Monster Altar

Chapter 390

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The Monster Countermeasures Department of Yinchuan Base City held an emergency meeting. Fang Ping and Chang Sheng from Morning Star also participated in the meeting.

In addition to them, some base cities were destroyed and joined the Morning Star powerhouse in Yinchuan base city.

“If this continues, apart from the Yinchuan base city and surrounding areas, I am afraid that no base city will survive.”

Deputy Director Qin Lan said worriedly.

“It can’t continue like this, Yinchuan base city must take action.”

“Now that the communication is blocked and the distress signal cannot be received, even if Fang Ping is there, I don’t know which base city was attacked. How can we rescue it?”

Deputy Director Lu Yun sighed.

In the immediately attacked base city, Yinchuan base city has communicated with Fang Ping and distributed flying knives with flying thunder divine technique to the base cities.

However, due to the obstruction of communications, the attacked base city was unable to transmit the news back to Yinchuan base city in time. When the news arrived, it was often too late.

As for allowing Fang Ping to use its space capabilities to transfer back and forth between base cities, this method simply does not work.

It is feasible in a short period of time, and Fang Ping will not be able to stand it over time.

“It’s no longer useful to stay in the base city. I suggest uniting the Morning Star powerhouses in small and medium-sized base cities to block the incoming Demonic Human race by means of mobile stationing.”

Deputy Director Xu Dong swept the humanity present.

“Mobile station? Director Xu, can you be more specific?”

Fang Ping asked.

“What I mean is to combine the existing morning Star powerhouse in the small and medium-sized base city with the Morning Star powerhouse, part of the Yinchuan base city, into several teams.”

“The places where these teams are stationed are not fixed, but every few days, they use Fang Ping’s space ability to transfer.”

“In this way, once you encounter the Demonic Human race, you will be at an advantage in terms of numbers and can effectively block the Demonic Human race.”

Xu Dong finished speaking in one breath. All the people present were Morning Star powerhouse, with quick thinking, and soon understood what he meant.

“But in this way, if the base city without the Morning Star powerhouse is attacked, wouldn’t it necessarily be destroyed?”

Chang Sheng said in surprise.

“Yes, once this happens, the base city will be destroyed.”

Xu Dong definitely nodded.

“Although it is cruel, it is a fact. The situation no longer allows us to take care of all base cities. We must make a certain degree of trade-offs.”

Everyone present couldn’t help but pale. Although they knew that Xu Dong’s words made sense, it still made them feel very uncomfortable to say so bluntly.

Above the theme, Wei You sighed and said.

“Let’s vote.”

In the end, out of ten people including Wei You, five opposed, and ten agreed.

Fang Ping was one of those who agreed. Reality is not a game. Impossible is perfect. Sometimes, some trade-offs must be made, even if the trade-offs are cruel.

Xu Dong’s plan was passed, and the next step was how to persuade the base cities and assign team members.

In the surrounding area, a total of 22 base cities still exist, among which nineteen base cities have agreed to the plan, and three base cities rejected the plan.

The base cities that reject this plan are not included in the rotation of the base cities and can only be left to fend for themselves.

Both He’an Base City and Liuzhou Base City have joined this plan, and Fang Ping applied to team up with Morning Star powerhouses in these two base cities.

After clarifying that the Morning Star powerhouses of these 2 base cities are related to the reclusive “Blood Moon powerhouse”, it is easy to pass.

During this period, he took Yan Xue and the others back to He’an Base City again.

Several Awakener families who learned that the base city had been destroyed did not object and agreed to move.

A few days later, Fang Ping was a guest at the Yan family of the Awakener family in Yinchuan base city.

“Your Excellency Fang Ping, thank you so much!”

Yan’s Patriarch, also known as Yan Xue father Yan Zhipeng, a middle-aged man with a high hairline, expressed his gratitude.

“Uncle Yan doesn’t need to do this, just call me Fang Ping.”

Fang Ping politely said.

After all, it is Yan Xue’s family, he is naturally able to use his own influence, he can easily find a foothold and business cooperation family for the banquet family.

As for Fan Family, he didn’t help at all, and the relationship between Fan Xuan and Fan Family was not good. It would be the best to help relocate Fan Family to Yinchuan Base City.

It is the Ke family that Xu Wei and Xu Qing siblings are attached to. He has exerted some strength, of course, the strength is definitely not as good as the Yan family.

“Then I will ask you to say Fang Ping. Yan Xue has been in Yinchuan Base City for the past few years, thanks to your care.”

Yan Zhipeng smiled and looked at Fang Ping with more satisfaction.

When he was in He’an base city, although he knew that Fang Ping’s status in Yinchuan base city was not low, he did not have an intuitive understanding.

After coming to the base city of Yinchuan, he was able to see Fang Ping’s status in the base city of Yinchuan.

Their current residence was a half-buy and half-free of a local Awakener family in Yinchuan Base City, which was sold to them at a very cheap price.

It is a family of Awakener who is far stronger than the banquet family and owns the Morning Star powerhouse, but after learning about their relationship with Fang Ping, they were kind to them.

“Should, it should.”

Fang Ping said with a smile.

“Yan Xue, this child is too stubborn. Sometimes he likes to be a little child. You have to bear it.”

Yan Zhipeng glanced at Yan Xue who was sitting next to Fang Ping and said.

“Dad, what are you talking about? Did you say that to your daughter?” Yan Xue said dissatisfied.

Without staying in Yan’s house for too long, Fang Ping teleported away from Yan’s house. The mobile stationing plan has been implemented. He took the time to return to the base city of Yinchuan to solve the resettlement problem for the Yan’s family.

Mingchuan base city, one of the eighteen base cities that joined the mobile stationing plan, is the base city stationed by Fang Ping this time.

In the evening, the setting sun was bloody, and the sky was bloody, as if it was blood dyed red.

Outside the base city, more than 20 people hid near the city wall jungle, quietly peering at Mingchuan base city.

Among these people, the weakest is Tier 5 level, many of them, and the strength reaches the Tier 5 peak.

And these people are headed by one man and one woman.

The man appears to be over 40 years old, with some sparse scum on his chin, and his temperament is rather cold.

The woman’s red lips are gorgeous, she looks like she is in her 20s and 30s, just like a ripe peach, full of a different style.

The two people didn’t feel any aura, but the other people looked at them with awe. Naturally, these two people were two Blood Moon powerhouses who could conceal aura.

A young man left from the base city and came towards this side.

“How about it, have you found out clearly?”

The man among the two asked the youth.

“I have already inquired into the inner city. There is only one Morning Star powerhouse in this base city, and the strength is only the average Morning Star.”

Youth respectfully replied.


The man nodded, this is in the coping range, can choose to start the target.

The woman next to her licked her attractive red lips, as if she was about to eat.

Hey, hey, sou!

20 A few people stopped covering up and rushed to the base city of Mingzhou.

In the past, the communication satellites were still there, and the base city could still communicate with the base city. They also needed to sneak in to destroy the signal tower, but now it is not necessary.

A wall as high as a few ten meters does not constitute any obstacle in front of them. They either climb or jump, they have easily climbed onto the wall, and then jumped off the wall a few ten meters high.

Looking into the base city, their eyes became fierce, and if they swallowed the Awakener in this base city, their strength would surely be even higher.

“Lead the way, go to the Monster Countermeasures Division!”

After rushing into the base city of Mingzhou, more than 20 people prepared to attack the monster countermeasures department, because there must be the place with the most Awakener.

Suddenly, their gazes were dumbfounded. In front of them, three people were approaching them calmly, like a coincidence, but also as if they were specially greeted.

They hurriedly stopped and looked at the three people with guard.

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