Monster Altar

Chapter 370

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The battle broke out, Qiang Xin repeated his old tricks, and the lava surged out and swept towards Lan Die.


Lan Die’s hands turned into blue butterfly wings in a very short time.

With the blue butterfly wings, she flew into the air, and the blue butterfly wings formed by her hands became clearly visible.

I saw clusters of black spots on the wings of this blue butterfly.


The space in the duel was too limited, and it was soon overwhelmed by lava. The turbulent lava was under the control of Qiang Xin and attacked Lan Die towards the sky.


While in the air, Lan Die stirred her wings, and with the fan of her wings, the blue mist went out.

Ka ka!

The blue mist encounters the turbulent lava. The lava turns into blue crystals in an instant, and then shatters in the next instant.

The monster gene fused in her body was extracted from a monster that has died since ancient times and has not decayed.

Ka ka!

The blue mist continued to spread downward, but any lava that came into contact with the blue mist turned into blue crystals and shattered.


Seeing that the lava was turned into crystals and shattered and disappeared, Qiang Xin was coldly snorted, and more lava flowed out towards Lan Die.

The lava and the blue mist collided violently. The blue mist continuously crystallized and shattered the lava, and the lava was produced continuously, as if it were endless.

In the battlefield, the sky was covered by blue fog and the ground was covered by lava.

In such an environment, the Morning Star will undoubtedly die. Even if the Morning Star powerhouse is not strong enough, it will be difficult to protect itself.

It is hard to imagine that these two young talents who are less than 2 years old are fighting each other. Such destructive power is enough to make most of the Morning Star powerhouse blushed with shame.

The fierce battle lasted only more than ten minutes, and Lan Die and Qiang Xin had already gasping for breath.

Using destructive power that far exceeds its own realm is not without cost, but at the cost of physical exertion several times faster than usual.

This is why the two people have been gasping for breath after only more than ten minutes of fighting.

In the end, Qiang Xin, who had fought Baixue and consumed a lot of energy, was defeated, and his body was turned into blue crystals unable to move even a little bit.

Lan Die won this battle and won this exchange meeting for Longpan Base City.

Among the three major base cities of Huake, Longpan and Huanggang, the base city of Longpan won the first win.

Day 5.

In the First Stage exchange meeting, Yinchuan Base City played against Haikou Base City. Yinchuan Base City won easily, and Haikou Base City won 5 consecutive losses.

In the second exchange meeting, Jiangmen Base City played against Haoyang Base City. After a fierce battle, Jiangmen Base City, with 2 Morning Star battle strength, won.

In the third exchange meeting, Longpan Base City played against Hanting Base City, and Longpan Base City won without any surprises.

In the 4th exchange meeting, the base city of Tsushima played against the base city of Nanshu. The base city of Tsushima was not lucky, and won the first stage victory for 5 days.

In the fifth exchange meeting, Huake Base City played against Huanggang Base City.

Like yesterday’s 5th exchange meeting, this is also an extremely anticipated battle, because the two sides of the battle are Huake Base City and Huanggang Base City, which are recognized as three major base cities.

Longpan Base City and Huanggang Base City have already divided the winners and losers, which can’t help but make the spectators wonder, which one is better than Huake Base City or Huanggang Base City.

The first player in Huake Base City was a man with two guns, and the first player in Huanggang Base City was a burly woman with a giant hammer.

Holding two guns, the two-gun men continued to swim and fight, not giving the burly woman a chance to approach. In the end, the two-gun men won.

The second player from Huanggang Base City was a man with a green whip. He swung his whip and 2 green poisonous snakes swarmed out.

Although the man with two guns fired continuously, he couldn’t completely stop him in the face of so many green poisonous snakes.

A green poisonous snake was missed and bitten on the man with two guns. The man with two guns was poisoned and fell to the ground.

The second player in Huake Base City is still a man. The man’s weapon is a magical technology weapon similar to a machine gun, which has an extremely amazing burst of fire.

Even facing the 10000 green poisonous snake, it still blocked it.

With flesh and blood flying across, all the green poisonous snakes were emptied, and the man with the whip was defeated.

Obviously, his magical technology weapons are extremely restrained against the whip man, and this is why he is playing at this time.

The third player in Huanggang Base City was a man with a long knife.

The man’s long knife can produce a terrifying sound wave, which is cut out with a single knife, and the sound wave causes the air to atomize, forming a faintly visible white unrolled bolt of white silk.

After a fierce fight, he defeated a man with a weapon similar to a machine gun.

The third player in Huake Base City was a woman holding a pistol-type magic weapon.

not at all double guns, only one, but this pistol is different from ordinary pistols, the barrel is rather thick, it looks like a small steel cannon.

What fired out of the barrel was not a beam or bullet, but a rapidly expanding white net.

However, her magical technological weapons were not at all effective against the sword-wielding man. She was not able to defeat the sword-wielding man. After using up a lot of energy, she was defeated by the sword-wielding man.

“I have been defeated by 2 people in a row. Is Huake Base City going to lose?”

The situation seems to be detrimental to the Huake base city. After all, two consecutive people have been defeated by men with knives. Many people in the audience are discussing spiritedly.

But soon, this kind of discussion was suppressed.

Jin Wu, who ranked 4th in Huake Base City and 2nd on the list, played.

He burst out astonishing battle strength. With his own magic weapon, his battle strength has reached the level of Veteran Morning star.

Relying on the battle strength of the Veteran Morning star level, he defeated the man with a knife and the fourth player in Huanggang Base City.

In the end, it was Qiang Xin, who ranked first in the Huanggang base city, playing and defeating him.

Nie Wei, the No. 1 ranking in Huake Base City, played, a beautiful woman with a noble temperament.

Just looking at it will give people a sense of being from the Peak family, and the fact is that she is from the top family in Huake Base City.

Faced with Qiang Xin, who had already consumed part of his physical strength, after a fierce battle, he won.

Huanggang Base City received another defeat, losing to Huake Base City.

The strength of Huanggang Base City is not weak, with five Morning Star battle strengths.

However, the strength of Huake Base City is stronger. Nie Wei, No. 2 on the list, and Jin Wu, No. 1 on the list, all possess Veteran Morning star battle strength.

In a two-man battle, Qiang Xin lost and was defeated again.

Day 6.

In the First Stage exchange meeting, Jiangmen Base City played against Hanting Base City and Jiangmen Base City won.

In the second exchange meeting, Huake Base City played against Tsushima Base City, and Tsushima Base City, which had just ended its losing streak, lost again.

In the third exchange meeting, Longpan Base City played against Nanzhou Base City, and Nanzhou Base City was defeated.

In the 4th exchange meeting, Haoyang Base City played against Haikou Base City. Haikou Base City won 6 consecutive defeats.

“In the fifth exchange meeting, Yinchuan Base City played against Huanggang Base City.”

Hearing the two fighting sides, a loud noise broke out from the audience, and they looked forward to the battle.

If we talk about this exchange meeting, what base city may challenge the status of the three major base cities of Huake, Longpan, and Huanggang. This base city is none other than the base city of Yinchuan.

Although not at all, like the Huanggang base city, it has as many as 5 Morning Star battle strengths, but among the 3 Morning Star battle strengths it owns, there are 2 battle strengths comparable to Veteran Morning Star.

With one Morning Star battle strength and two Veteran Morning star battle strengths, Yinchuan Base City has the qualification to challenge Huanggang Base City.

Of course, it’s just qualifications.

In the eyes of most of them, the top 3 ranking of Huanggang Base City is still unshakable, and the final winner will still be Huanggang Base City.

This is an inherent impression they have formed over the years, and it is easy to shake.

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