is a defensive monster, its attack power is obviously not weak, and it is very good at dealing with range attacks.


After a teleportation, Fang Ping appeared on the back of the black monster. There was no strong defense of the black monster at all, but hesitated.

If his battle strength is only comparable to Morning Star, even if he joins hands with Ye Dingfeng, he can only grind slowly, and kill the black monster by accumulating damage.

However, his battle strength is not just as simple as the Morning Star. Today, his strongest battle strength is even enough to reach the Veteran Morning Star.

The entire right hand was wrapped by the black Busoshoku Haki, and fiercely punched it on the back of the black monster.


With the black monster as the center, a huge crater appeared, just like a crater from a meteorite impact.

In the potholes, on the back of the black monster, the black carapace was cracked, and densely packed cracks appeared.

From these cracks, green liquid flows out, which is the blood of the black monster.

“The formidable power of this blow?!”

Ye Dingfeng’s eyes widened, looking incredible at the black monster lying in the pothole, focusing on the densely packed cracks on the back of the black monster that was flowing with green liquid.

The black monster is a defensive Morning Star monster, which has been confirmed before.

To be able to cause such damage in one blow, the formidable power of this blow must have reached the Veteran Morning star level.

An existence that is not a Morning Star yet, the strongest can actually burst out a battle strength comparable to the Veteran Morning Star, which in his opinion is simply incredible.

The ability possessed by the other party must be an ability beyond the general peak order.


The injury was not light, the black monster was extremely angry, twisted and rushed towards Fang Ping.

The mouthparts rubbed continuously, making a harsh rubbing sound, just like a meat grinder in operation.

Once it is smashed into it, even the fleshy body of the Morning Star powerhouse will inevitably be shattered with the bones.


Fang Ping did not teleport and evade, but greeted him with a punch.

Before being bitten by the black monster’s mouthparts, a punch hit the black monster’s head.

With Fang Ping’s fist as the center, densely packed cracks appeared on the carapace on the black monster’s head, and the green liquid kept overflowing.

The black monster rolled out under this terrifying force, breaking many trees, and flew more than 1000 meters away.


In a teleportation, Fang Ping has appeared beside the black monster more than 1000 meters away.

He punched the black monster’s head that was dizzy due to the impact on the head.

The carapace on the black monster’s head was cracked in a large area again, and the huge body flew out again.

It is completely overwhelming.

For him, whose battle strength has reached the Veteran Morning star today, it is not too difficult to kill a normal Morning Star monster, even if this Morning Star monster is a defensive type.

“Is this the top 3 genius of Yinchuan Base City?”

In the distance, Ye Dingfeng, who was completely reduced to the soy sauce party, looked at Fang Ping, who made the black monster almost useless to fight back.

Such a young man already possesses a Veteran Morning star battle strength battle. Such a person is no longer a genius to describe. This is an enchanting evildoer who will not die in the future and will definitely be able to become a Blood Moon class.

“Morning Star monster is completely suppressed!”

“I heard that there are some Morning Star powerhouses that can stay young forever, is he?”

“No, it is rumored that the other party is No. 3 on the list of Yinchuan Base City, and he is less than 30 years old.”


Even Ye Dingfeng was so shocked, even more how is to track the monster, and the person who came together to take charge of the logistics this time.

Each and everyone has a dull face, and forgets to close the mouth when it opens.


When Fang Ping was fighting with the black monster, a man in a black trench coat approached without disturbing anyone.

He has a pair of black and green eyes, weird and cold, once confronted with them, his body will be unable to bear chills.

On the man’s left face, there is a “170” golden number. He is the Blood Moon powerhouse Hei Ni.

With the ability to control monsters, he would usually search for monsters everywhere, and when he learned that the Morning Star monster appeared in Yuyang Base City, he rushed over.

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