Monster Altar

Chapter 375

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“There are both close combat and long-range methods.”

Flying in the air, Nie Wei’s face under the armor became more solemn. Like her, the other party also has long-range means.

Her only advantage now is probably to be able to fly, and the other party can’t get close to her who is flying in the air.

However, does Fang Ping really have no flying ability?

Naturally not, the divine speed ability also has the ability to fly.

It’s just that Fang Ping does not intend to use the divine speed ability. In this case, he has a more suitable ability than the divine speed ability.


Fang Ping’s silhouette disappeared, and when he reappeared, he appeared behind Nie Wei, with a cyan ray blade extending from his left hand, slashing towards Nie Wei’s back.

At this time, the best one is Teleportation maho, which was not used before, just because of the divine speed capability is enough.

“Teleport, not good…”

When Fang Ping disappeared, Nie Wei had a bad foreboding.

And when the infrared scan of the power armor found that a heat source appeared behind her, she knew that the failure came true, and that the other party had the ability to teleport in addition to the previously demonstrated ability.

With double fanning, she suddenly twisted and swung her fist behind her.

However, before she finished her action, a cyan ray blade had already chopped on her back.


She fell straight from the sky, fiercely hitting the metal-watered battle stage.

There was a loud noise, and the battle stage and the entire underground space couldn’t help shaking slightly.

“What a hard defense, it should be mixed with high-level enchanted metal!”

With the help of divine speed, Fang Ping floated in the air, looking at Nie Wei who had fallen to the ground, he was frowned.

If it were an ordinary Veteran Morning star powerhouse, it would definitely have been severely damaged by his attack, but facing Nie Wei, who was covered in power armor, the damage caused was not as great as imagined.

His previous blow left a long wound on Nie Wei’s power armor, but it failed to penetrate the power armor.

Even if the power of the shock can be transmitted to Nie Wei through the armor, after the armor is blocked and attenuated, Nie Wei’s injuries should be extremely limited.

Sure enough, Nie Wei quickly turned over and got up, moving swiftly, obviously not suffering too much injury.

“Teleport ability!”

Nie Wei’s face under the armor was extremely solemn. She really didn’t expect that a person could have so many abilities, and every ability was so powerful.

Fire ability, Wind Element ability, some ability that can strengthen incarnation body and teleport ability, the opponent already has 4 kinds of peak order ability.

And to enable the opponent at the peak of Tier 5 to have such battle strength, these 4 abilities are by no means as simple as the general peak order.


Teleported, Fang Ping reappeared behind Nie Wei, and the azure wind blade slashed towards the damaged area of ​​the armor behind Ye Wei.

Nie Wei had been wary of it, and immediately threw her fist behind her.


Nie Wei backed away again and again. Although she blocked Fang Ping’s attack, she was too hasty to exert her full strength and fell into a disadvantage.


Before she could stabilize her body, Fang Ping had already teleported and appeared behind her. The wind blade slashed at the damage behind her power armor, but she had no time to block and evade.


The sound of the sharp blade cutting on the metal sounded, and a wound appeared again on the back of her power armor, and she flew out and hit the defensive barrier.

Although she didn’t have time to block and evade, she still moved a little and avoided damage to the same location.

Stab, stab, stab!

Fang Ping continuously teleported around Nie Wei, attacking Nie Wei, and Nie Wei resisted in embarrassment, and the power armor on her body continued to be damaged.

The damage continued to accumulate, and finally, with the sound of ka-cha, the outer armor of Ye Wei’s power armor was chipped away, exposing the relatively fragile machinery inside.

Ka-cha !

Fang Ping was another blow. The azure wind blade slashed across these machines, accompanied by sparks, and various parts and pieces splashed.

The power armor on Nie Wei’s body seemed to be stuck, losing the ability to move.

“I surrender!”

Nie Wei was very unwilling, but she could only admit defeat.

All her strength relies on this set of power armor. Now the power armor is destroyed. Now her battle strength is only the pinnacle of Tier 5. Naturally impossible is Fang Ping’s opponent.

“Hua Ke base city actually lost!”

“Following Huanggang base city, Huake base city also lost to Yinchuan base city!”

“Yinchuan base city is completely black.”

“How could this be?”

In the audience, noisy voices erupted, shock, surprise, sigh, and unbelievable voices sounded one after another.

Many people looked at Fang Ping who walked down from the battle stage, and their eyes were filled with uncertainty.

The newcomer who participated in the exchange meeting for the first time already had the strength close to the peak Morning Star, and also defeated Nie Wei, who was the number one in the Huake Base City list.

And it is not a wheel fight, but a fight when both sides are in a state of full body.

Such performance really shocked them.

“Monster, this guy is a monster!”

In the direction of Longpan Base City, Bai Xue’s eyes widened and cried strangely.

“Aren’t we also monsters.”

Lan Die’s voice was playful.

Her gaze has been looking down at Fang Ping at the battle stage, and the expression in her eyes has become sharp and full of fighting intent.

Tomorrow is the last day, the opponent of Yinchuan Base City will definitely be them.

Fang Ping turned a deaf ear to outside sounds. After a battle with Nie Wei, he felt that his bottleneck had loosened again.

When the Morning Star Awakener potion is difficult to deploy, training and stimulating himself through battle should be the fastest way for him to make a breakthrough.

Such a method can only have such obvious effect on him, because he has an extraordinary-level Growth innate talent, and bottleneck is easier to break than ordinary geniuses.

Ninth day.

First Stage exchange meeting, Huake Base City vs. Haoyang Base City.

Although Nie Wei’s power armor has not been repaired because of yesterday’s battle, only 4 people can be dispatched in Huake Base City.

But it is not something that Haoyang Base City can contend. Huake Base City won easily.

In 9 battles, 2 lost and 7 won, Huake base city ranked third among the top ten base cities.

In the second exchange meeting, Huanggang Base City played against Nanzhou Base City. The result was self-evident. Huanggang Base City won easily.

We lost 9 in 3 battles and won 6 and are located in the 4th of the top ten base cities.

In the third exchange meeting, Jiangmen Base City played against Haikou Base City. Haikou Base City had a 3-game losing streak and undisputedly became the bottom one.

Jiangmen base city, with a record of 4 defeats and 5 wins, is ranked 5th in the top ten base cities, and the record ranking is the same as last year.

In the fourth exchange meeting, Tsushima Base City played against Hanting Base City.

The base city of Tsushima, which has a Veteran Morning star battle strength, won, with 5 defeats and 4 wins, becoming the sixth among the top ten base cities.

In this way, the rankings outside the top 2 of the top ten base cities have come out.

Except for the first and second undecided ones, Huake, Huanggang, Jiangmen, Jindao, Haoyang, Hanting, Nanzhou, Haikou are followed in order.

“In the 5th exchange meeting, Longpan Base City played against Yinchuan Base City.”

With the voice of the old man in Huake Base City, the battle to determine the first and second ownership began immediately.

Many people looked in the direction of Yinchuan Base City, sighing on their faces.

Before the exchange meeting at this time, who would have thought that Yinchuan Base City could come to this step and become a strong contender for the first place.

“I will sweep the others and give Lan Die to you?”

Fang Ping discussed with Chang Sheng.

Although he was eager to fight Lan Die, Chang Sheng helped him sweep out the obstacles in front of him yesterday and gave him the opportunity to fight Nie Wei.

So today, it is naturally his turn to help Chang Sheng remove the obstacles in front of him and give Chang Sheng the chance to fight Lan Die.

“No, today is still the same as yesterday. I will wipe out the others and give you the last one.”

Chang Sheng shook his head and said.


Fang Ping had some hesitations. If he wanted to fight with Lan Die, the Number One Person in the Longpan base city, he naturally wanted to.

However, today it is obvious that he should clear the obstacles for Chang Sheng, and Chang Sheng let him go, which made him quite sorry.

“I didn’t mean to give it to you on purpose.”

Chang Sheng smiled and shook his head.

“Lan Die has the ability to fly, facing him, I suffer too much, but you have a better chance of winning.”


Fang Ping nodded. Since Chang Sheng said so, he naturally had no reason to refuse.

The loosening of the bottleneck made him eager to fight against Peak geniuses like Lan Die.

He felt that if he experienced more of these battles, he might be able to reach the morning Star realm in a short time from the peak of breakthrough Tier 5 to the bottleneck of the Morning Star.

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